Displaying 1 - 10 out of 12756 Books


Metabolic reprogramming in cancer

Valentina Audrito, Elisa Giovannetti
Frontiers Media SA

Technological advancements over the past few decades have unraveled the diversity and adaptability of tumors, shedding light on key genetic aberrations and metabolic pathways that support tumor...


Enhancing Salinity Tolerance in Crop Plants through Agronomic, Genetic,Molecular, and Physiological Approaches

Muhammad Umair Hassan, Muhammad Nawaz, Lorenzo Barbanti, Sajid Masood

Frontiers Media SA

Salinity stress is serious abiotic stress that negatively affects crop productivity and global food...


Advances in Metacognition and Reflection

Igor Bascandziev, Claudia M. Roebers, Stephanie M. Carlson, Loren Marulis

Frontiers Media SA

Metacognitive skills—thinking about thinking—are a form of abstract thought that signify a major...


Computational Intelligence for Signal and Image Processing, volume II

Deepika Koundal, Jussi Tohka

Frontiers Media SA

The first volume of this collection comprised 10 research articles that focused on the applications...


Frontiers Editors’ choice - Neuroscience Journal Series 2024

Alois C. Knoll, Florian Röhrbein, Anil Lalwani, Dirk Feldmeyer, Egidio D’Angelo, Elizabeth Torres, Francisco Xavier Castellanos, Pedro Antonio Valdes-Sosa, Waldemar Karwowski, Frederic Dehais, Hasan Ayaz, Idan Segev, Javier DeFelipe, Jessica A. Turner, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, Nuno Sousa, Robert J. Harvey, Jochen C. Meier, Jan G. Bjaalie, Sean L. Hill, Michael Denker, Si Wu, Misha Tsodyks, Stuart Quan, Takao K. Hensch, Thomas Wisniewski, William Klein

Frontiers Media SA

We are pleased to introduce the 2024 Frontiers Editors’ Choice eBook of the Neuroscience Journal...


Leadership, Learning, Well-being, and Justice in Educational Organizations

José Matias Alves, Mireia Tintoré, Lídia Jesus Pecegueiro Serra

Frontiers Media SA

Educational leadership is a pivotal factor influencing student learning, second only to direct...


Veterinary Public Health: Veterinary Medicine’s Current Challenges in a Globalised World

Diana Meemken, Ivan Nastasijevic, Reinhard Fries, Suporn Thongyuan

Frontiers Media SA

The transfer of zoonotic agents leading to diseases and epidemics is well known, as well as the...


KRAS in Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Georgia Hardavella, Torsten Gerriet Blum, Wouter H. Van Geffen

Frontiers Media SA

The oncogenic impacts of the KRAS gene were first reported in the 1980s, making KRAS one of the...


The Metaverse, Immersive Virtual Reality and its Implications on Human Behavior

Bernady O. Apduhan, Osvaldo Gervasi, JungYoon Kim, Damiano Perri, Sabina Curti

Frontiers Media SA

The metaverse is a synthetic environment in which users interact in various ways. The key feature...


Land Management and Food/Nutrition (In)Security In Mixed Farming Systems

Ermias Teferi Demessie, Karuturi Venkata Suryabhagavan, Tibebu Kassawmar, Matebu Tadesse, Abebe Shiferaw Dakka, Gizaw Desta, Mirgissa Kaba

Frontiers Media SA

The need to increase agricultural productivity due to the high demand of animal feeding and to...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 12756 Books


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