Displaying 1 - 10 out of 365 Books


Contributions of Zoos and Aquariums to the Advancement of Marine Science

Steven T. Kessel, Charles Knapp, Tracy A. Romano, Alistair Dove, Heather Jane Koldewey
Frontiers Media SA

As zoological organizations evolve in the twenty-first century to address the biodiversity extinction crisis, and proactively demonstrate relevance in a changing public opinion landscape, their...


Mechanisms and Ecology of Suspended-Particle Capture in Marine Systems

Jeff Shimeta, Marco Ghisalberti, Nicole Rita Posth, Stuart Humphries

Frontiers Media SA

The dynamics and capture of suspended particles constrain numerous processes in marine ecosystems...


Wave-Induced Particle Motions in the Ocean

Henrik Kalisch, Ton Van Den Bremer, John Carter, Nick Pizzo, Yan Li

Frontiers Media SA

Surface gravity waves at the surface of a fluid induce mass transport at the surface and in the...


Endocrine Regulation and Physiological Adaptation of Stress Response in Aquatic Organisms, Volume II

Yiming Li, Marco António Campinho, Yi-Feng Li, Juan Fuentes

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is part of the series:


Advances in crustacean research from the 10th International Crustacean Congress

Kareen E. Schnabel, Rachael Peart

Frontiers Media SA

Every four years, the Crustacean Society (TCS) hosts an International Crustacean Congress (ICC),...


Role of the Southern Ocean in Atmospheric pCO2 Change: Observations, Simulations and Paleorecords

Zhifang Xiong, Di Qi, Xu Zhang, Thomas Algeo, Jun Zhao

Frontiers Media SA

The Southern Ocean plays a key role in atmospheric CO2 sequestration, accounting for ~40-50% of the...


Air-Sea Interaction and Oceanic Extremes

Lichuan Wu, Jinbao Song, Victor Alari, Leonie Esters

Frontiers Media SA

Air-sea interactions control the exchange of mass, momentum and heat between the atmosphere and the...


With global climate change and the deterioration of the marine environment, the biogeochemical...


Development and Novel Applications of Geochemical Proxies in Marine and Terrestrial Carbonate Records

Johan Schijf, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Ed Hathorne, Hali Kilbourne

Frontiers Media SA

Information on parameters like global ice volume or nutrient availability is critical for...


Ocean Observation based on Underwater Acoustic Technology, volume II

Xuebo Zhang, Haixin Sun, Arata Kaneko, Suleman Mazhar

Frontiers Media SA

Since the sound wave is the only information carrier that can propagate long distances in the...


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Marine Science


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