Displaying 1 - 10 out of 35 Books


The Endocrine Role of the Musculoskeletal System

Giuseppina Storlino, Sandeep Kumar, Siyi Zhu
Frontiers Media SA

Due to their anatomical proximity, muscle and bone tissues are closely related with communication between the two tissues occurring through both physical and molecular mechanisms. Bone and muscle are...



Alberto Falchetti, Daniel David Bikle, Simona Bertoli

Frontiers Media SA

During evolution, mankind has gone through alternating periods of famine/abundances, determined by...


Advances in the endocrine role of the skeleton, volume II

Andrea Del Fattore, Michela Rossi, Helen Knowles

Frontiers Media SA


Fish as Model Organism for Skeletal Diseases

Erika Kague, Christoph Winkler, Ronald Kwon

Frontiers Media SA


Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease, strongly affecting postmenopausal women and...


Underlying Mechanisms and Treatment for Intervertebral Disc Disease

Baoshan Xu, Shibao Lu, Hong Zhang, Meifeng Zhu

Frontiers Media SA


Imaging of Adipose Tissue in Bone and Muscle: Implications for Osteoporosis, Sarcopenia and Frailty

Ling Wang, Xiaoguang Cheng, Klaus Engelke, Annegreet Vlug

Frontiers Media SA

The quantitative assessment of adipose tissue in bone and muscle is of increasing interest in...


Assessment of osteoporotic fractures and risk prediction, volume II

Zhi-Feng Sheng, Xiangbing Wang, Xiaoguang Cheng

Frontiers Media SA


Bone marrow adiposity: Contributions to bone, aging, and beyond

Jason Horton, Andre J. van Wijnen, Sarah Beck-Cormier

Frontiers Media SA


Physical activity and fitness for the prevention and management of bone diseases

Luis Gracia-Marco, Esther Ubago-Guisado, Jaak Jürimäe

Frontiers Media SA


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Bone Research


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