- Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
We review recent investigations of the statistical nature of turbulent magnetic fields in supernova remnants. After a brief presentation of the role of the magnetic field in the cosmic-ray acceleration and synchrotron emissions from the accelerated electrons, we introduce previous investigations about the turbulent magnetic field in the supernova remnants. Then we describe the new method to analyze the statistical nature of the fields and introduce observational results reported on. Finally, we also discuss about the origin of the turbulent magnetic field and future prospects of observational studies of cosmic-ray acceleration in the supernova remnants.
1 Introduction
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are main energy sources of the dynamical evolutions of the interstellar medium (ISM, McKee and Ostriker, 1977). The dynamics of the ISM is driven by the pressures of the thermal particles, turbulence, magnetic field, and cosmic-rays (CRs), which are comparable with each other in our galaxy (Boulares and Cox, 1990; Ferrière, 2001). The CRs are energetic, charged particles that move through the ISM at nearly the speed of light. The supernovae can provide the CRs and ISM turbulence though the origin of the CRs is still under debate (Gabici et al., 2019). There is another suggestion in which the ISM turbulence is driven by gravitational instabilities (Krumholz and Burkhart, 2016; Krumholz et al., 2018). As a consequence of the ISM dynamics driven by the supernovae, the molecular clouds formation and subsequent star formation occur (Inutsuka et al., 2015; Hennebelle and Inutsuka, 2019). Burkhart (2021) recently reviews diagnostics of turbulence in the neutral and molecular ISM. The formed stars with a mass larger than
The interplay between the CRs and background plasma is also important for the CR production in the SNR shocks. The SNR shocks are formed by the interaction between the particles and electromagnetic fields. Such shock is called as “collisionless shock” in which the particle-particle collision is inefficient. The electric current of the CRs affects the magnetic field via plasma instabilities and the field is amplified (e.g., Bell, 2004). Since the CRs are scattered by disturbances in the magnetic field, the amplified field also affects the behavior of the CRs. Thus, the CR production in the SNR shocks are closely related to the magnetic-field disturbances. From the energy spectrum of the CR proton measured around the Earth, the SNR shocks are expected to produce the CR protons with energies up to 1015.5 eV, which is the so-called the knee energy. To realize the knee energy CR protons in the SNR shocks, the strength of the amplified field should be
The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we briefly review a standard scenario of the CR production in the SNR shocks. The role of magnetic field is also described. In Section 3, the magnetic-field structure in the SNRs obtained by the radio synchrotron polarimetry is introduced. The field in the SNRs shows a radial orientation which is non-trivial. We review a possible origin suggested in previous studies. In Section 4, diagnostics of disturbances in the magnetic-filed by spatial two-point correlation analysis of the synchrotron intensity are reviewed. We also introduce the results reported on. Finally, we summarize the review and discuss prospects of the magnetic-filed diagnostics and the CR production in the SNRs.
2 The Diffusive Shock Acceleration
Here we review the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA, Bell, 1978; Blandford and Ostriker, 1978) which is the most generally accepted mechanism of the CR production in the SNR shocks. We mainly discuss on the maximum energy of the CRs feasible in the SNR shocks. Then, the diffusion coefficient of the CR is briefly introduced by following Kulsrud (2005). It is convenient to consider the problem in the inertial frame of reference moving at the speed of the propagation of the shock front. We consider a one-dimensional shock along with the z-axis for simplicity (see Figure 1). The velocity of the fluid (background plasma) incoming from the far upstream region is defined as u (−∞) = u0 and the velocity of the downstream region is defined as u (+∞) = u2. We set the position of the shock front at z = 0.
FIGURE 1. Schematic illustration of the CR accelerating shock. The plane-parallel shock is located at z = 0. The velocity of fluid u(z) is represented by orange line. The black allows indicate the trajectory of the accelerating CR which is bouncing back and force between the upstream and downstream region. The red curves show magnetic disturbances δB which are generated by the CRs or pre-existing in the ISM. The CR well confined region is referred to the precursor and the thickness of the precursor is lpre. The structure of the fluid velocity is modified by the CR pressure before entering the shock front. Reproduced from Shimoda and Laming (2019).
