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Edited by: European Confederation of Soil Science Societies
Product Name: Frontiers Abstract Book
The objective of Eurosoil 2021 is to bring together, leading research scientists working on soil related topics and stakeholders dealing with issues of public concern, such as soil degradation and consequences of climatic changes. Top level soil science is treated together with the other knowledge fields required for realistic management of the soil causes, such as regulation, agro-environmental policy, stakeholders strategies and needs. Eurosoil is organised into 6 themes based on the Sustainable Development Goals Zero hunger, No poverty, Life on land, Safe water, Climate action and Sustainable cities. Each Theme includes a series of sessions with different formats. They include selected oral communications of cutting-edge scientific results and different stakeholders’ inputs, Picos, posters, workshops and webinars. The overarching topics are regrouped under the “Connecting People and Soil” theme, which focuses on four key questions, namely the definition of common knowledge ground and soil causes, on shared road-maps for soil protection along the food-chain, on rethinking ways of doing research, and on common soil education and awareness which are discussed.
Science > Environmental Science
Keywords: Soil, Sustainable development goals, Land degradation neutrality, climate action, Safe water, llife on land, Sustainable cities, zero hunger, No poverty
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Environmental Science
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