- Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, IEM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
In this article, we reexamine the derivation of the dynamical equations of the Ashtekar-Olmedo-Singh black hole model in order to determine whether it is possible to construct a Hamiltonian formalism where the parameters that regulate the introduction of quantum geometry effects are treated as true constants of motion. After arguing that these parameters should capture contributions from two distinct sectors of the phase space that had been considered independent in previous analyses in the literature, we proceed to obtain the corresponding equations of motion and analyze the consequences of this more general choice. We restrict our discussion exclusively to these dynamical issues. We also investigate whether the proposed procedure can be reconciled with the results of Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh, at least in some appropriate limit.
1 Introduction
Over two years ago, a new model to describe black hole spacetimes in effective loop quantum cosmology was put forward in (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020) by Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh (AOS). The work of these authors is set apart from previous related investigations in the literature [see (Ashtekar and Bojowald, 2005a; Ashtekar and Bojowald, 2005b; Cartin and Khanna, 2006; Modesto, 2006; Bojowald et al., 2007; Boehmer and Vandersloot, 2007; Campiglia et al., 2008; Sabharwal and Khanna, 2008; Chiou, 2008a; Chiou, 2008b; Brannlund et al., 2009; Gambini et al., 2014; Gambini and Pullin, 2014; Dadhich et al., 2015; Haggard and Rovelli, 2015; Joe and Singh, 2015; Corichi and Singh, 2016; Campiglia et al., 2016; Saini and Singh, 2016; Cortez et al., 2017; Olmedo et al., 2017; Yonika et al., 2018; Bianchi et al., 2018; Bodendorfer et al., 2019a; Alesci et al., 2019; Bouhmadi-López et al., 2020a; Bojowald, 2020a; Ben Achour et al., 2020; Gambini et al., 2020; Kelly et al., 2020; Gan et al., 2020; Kelly et al., 2021; Bodendorfer et al., 2021a; Bodendorfer et al., 2021b; Daghigh et al., 2021; Münch, 2021), among others] owing to a combination of features. On the one hand, the main focus is placed on black hole related aspects rather than issues central to anisotropic cosmologies. On the other hand, the resulting model is claimed to display neither a dependence on fiducial structures nor large quantum effects on low curvature regions. By virtue of the introduction of quantum geometry (QG) effects, which is implemented by means of two polymerization parameters1, the classical singularity at the center of the black hole is replaced with a transition surface that joins a trapped region to its past and an anti-trapped one to its future, extending the Schwarzschild interior to encompass what is interpreted as a white hole horizon. The resulting metric, that we will call effective in the sense that it can be treated classically but incorporates QG modifications, is smooth and its curvature invariants admit upper bounds that do not depend on the mass of the black hole (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020). The model is completed with a description of the exterior region that can be joined smoothly to the interior region, both to its past and its future, resulting in an extension of the whole Kruskal spacetime.
The authors of (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020) emphasize that they adopt a mixed prescription for the implementation of the improved dynamics. Indeed, instead of choosing the relevant polymerization parameters as constants or as arbitrary phase space functions, they claim to fix them to be Dirac observables. However, they do not treat them as such in their Hamiltonian calculation: in practice, the polymerization parameters are regarded as constants in that calculation and, once the dynamical equations have been derived and solved, the parameters are set equal to the value of certain functions of the ADM mass of the black hole, which is a Dirac observable itself. This fact was already noted by Bodendorfer, Mele, and Münch in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b), where they showed that a genuine treatment of the polymerization parameters as constants of motion, which are constant only along dynamical trajectories (i.e., on shell) but not on the whole phase space, would produce an extra phase-space dependent factor in the Hamiltonian equations. The analysis carried out in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b) exploits the structure of the Hamiltonian constraint of the system, which is composed by the difference of two Dirac observables (the on-shell value of each of which turns out to be the black hole mass), to divide the phase space into two independent subsectors, associated with the degrees of freedom along the radial and angular spatial directions. In each subsector, the dynamics is generated by one of these constants of motion, which can then be regarded as partial Hamiltonians. Additionally, in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b), these Dirac observables play the role of polymerization parameters, in the sense that each of the parameters is taken to be a function only of its associated partial Hamiltonian. On shell, this is equivalent to deal with parameters that are functions of the black hole mass, and at least in this sense one would recover the original proposal of (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020).
