Displaying 1 - 10 out of 75 Books

The growing global population and the increasing vulnerability of agriculture have made many challenges of modern agricultural production. One of the main challenges is to produce and provide...


Physiology and Breeding of Cereals

Gustavo A. Slafer, Iker Aranjuelo, Roxana Savin, Ignacio Romagosa

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic has been developed in the context of the “V Symposium on Physiology and...


Enhancing Sustainable Crop Production: Biostimulants and Biotechnological Approaches in Challenging Climates

Günter Neumann, Fahim Nawaz, Markus Weinmann, Vicent Arbona, Raffaella Balestrini, Chiara Pagliarani, Miguel Gonzalez-Guzman

Frontiers Media SA

In the face of climate change, agricultural and horticultural systems are encountering challenges...


Physiological Growth Responses to Light in Controlled Environment Agriculture

Xiuming Hao, Leo Marcelis, Viktorija Vaštakaitė-Kairienė

Frontiers Media SA

Light is the primary driving force for photosynthesis and thus dictates carbon assimilation,...


Cover Crops and Green Manures: Providing Services to Agroecosystems

Walter Daniel Carciochi, Jose Luis Gabriel, Nicolas Wyngaard

Frontiers Media SA

There is growing interest among farmers, policymakers, and society to produce food and fiber in...


Novel Ways and Methodologies to Improve Crop Yield

Oorbessy Gaju, Miroslav Zoric

Frontiers Media SA

The global population is increasing at a much faster pace than an increase in the genetic gain for...


Quality of Ornamental Crops: Effect of Genotype, Preharvest, and Improved Production Chains on Quality Attributes of Ornamental Crops, volume II

Patricia Duarte De Oliveira Paiva, Renato Paiva, Julian C. Verdonk, Margherita Irene Beruto

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is part of the Quality of Ornamental Crops: Effect of Genotype, Preharvest, and...


Protected cropping shelters crops from extreme climatic conditions by modifying the internal...


Evaluation of preharvest and postharvest factors on forage crop quality, physiology, and ensiling characteristics

Siran Wang, Qing Zhang, Lin Sun, Huili Pang, Ping Li, Nazir Ahmad Khan

Frontiers Media SA

The primary goal in harvesting and ensiling a crop is to preserve as nearly as possible the...


Non-staple crops (sometimes known as underutilized, semidomesticated, orphan and/or forgotten...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 75 Books


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