In the DSA mechanism, the injection of energetic particles at the shock front is assumed. The energetic particles (CRs) are assumed to be bouncing back and forth between the upstream and downstream region by scattering particles. The scattering is supposed to result from the interaction between the particles and disturbances in the magnetic field (e.g., Jokipii, 1966, we analyze this later). Then, the CRs can diffuse ahead the shock upstream via the scattering. The CRs gain an energy by the upstream scattering because the interaction between the CRs and the upstream disturbances convected toward the downstream region can be regarded as a head-on collision. On the other hand, the CRs loose their energy by the downstream scattering because the collision can be regarded as a rear-end collision. The convection speed of the upstream disturbances u0 is always larger than that of the downstream disturbances u2. Therefore, the CRs accelerate per one cycle of going the upstream and downstream regions. When the mean free path of the accelerated particles becomes much larger than the size of the SNR, they escape from the system and the acceleration is finished. The mean free path depends on the intensity of the magnetic-field disturbances (e.g., Jokipii, 1966). Thus, the nature of the magnetic field is important to predict the maximum energy of the accelerated particles.
Since the pressure of the CRs is usually expected to be comparably large with the upstream ram pressure, the fluid incoming from the upstream region decelerates before crossing the shock front (e.g., Drury and Voelk, 1981). Moreover, the electric current of the CRs can induce and amplify magnetic-field disturbances especially in the upstream region (e.g., Wentzel, 1968; Kulsrud and Pearce, 1969; Bell, 2004). The strength of the induced field can reach up to
Here we evaluate the maximum energy of the CRs feasible in the SNR shocks (cf., Ohira et al., 2010). The CRs diffusing toward the far upstream region are simultaneously convected toward the downstream region at the speed of u. This means that if the particles have a large spatial diffusion coefficient compared with the convection speed, they escape from the system. From a dimensional argument, the diffusion length-scale of the CRs with a momentum of p is estimated as
where D (p, x) is the spatial diffusion coefficient of the particle with a momentum of p. As we pointed out above, a precise expression of the diffusion coefficient is currently not available. If the intensity of electromagnetic disturbances is weak, the diffusion coefficient can be calculated with the test particle approximation (e.g., Schlickeiser, 2002, we analyze a simple case later). In the modern scenario of the CR acceleration at the shock, generations or amplifications of the electromagnetic disturbances are important. Since the injection process of the CRs is not fully understood, the resultant electromagnetic disturbances and diffusion coefficient are unsettled (see e.g., Caprioli and Spitkovsky, 2014, for numerical studies of the diffusion coefficient). The smallest diffusion coefficient is given by D (p, x) = rL (p, x)c/3 ≡ DB, where the rL is the Larmor radius of the particle with a momentum of p, and c is the speed of light, respectively. The spatial dependence of rL arises from the strength of the magnetic field. This smallest diffusion coefficient can be valid in very turbulent media and is called as the Bohm diffusion. Note that rL = γmcv/qB, where γ is the Lorentz factor, m is the particle rest mass, v is the speed of particle, q is the electric charge, and B is the strength of the magnetic field. For a relativistic particle, the energy is given by E ≃ cp ≃ γmc2 and thus rL ≃ E/qB. Since the coefficient in the Bohm diffusion shows a dependence of DB ∝ E/B, the particles with a higher energy have a longer diffusion length. The CR precursor length lpre should be equal to or smaller than the diffusion length of the maximum energy CRs, ld,max. The situation of ld,max < lpre represents that the CRs are well confined around the shock. This can be achieved if the shock inject a large amount of the energetic particles, or if the intensity of turbulence pre-existing in the upstream media is quite large. In this review, we suppose this limit (see Ohira et al., 2010, for the case of ld,max ∼ lpre). Then, the diffusion length of the maximum energy CRs should be comparable with the shock propagation length scale u0tage, where the tage is the time elapsed from the supernova explosion to the present. This is the so-called age-limited acceleration (Lagage and Cesarsky, 1983a; Lagage and Cesarsky, 1983b). The maximum energy of accelerated protons is obtained from ld (Emax, − lpre) ∼ u0tage as
Thus, to accelerate the knee-energy CRs in the SNR shocks, the strength of the magnetic field around the shock should be
Finally, we briefly introduce the diffusion coefficient with a test particle approximation in which the CRs do not affect the background media. In addition, the intensity of the disturbances in the magnetic-field δB is assumed to be small compared with the strength of the mean magnetic-field
The first term of the right-hand side of the equation represents the rotation about
For vz > 0, the first term has a higher frequency of kvz − ω + Ω and vanishes in a long time average. The second term has a lower frequency of kvz − ω − Ω and does not average out in a long time average if
