Displaying 1 - 10 out of 16 Books


Advances in Surgical management of abdominal and retroperitoneal sarcoma: Where do we stand, and where do we go?

Luit Penninga, Jens Hillingsø, Jonas Amstrup Funder, Louise Preisler
Frontiers Media SA

Abdominal and retroperitoneal sarcomas are rare tumors originating from connective tissues in the body like muscle, fat, fibrous tissue, and blood vessels.

Surgery is the primary treatment...


Innovation in Surgery and Surgical Education

Marina Yiasemidou, Ian Chetter, Daniel Glassman, Junaid Sultan

Frontiers Media SA

Surgery and surgical education are fast-evolving fields. Novel concepts like sustainability, 'green...


Advances in Proctology and Colorectal Surgery

Gaetano Gallo, Mario Trompetto, Giuseppe Clerico, Alberto Realis Luc

Frontiers Media SA

Given the success of the first volume of the Research Topic "


Advancing Health Equity Through Surgery

Soham Bandyopadhyay, Muhammed Elhadi, Ulrick Sidney Kanmounye

Frontiers Media SA

Non-communicable diseases are common causes of illness, disability, and death affecting a growing...


Experimental and Computational Processes in Surgery

Weiguo Li, Songwen Tan, Fenglin Liu

Frontiers Media SA

Experimental and computational processes are the basic studies in visceral surgery. The content...


Co-use of medicines in surgery

Songwen Tan, Weiguo Li, Chuanpin Chen

Frontiers Media SA



Gastrointestinal Surgery: Emerging Techniques, Controversies and State of Art

Francesco Pata, Stefano Rausei, Stefano Scabini, Gianluca Pellino

Frontiers Media SA


Anastomotic and Intestinal Wound Healing: Recent advances and future directions

Sven Flemming, Hans Martin Schardey

Frontiers Media SA


Healthcare Simulation and Online Learning

Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy, Michelle A. Kelly, Ismail Mohd Saiboon, Dinker R. Pai

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 16 Books

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Visceral Surgery


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