Displaying 1 - 10 out of 56 Books


Function and Regulation of Chemoreceptors

Dieter Wicher, Frédéric Marion-Poll
Frontiers Media SA

To perceive environmental chemical compounds and to convert these external signals into an intracellular message might be the oldest way for a living being to get information from the outside world....


Regulatory RNAs in the Nervous System, 2nd Edition

Tommaso Pizzorusso, Alessandro Cellerino, Laure Bally-Cuif

Frontiers Media SA

Until about a decade ago, the non-coding part of the genome was considered without function. RNA...


Synaptic Assembly and Neural Circuit Development

Jaewon Ko, Chen Zhang

Frontiers Media SA


Activity of the multi-functional networked neurons depends on their intrinsic states and bears both...


Neuronal Polarity: Establishment and Maintenance

Froylan Calderon de Anda, Annette Gaertner

Frontiers Media SA

The term polarity in a biological context is used to describe an asymmetry in morphology and...


Cellular Mechanisms in Ototoxicity

Peter S. Steyger, Lisa Cunningham, Carlos Esquivel, Kelly Watts, Jian Zuo

Frontiers Media SA

The auditory perception of sounds (environmental, vocal or music) is one of the 5 principal senses...


The Cerebellum Inside-Out

Egidio D'Angelo, Claudia Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Chris De Zeeuw

Frontiers Media SA

The cerebellum is a complex brain structure that subserves sensori-motor control functions but also...


The Vascular Niche in Tissue Repair: A Therapeutic Target for Regeneration

Francisco J. Rivera, Ludwig Aigner

Frontiers Media SA

Tissues and organs have, although sometimes limited, the capacity for endogenous repair, which is...


Biology of Brain Disorders

Daniela Tropea, Andrew Harkin

Frontiers Media SA

Brain disorders, including neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions, represent a challenge for...


Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors Trafficking in Health and Disease

Milos Petrovic, Maria Inmaculada Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Jeremy Henley

Frontiers Media SA

The knowledge about the properties and importance of ionotropic glutamate receptor trafficking is...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 56 Books


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