which is the so-called resonance condition. For the CRs accelerating around the SNR shocks, we can regard as vz ≫ u0 ≫ VA. Then, the resonance condition is reduced to be kvz ≈ Ω, or l ≈ 2πΩ/vz. Thus, the CRs are scattered strongly when they interact with magnetic-field disturbances whose scale-length l = 2π/k is comparable to the Larmor radius of the CRs, rL = vz/Ω. If the resonance condition is satisfied and vz ≫ VA, the change in the z-component of the momentum can be estimated by averaging the wave period
where ϕ′ = kz0 − ϕ, θ is the pitch angle of the CR, and p is the magnitude of momentum. In the inertial frame of reference moving with the Alfvén wave packet, the electric field is zero. Therefore, the energy of the CR dose not vary during the interaction. Note that in the shock rest frame, a change of the energy due to the scattering should be measured because the electric field dose not vanish in this frame. Thus, in the rest frame of the wave packet, the interaction only results in a change of the pitch angle θ. Let pz = p cos θ be the momentum component parallel to the mean field. Then, the change of pz due to the scattering can be written as δpz = − sin θδθ and we obtain the change of the pitch angle as
The pitch angle increases or decreases according to the relative phase between the CR gyration and the perturbation behavior of the Alfvén wave, ϕ′. Now, let us consider the diffusion of the CR due to a multiple interaction in the random phase approximation on ϕ′. Suppose the CR enters the wave packets one after another. Each wave packet is tightly packed and each interaction occurs individually with the time of τ ≈ 2π/kvz ≈ 2π/Ω. The CR can be regarded as in a random walk and the number of interaction occurring within a time of t is t/τ. In a random walk process, the square of the total change
where ⟨ cos ϕ′⟩ = 1/2 is used. The diffusion rate of the pitch angle becomes
Thus, the scattering particles becomes strong when the disturbances in the magnetic field are intense on the length scale comparable with the Larmor radius of the CRs. In the following, we omit the bracket ⟨…⟩. The large angle scattering (Δθ = π/2) takes a time of τsc = (π/2)2/Dθθ. Thus, the spatial diffusion coefficient becomes
where we regard v ≃ c for the CRs. A larger intensity of the disturbances δB results in a smaller spatial diffusion coefficient, indicating that the CRs are well confined by the pitch angle scattering. If the disturbances have a smooth energy spectrum PB(k) = Akk−a, where Ak is a normalization factor, we obtain
The spectral slope of the magnetic energy spectrum is related to the energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient via the resonance condition. It should be noted that our analysis is restricted to the small amplitude Alfvén waves and the CRs are assumed to be the test particles. In magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), there is also fast and slow magnetosonic modes which are compressible modes unlike the Alfvén mode. Yan and Lazarian (2002) pointed out that in turbulent ISM (turbulence described by MHD), the resonant scattering by the fast mode can be more important for the diffusion coefficient than the Alfvén and slow modes. This conclusion is derived from the anisotropy of MHD turbulence: the Alfvén and slow modes propagating perpendicularly to the local magnetic-field cannot have a large amplitude while the fast mode can propagate isotropically. Note that even if the slow and Alfvén modes are likely dominated at a large astrophysical scale, the disturbances at a small gyro motion scale (say,
3 Magnetic-Filed Structure in the Supernova Remnants
Global structures of the magnetic field in SNRs are measured by the radio synchrotron polarimetry (e.g., Dickel and Milne, 1976; Dickel et al., 1991; Reynolds and Gilmore, 1993; DeLaney et al., 2002; Reynoso et al., 2013; Dubner and Giacani, 2015). The synchrotron emission is radiated by relativistic electrons rotating around the magnetic field. The Lorentz force at the electron is always perpendicular to the direction of its motion and the emitted radiation fields is concentrated in the direction about the electron’s velocity due to the relativistic beaming effect. As a consequence, the observed photon is linearly polarized in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field projected onto the sky (Westfold, 1959; Rybicki and Lightman, 1979). Hence, the magnetic field orientation is estimated by rotating the observed polarization orientation by 90°. Let N (γe) be the number density of electrons with the Lorentz factors between γe and γe + dγe. For a power-law distribution of electrons,
the total intensity per frequency ν (the Stokes I) can be written as
where K is a function linearly depending on the total density of the relativistic electrons, α = (p − 1)/2 is the spectral index of the radiated photons, and B⊥ is the strength of the magnetic-field component perpendicular to the line of sight. The degree of polarization can be derived as (see, Westfold, 1959; Rybicki and Lightman, 1979),
The photon spectra at the radio wavelength band show typically α ≈ 0.6 in the Galactic SNRs (e.g., Green, 2009). Thus, the polarization degree can be up to Π ≈ 0.7 if the magnetic field is completely aligned.
