Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Books


Rewilding in Practice

Ian Convery, Steve Carver, Monica T. Engel, Sally Hawkins, Rene Beyers, Yue Cao
Frontiers Media SA

Rewilding is a long-term and large-scale process which works to restore degraded ecosystems or social-ecological systems to the point that they are resilient and self-sustaining and therefore...


Women in human-wildlife dynamics: 2021

Katherine Whitehouse-Tedd, Tanja M. Straka, Beatrice Frank, Susan Snyman

Frontiers Media SA


Planning and decision-making in human-wildlife conflict and coexistence

Silvio Marchini, Alexandra Zimmermann, Katia Maria P. M. B. Ferraz, Jenny Anne Glikman

Frontiers Media SA


Understanding Coexistence with Wildlife

Simon Pooley, John D. C. Linnell, Ursula Münster, Thom van Dooren, Alexandra Zimmermann

Frontiers Media SA



Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Books


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