Displaying 1 - 10 out of 54 Books

Degeneration of nerve cells that control cognitive, speech, and language processes leading to linguistic impairments at various levels, from verbal utterances to individual speech sounds, could...


Gene therapy for hearing loss: From mechanism to clinic, volume II

Zuhong He, Qingyin Zheng, Yu Sun, Xiaolong Fu, Wenjie Zhou

Frontiers Media SA


Perspectives on Music and Pain: from evidence to theory and application

Annabel Joan Cohen, Xuejing Lu, Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Andrea McGraw Hunt

Frontiers Media SA


Ear-Centered Sensing: From Sensing Principles to Research and Clinical Devices, Volume II

Martin Georg Bleichner, Preben Kidmose, Jérémie Voix

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is part of the Ear-Centered Sensing: From Sensing Principles to Research and...


Listening with Two Ears – New Insights and Perspectives in Binaural Research

Huiming Zhang, Yi Zhou, Lina Reiss

Frontiers Media SA

Hearing is dependent on neural processing of acoustic cues obtained by the left and right ears....


Auditory Perception and Phantom Perception in Brains, Minds and Machines

Achim Schilling, Patrick Krauss, Andreas K. Maier, Roland Schaette, William Sedley, Richard Carl Gerum

Frontiers Media SA


Crosstalk between intonation and lexical tones: Linguistic, cognitive and neuroscience perspectives

Hatice Zora, Annie C. Tremblay, Carlos Gussenhoven, Fang Liu

Frontiers Media SA


Hearing Loss Rehabilitation and Higher-Order Auditory and Cognitive Processing

James G. Naples, Piers Dawes, Helen Henshaw, Aaron Moberly

Frontiers Media SA


Gene therapy for hearing loss: From mechanism to clinic

Zuhong He, Wenwen Liu, Yu Sun, Qingyin Zheng

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 54 Books


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