Figure 2 shows the magnetic-field orientation on SNR SN 1006 (Reynoso et al., 2013). The polarization degree is shown in Figure 3. The magnetic fields show the radial orientation with the polarization degree of p ∼ 20–30%. Interestingly, such radial orientation with p ∼ 20–30% is ubiquitously observed at “young” SNRs [Dickel et al. (1991) for SN 1572, DeLaney et al. (2002) for SN 1604, Dubner and Giacani (2015) for SNR Cas A, Zanardo et al. (2018) for SN 1987A, and see also Dickel and Milne (1976)]. In the case of SN 1006, we can find that some regions show transitions of the field orientation: the fields at the shock front are along to the tangential direction of the shell and rotate by 90° at far downstream regions (the southern west region is representative).
FIGURE 2. Magnetic-field orientation on SNR SN 1006 derived from the radio polarimetry at 10 arcsec resolution (1.4 GHz). The polarization angle is corrected for Faraday rotation (assuming uniform rotation measure as 12 rad m−2). Total intensity contours at 10, 20, and 50 mJy beam−1 are superposed. For the bars, a length of 30 arcsec represents 0.25 mJy beam−1 of polarized flux. This figure is taken from Reynoso et al. (2013, The Astronomical Journal, 145,4,104).
FIGURE 3. Fractional polarization of SN 1006 at 1.4 GHz. The resolution is 10 arcsec. Only pixels where p was at least twice its error were kept. This figure is taken from Reynoso et al. (2013, The Astronomical Journal,145,4,104).
Inoue et al. (2013) studied this field orientation by using three-dimensional MHD simulations and showed that the global, radial field-orientation can be explained by the downstream turbulence driven by the effect of rippled shock, namely Richtmyer-Meshkov instability (RMI). The RMI is induced by the interaction between the shock and upstream density fluctuations (see Sano et al., 2012, for details). Figure 4A shows two-dimensional slice of the magnetic-field strength (upper half) and the number density (lower half). The upstream magnetic-field is assumed to be uniformly aligned along the y-direction. The upstream density has fluctuations which follow the observed power spectra in the ISM (the so-called big power-law in the sky Armstrong et al., 1995). The initial density fluctuation is characterized by the mean density
FIGURE 4. The simulation results of Inoue et al. (2013). The left panel (A) shows the two-dimensional slice of the magnetic-field strength (upper half) and the number density (lower half). The right panel (B) shows the results of synthetic observations of the synchrotron polarimetry. The white bars indicate the magnetic-field orientation and the color indicates the fractional polarization. Reproduced from Inoue et al. (2013, The Astrophysical Journal Letters,772,2,L204).
