

5th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research

Edited by: Alice Geminiani

Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

ISBN: 978-2-88966-541-9

Product Name: Frontiers Abstract Book

It is our pleasure to present the proceedings of the 5 th Human Brain Project Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research, a conference for and by young researchers which provides an open forum for exchange of knowledge within and across the various research fields addressed by the Human Brain Project (HBP). Going virtual for the first time, from the 1 st to the 4 th of February 2021, the 5 th edition proved that also as a virtual meeting, the HBP Student Conference offers invaluable opportunities for extensive scientific discussions among fellow early career researchers and faculty. The abstracts hereby presented cover a wide range of topics, spanning from brain disease modelling, the organisation, structure and function of neural systems, simulation, brain-inspired architectures as well as cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. Together, these abstracts reflect the world-wide multidisciplinary ongoing scientific efforts of young researchers towards understanding the brain. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA3).

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