

CancerTO - Nanoscience in Cancer Immunotherapy

Edited by: Valentina Cauda

ISBN: 978-2-88966-543-3

Product Name: Frontiers Abstract Book

Cancer is a complex systemic disorder arising from the altered function of multiple cellular and molecular mechanisms. One of the systems malfunctioning in cancer is the immune system. Restoring and improving the ability of the immune system to effectively recognize and eradicate cancer is the main focus of immunotherapy, a topic which has garnered recent and significant interest. The initial excitement about immunotherapy, however, has been challenged by its limited efficacy in certain patient populations and the development of adverse effects such as therapeutic resistance and autoimmunity. At the same time, a number of advances in the field of nanotechnology could potentially address the challenges faced by modern immunotherapeutics and allow immunotherapy to reach full therapeutic success. This e-book collects the abstracts presented to the international workshop "CancerTO: Nanoscience in Cancer Immunotherapy" virtually held on March 9-11th, 2021 and based in Turin, Italy. The online meeting allowed to share the most recent scientific advances made in the nanotechnology field that could help to overcome some of the limitations that cancer immunotherapy is currently facing in terms of inadequate efficacy and side effects.

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