Figures 4A,B show the case of Δρ/⟨ρ⟩0 = 0.3. The Alfvén Mach number estimated from the mean density is about 60 (the mean shock velocity is
where rc is the shock compression ratio and
It is known that the Alfvénic, incompressible turbulence is anisotropic with respect to a local magnetic-field direction (Goldreich and Sridhar, 1995; Lazarian and Vishniac, 1999; Cho and Vishniac, 2000; Maron and Goldreich, 2001) though Inoue et al. (2013) assumed an isotropic density fluctuations in the ISM.1 The density fluctuations of MHD turbulence are likely associated with the presence of compressive modes (slow and fast magnetosonic modes). The slow modes follow the anisotropy seen in the Alfvénic turbulence with a scaling relation of kP(k) ∝ k−2/3 while the fast modes are likely developing a more isotropic cascades with a scaling relation of kP(k) ∝ k−1/2. Zhang et al. (2020) recently reported that the large scale turbulence in the multi-phase ISM can be associated to the magnetosonic modes. From the results reported by Armstrong et al. (1995) and Zhang et al. (2020), the slow modes dominated turbulence may be driven in the ISM. The influence of the anisotropy in the pre-existing upstream turbulence on the downstream RMI turbulence may also be interesting subject.
The difference on the associated cascades not only has consequences on the CR diffusion (Yan and Lazarian, 2002; Evoli and Yan, 2014; Fornieri et al., 2021; Lazarian and Xu, 2021; Hu et al., 2022), but potentially also on the differential heating/energization of the ions or electrons (i.e., depending on the main mechanism at play, e.g., Chandran et al., 2010; Howes, 2010; Cranmer, 2014; Comisso and Sironi, 2019; Rowan et al., 2019; Zhdankin et al., 2019; Kawazura et al., 2020; Cerri et al., 2021; Zhdankin, 2021). How much energies left to heat/energize the electrons at smaller scales (e.g., the electron cyclotron scales), after part of it has been dissipated by ion heating/energization at larger scales (e.g., the ion cyclotron scales), is crucial to determine the CR electron population (the density and spectral slope) which is related to the synchrotron emissivity and is assumed to be spatially uniform in the analysis by Inoue et al. (2013) and the synchrotron correlation introduced later. The observational results of the kinetic scale turbulence in the solar wind are summarized by Goldstein et al. (2015).
West et al. (2017) argued another explanation on the radial magnetic-field orientation assuming the injection and diffusion of the CR electrons. In their scenario, the electrons are selectively accelerated at “locally” quasi-parallel shocks. They assumed that the CR-electron density is concentrated at the region adjacent to the shock front and the density is scaled by cos22ϕB, where ϕB is the angle between the shock normal and the post-shock magnetic field. Then, the observed orientation is biased toward the radial direction even if the intrinsic distribution of the magnetic-field directions is isotropic. They also argued the case of quasi-perpendicular shock (the density of the CR electrons is scaled by sin22ϕB) and pointed out that the polarization properties can be similar to the case of SN 1006 if there is radially aligned magnetic fields. Recent investigations on the injection of CR electrons suggest that the quasi-perpendicular shock is favored to accelerate the electrons efficiently (Katou and Amano, 2019; Amano et al., 2020; Amano and Hoshino, 2022). Thus, the combination of the efficient acceleration at quasi-perpendicular shocks and the existence of the radially aligned magnetic fields may be favored though the assumption about the CR diffusion remains to be resolved.
4 Diagnostics of the Turbulent Magnetic-Field in the Supernova Remnants
The spectral slopes of the magnetic energy in SNRs are recently examined by spatial two-point correlation functions of synchrotron intensities (Roy et al., 2009; Shimoda et al., 2018a; Saha et al., 2019; Vishwakarma and Kumar, 2020; Saha et al., 2021). Lazarian and Pogosyan (2012, 2016) provided mathematical formalisms describing how the correlation functions of synchrotron intensities are related to the energy spectrum of magnetic disturbances. Here we review simplify analysis (see also appendix of Shimoda et al., 2018a).
