Displaying 1 - 10 out of 567 Books


Infodemic Management in Public Health Crises

Dilek Aslan, Fatjona Kamberi, Selen Yeğenoğlu
Frontiers Media SA

Infodemic management, as defined as the systematic use of risk- and evidence-based analysis and approaches to manage the infodemic and reduce its impact on health behaviors during health emergencies...


World Refugee Day 2023

Stefano Orlando, Shela Hirani, Ahmed Hossain, Silvia Candela, Mimoza Lika Shahini

Frontiers Media SA

In 2001 the UN designated June 20 as World Refugee Day, in celebration of the strength and courage...


Interventions to Prevent or Reduce Unhealthy Habits in Children and Adolescents during Restricted Conditions

Mojtaba Keikha, Mostafa Dianati, Motahar Heidari-Beni, Mohammad Hossein Ebrahimi

Frontiers Media SA

The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has increased worldwide in recent decades....


Promoting Healthy Aging Across the Lifespan

Elena Carrillo-Alvarez, Miriam Rodriguez-Monforte, Jordi Vilaró, Katherine Simone McGilton

Frontiers Media SA

Worldwide there is a generalized trend toward aged societies. Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion...


Addressing Contemporary Public Health Challenges in Ghana for Improved Outcomes: Getting to SDG 3

Delanyo Dovlo, Kwasi Torpey, Irene Agyepong, Evelyn Ansah, Eugene Nyarko

Frontiers Media SA

In 1978, Ghana was a participant in the Alma-Ata meeting on primary health care and was an early...


Health Promotion in Schools, Universities, Workplaces, and Communities

Graça S. Carvalho, Emily Darlington, Teresa Vilaça

Frontiers Media SA

Health education, well-being improvement, and advocacy are effective health promotion strategies...


Exposure Science and Occupational Health: Insights from ISES 2022

Susana Viegas, Urs Schlüter, M. Elizabeth Marder, Marina Almeida Silva, Brian Curwin

Frontiers Media SA

Modern exposure science is rooted in the industrial hygiene and radiation health physics practices...


E-Waste and Heavy Metals: Health Hazards and Environmental Impact

Baby Tabassum, Mohammad Imran Ansari, Sarfuddin Azmi, Mohd Kamil Hussain, Mirza Nuhanović

Frontiers Media SA

In recent decades, information technology and electronic devices have undergone significant...


Education and Health as Social Determinants: The Econeurobiology of Brain Development

Raed Z. Mualem, Calixto Machado, Leon Morales-Quezada, Shir Shance

Frontiers Media SA

The econeurobiology of brain development describes the interaction of factors in a child's...


Injury and violence, including gun violence, drug overdose, suicide, intimate partner violence, and...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 567 Books

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