Displaying 1 - 10 out of 17 Books

Various numerical and analytical methods have been used to investigate the models of real-world phenomena. Namely, real-world models from quantum physics have been investigated by many researchers....


Moving Boundary Problems in Multi-physics Coupling Processes

Leilei Chen, Pei Li, Elena Atroshchenko

Frontiers Media SA


2022 Applied Mathematics and Statistics – Editor’s Pick

Charles K. Chui, Eric Chung, Jianfeng Cai, Raluca Eftimie, Hong-Kun Xu, Daniel Potts, Young Shin Aaron Kim, Axel Hutt

Frontiers Media SA


Dynamical Systems, PDEs and Networks for Biomedical Applications: Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulations

André H. Erhardt, Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, Glenn Terje Lines, Erik Andreas Martens

Frontiers Media SA



Peregrine Soliton and Breathers in Wave Physics: Achievements and Perspectives

Bertrand Kibler, Amin Chabchoub, Heremba Bailung

Frontiers Media SA


Frontiers in Physics - Rising Stars Asia

Wenxiang Xu, Jinjin Li, Gang Zhang, Xinming Li, Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Kimiko Sekiguchi, Liang Hong

Frontiers Media SA


Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications

Jesus Martin-Vaquero, Feliz Minhós, Juan L. G. Guirao, Bruce Alan Wade

Frontiers Media SA


Frontiers in Physics - Rising Stars

Alex Hansen, Ewald Moser, Matjaž Perc, Lorenzo Pavesi, Rudolf von Steiger, Nicholas X. Fang, J. W. F. Valle, Jan De Boer, Christian F. Klingenberg, Laura Elisa Marcucci, Jasper Van Der Gucht, Alexandre M. Zagoskin

Frontiers Media SA


2021 Frontiers in Physics Editor's pick

Alex Hansen

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 17 Books


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