Defining position vectors of the two-point r and r′, the second-order correlation function of the local synchrotron intensity is written as
where iν is the local synchrotron intensity given by Eq. 13 and l ≡r′ − r. The bracket ⟨…⟩r means the statistical average which is given by a volume average. The local intensity of the synchrotron radiation depends on
When α = 0 (i.e. p = 0), the function reproduces the correlation of the magnetic-field strength. The case of α = 1 (p = 3) is also simple and can be representative for the case of arbitrary α. In the following, we omit the notations as B⊥(r) → B⊥ and
Decomposing the magnetic-field strength into the mean strength
For small standard deviations of the fluctuating strength
where we have assumed statistically homogenous turbulent fields as
for several α for a power-law correlation function of B⊥. In the range of 0.2 ≤ α ≤ 2, they reported that the maximum difference of
where D(α) is a function of α. This argument is numerically confirmed by Lee et al. (2016). They performed synthetic observations of synchrotron radiations from simulated magnetic fields and derived the Fourier power spectrum from the correlation of the observed synchrotron polarization intensity for the parameter range of 0.5 ≤ α ≤ 3. They found that the power spectrum successfully reproduced the spectral index of the given magnetic fields. In the case of SNRs, the index of photon spectrum is typically α ≈ 0.6 (e.g., Green, 2009). Thus, the correlation function
The correlation functions derived from the “observed” synchrotron emissions suffer from the uncertainty of the geometry of the emission regions via the projection effects. We define the observed intensity of the synchrotron emission per frequency at the two-dimensional sky position X = (x, y) as
where the z represents the coordinate along the line of sight and L(X) is the extent of the emission region. The correlation function for Iν is written as
where λ = X′ −X is the position vector of two separated positions in the sky X and X′. Then, the correlation function can be represented as
For the constant L(X) = L0, Lazarian and Pogosyan (2012) and Lee et al. (2016) demonstrated that
FIGURE 5. Schematic of SNR shell and projected image. The blue spherical shell with partial cross-sections shows the SNR shell. The line of sight is along the z-axis, and the x–y plane corresponds to the projected sky. The white lines schematically indicate turbulent magnetic-fields. The synchrotron radiations from turbulent media are projected onto the sky (red and magenta toruses). The white cross indicates the center of the SNR image. If we analyze the intensity correlation between the two positions X and X′ = X + λ on the concentric circle (the green dots), the line of sight extent L(X) becomes constant and the correlation functions is not affected by the structure of the SNR shell. Reproduced form Shimoda et al. (2018a, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,480,2200).
FIGURE 6. Radio synchrotron intensity image of SN 1572. The image noise level is σtycho = 5.3 × 10–5 Jy beam−1. x and y are in units of the number of pixels (one pixcel size is 0.4 arcsec). The origin of the coordinates (J2000) is (R.A, Dec.)=(0h25m19s.1, +64°08′23.0″). The region enclosed by colored lines (white, red, purple, green, blue, light blue, yellow, and orange) indicate Iν ≥ 3σtycho at each concentric circle (R = 1.00RSNR, 0.97RSNR, 0.94RSNR, 0.91RSNR, 0.88RSNR, 0.85RSNR, 0.82RSNR, and 0.79RSNR), where RSNR = 632 pixcels ≈253 arcsec ≈5 pc is the radius of the SNR. The width of each circle is set to be 0.0091 RSNR. Reproduced form Shimoda et al. (2018a, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480,2200).
FIGURE 7. Second-order correlation functions of the observed synchrotron intensities per frequency Iν, which imply the spectra of magnetic energy in SN 1572. To clarify the fluctuating component of the correlation, the subtraction of
Vishwakarma and Kumar (2020) reported similar results of the intensity correlations in SNR Cas A by using the same method as Shimoda et al. (2018a).2 The correlation functions in Cas A show also the Kolmogrov-like scaling and are flattened at inner regoins. These results imply that the magnetic energy spectra in young SNRs can be understood in similar ways to the case of SN 1572. Systematic investigations of the synchrotron intensity in young SNRs with shell-like geometries would bring useful insights about the nature of turbulence in future.
5 Discussion
This review introduce recent investigations of the magnetic field structures in young SNRs. The correlation analysis of the synchrotron intensities are significant progress for studying the magnetic energy spectra which are closely related to the diffusion coefficient of the CRs. Future observations with high sensitivity and angular resolution at GHz band could examine whether the CR back reaction effects are significant in the SNR shocks or not; this would be a science case of the SKA.
