Displaying 1 - 10 out of 11836 Books


Microorganisms in Polar Regions: Understanding Their Survival Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Prashant Kumar Singh, Shiv Mohan Singh, Trista J. Vick-Majors
Frontiers Media SA

Scientific research on cold-adapted microorganisms (specifically polar microbes) is of great interest, since Arctic and Antarctic regions harbor diverse and active populations of microorganisms....


Nutrition and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water

Miroslava Rossenova Atanassova, Leila Ktari, Sutee Wangtueai, Monia El Bour EL Bour, Saloua Sadok

Frontiers Media SA

Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the...


Human populations that have recently undergone substantial changes in their traditional social,...


The IV Latin American Metabolic Profiling Society (LAMPS) Symposium: 2022

Guillermo Moyna, Pablo Hoijemberg, Martin Aran

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic aims to gather the proceedings of the “IV Latin American Metabolic Profiling...


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains one of healthcare's most significant challenges and policy...


Physical and Medical Conditions Associated with Autism

Martina Micai, Mila Vulchanova, Valentina Riva, David Saldaña

Frontiers Media SA

Some specific physical and medical conditions are well recognized to be more common in autistic...


VII Congreso español y I hispano-portugués de docencia Veterinaria

University of Extremadura

Frontiers Media SA

In June 2024, Cáceres will host the VII Spanish and I Hispanic-Portuguese Congress on Veterinary...


Healthier foods have received unprecedented attention in the last couple of years. Different units...


Integrating Conservation Biology and Paleobiology to Manage Biodiversity and Ecosystems in a Changing World

G. Lynn Wingard, Chris Schneider, Gregory P. Dietl, Damien Fordham

Frontiers Media, SA

Policy makers and resource managers must make decisions that affect the resilience and...


This collection is Volume II of the Research Topic


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 11836 Books


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