AUTHOR=Cortez Alán , Ford Bryce , Nayak Indranil , Narayanan Sriram , Kumar Mrinal TITLE=Hybrid A* path search with resource constraints and dynamic obstacles JOURNAL=Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering VOLUME=1 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpace.2022.1076271 ISSN=2813-2831 ABSTRACT=
This paper considers path planning with resource constraints and dynamic obstacles for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), modeled as a Dubins agent. Incorporating these complex constraints at the guidance stage expands the scope of operations of UAVs in challenging environments containing path-dependent integral constraints and time-varying obstacles. Path-dependent integral constraints, also known as resource constraints, can occur when the UAV is subject to a hazardous environment that exposes it to cumulative damage over its traversed path. The noise penalty function was selected as the resource constraint for this study, which was modeled as a path integral that exerts a path-dependent load on the UAV, stipulated to not exceed an upper bound. Weather phenomena such as storms, turbulence and ice are modeled as dynamic obstacles. In this paper, ice data from the Aviation Weather Service is employed to create training data sets for learning the dynamics of ice phenomena. Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) is used to learn and forecast the evolution of ice conditions at flight level. This approach is presented as a computationally scalable means of propagating obstacle dynamics. The reduced order DMD representation of time-varying ice obstacles is integrated with a recently developed backtracking hybrid