The relations between the nature of magnetic disturbances and the CR injection at the shock front are also interesting subject, however, the CR injection processes are one of the most uncertain issues in the SNR shocks. Helder et al. (2009) pointed out that if the shock produce the CRs with consuming a significant fraction of its kinetic energy, the downstream temperature becomes lower than the case of adiabatic shocks without the CRs (see also Morlino et al., 2013; Shimoda et al., 2015; Hovey et al., 2018; Shimoda et al., 2018b; Shimoda et al., 2022). Thus, once the shock velocity and downstream temperature are independently measured, we can estimate the CR injection efficiency. The shock velocity is measured from the expansion rate of the SNR shell. The downstream ion temperature is measured from widths of the atomic line emissions. The line width is also affected by the turbulent Doppler broadening. Shimoda et al. (2022) constructed a novel CR injection model in SNR shocks and performed synthetic observations of the X-ray line emissions in SNR RCW 86 considering the turbulent Doppler broadening in the downstream region. They found that the observed line width in the CR accelerating shock becomes sufficiently smaller than the case without the CRs even if the turbulence exists. They also found that future X-ray spectroscopic observations by XRISM (Tashiro et al., 2020) and Athena (Barret et al., 2018) can resolve the line width to distinguish whether the shock accelerates the CRs or not. Thus, by a combination of the future observations of the X-ray atomic line observations and correlation analysis of the radio synchrotron intensities, the interplays between the CRs and background plasma can be observationally studied.
In this review, we introduce studies at relatively “young” SNRs at which the shock speed are large. A larger shock speed is preferred for the confinement of the diffusing CRs around the shock front by the advection. For the study of SNRs as energy sources of the ISM turbulence, investigating an ‘old’ SNR is also important. The blast wave of an SNR expands with accumulating the ISM. When the accumulated mass is comparable to the ejecta mass of the supernova, the blast wave begins to decelerate (Sedov, 1959), then the radiative cooling of the shocked ISM and ejecta becomes important, and finally merges into the ISM. Raymond et al. (2020a,b) recently reported observational results at radiative shocks of the SNR Cygnus Loop, provided various shock parameters in the cooling layer (shock speed, ram pressure, density, compression ratio, dust destruction efficiency, magnetic field strength, and vorticity), and discussed the radio synchrotron emissivity by CR electrons, pion decay emission by CR nuclei, and thermal/thin-shell instabilities of thermal gas. The future (soft) X-ray observations by XRISM and Athena may also contribute or improve such study by providing more accurate plasma diagnostics.
Author Contributions
JS was responsible for writing and editing the manuscript.
This work is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research No. 20J01086.
Conflict of Interest
The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s Note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
JS thanks the reviewers for their useful comments and various contributions from Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Estela Reynoso, and Tsuyoshi Inoue.
1The anisotropy was originally defined along a mean field which is fixed along an axis of the global system of reference (Goldreich and Sridhar, 1995). Later investigations (Lazarian and Vishniac, 1999; Cho and Vishniac, 2000; Maron and Goldreich, 2001; Cho and Lazarian, 2003) showed that the anisotropy discussed by Goldreich and Sridhar (1995) appears along the local field whose direction can vary from point-to-point.
2Saha et al. (2019) and Saha et al. (2021) analyzed the correlations in the SN 1604 and SNR Cas A, respectively, using the interferometric data directly (i.e., the data are represented in the Fourier space), a different approach to that of Shimoda et al. (2018a). In this way, the geometrical effects are not concerned and only over all spectrum is obtained unlike the cases of Shimoda et al. (2018a) and Vishwakarma and Kumar (2020).
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Keywords: magnetic fields, turbulence, cosmic rays, supernova remnants, correlation analysis
Citation: Shimoda J (2022) Diagnosing Turbulent Magnetic Field in Supernova Remnants. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9:882467. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.882467
Received: 23 February 2022; Accepted: 19 April 2022;
Published: 23 May 2022.
Edited by:
Alex Lazarian, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United StatesReviewed by:
Silvio Sergio Cerri, UMR7293 Laboratoire J L Lagrange, FranceBlakesley Burkhart, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey–Busch Campus, United States
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*Correspondence: Jiro Shimoda, c2hpbW9kYS5qaXJvLnI3QGEubWFpbC5uYWdveWEtdS5hYy5qcA==