Nonetheless, since the two partial Hamiltonians become equal by virtue of the vanishing of the constraint, there is no telling apart which of the two contributes to the on-shell expression of each of the polymerization parameters. Therefore, one may argue that each parameter should be taken as a function of both partial Hamiltonians, something that breaks the decoupling of subsectors at the Hamiltonian and dynamical levels. In the following, we focus our discussion exclusively on examining whether there exists an alternative procedure to carry out the Hamiltonian calculation starting from this observation, leaving apart other issues related with the asymptotic behavior of the metric, its physical interpretation, or quantum covariance, that are beyond the scope of this work (for recent criticisms on the AOS viewpoint on these issues, see (Bojowald, 2019; Arruga et al., 2020; Bojowald, 2020b; Bouhmadi-López et al., 2020b). The main purpose of our investigation is to explore the possibility that one can develop an alternative dynamical analysis based on the cross-dependence of the polymerization parameters on the two partial Hamiltonians of the system, and study whether this possibility can reconcile in some sense the derivation of the solution presented in (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020) with a genuine consideration of the parameters as constants of motion.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we explore the consequences of polymerization parameters that are functions of both partial Hamiltonians as regards the derivation of the equations of motion associated with the Hamiltonian constraint of (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020). In Section 3 we define two time variables that allow us to simplify the form of the dynamical equations and examine whether they can be made equal to each other in general. In Section 4 we analyze the consistency of imposing this equality on the newly defined time variables at least in the asymptotic limit of large black hole masses, and study their relation for finite values of the mass. Finally, we conclude in Section 5 with a discussion of our results. Throughout this article, we set the speed of light and the reduced Planck constant equal to one.
2 Dynamical Equations
In this section, we investigate an alternative avenue in the computation of the equations that govern the modified dynamics of the interior region of a black hole, based on a more general choice of polymerization parameters off shell. With a suitable choice of lapse function of the form (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020)
where γ is the Immirzi parameter. The so-called effective Hamiltonian of the system can be written as (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020)
In the AOS black hole model (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020), the parameters
Thus, let
where t is the time variable associated with the choice of lapse N,
The Poisson bracket of i with its respective partial Hamiltonian
The Poisson brackets of the connection variables with each partial Hamiltonian can be solved for in the system of linear equations formed by Eqs. 9, 10. When rewritten appropriately, this system can be recast in matrix form:
where we have defined
The system Eq. 11 can be solved if and only if
Assuming that this invertibility condition holds,
Therefore, by virtue of Eq. 7,
It is worth noting that the objects in square brackets in Eqs. 15, 16 are the dynamical equations that result when
As expected, this factor reduces to the one found in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b) when the b and c subsectors are decoupled. Indeed, in that case
which is identical to what the authors of that reference called
3 Time Redefinitions
According to the results of the previous section, when the parameters of the model are instead given by functions of both
This local rescaling of the Hamiltonian vector field implies that it is possible to introduce a suitable redefinition of the time variable in each subsector such that one can recover the simpler dynamics generated by
where the sector-dependent time variable
An appealing possibility that we are going to study is whether these time variables can be set to be equal by making use of the freedom that exists off shell. Let us assume that, on shell,
where the symbol
We will however consider an arbitrary value of α. Rewriting Eq. 23 by using the definition of
Since the two parameters are functions only of the partial Hamiltonians, their evaluation on shell is equivalent to setting
the on-shell values of which are given by
Assuming that the functions
In the rest of our discussion, we will omit the on-shell evaluations in formulas of this kind to simplify our notation. The on-shell restriction will be clear from the context.
The derivatives of the partial Hamiltonians with respect to
as can be immediately derived from Eqs. 3, 4. The fact that these derivatives depend on the canonical variables seems in tension with the requirement that Eq. 28 must be satisfied on the whole phase space. Since the derivatives
In order to evaluate these derivatives on shell, it is necessary to identify the independent functional dependences. It is immediate to see that the dependence on the connection variables b and c can be removed in terms of their momenta and the black hole mass. Indeed, the functions of each connection variable can be rewritten in terms of its corresponding partial Hamiltonian and triad variable. Using Eqs. 3, 4, and requiring an acceptable limit for large masses, we obtain
Hence, the only independent functional dependences that remain on shell are those associated with the triad variables. By means of the above relations, we can recast every function of b and c that appears in Eqs. 29, 30 as a function of
where the sign
On the light of these relations, we realize that the condition Eq. 28 has the following structure:
where the functional forms of
and α must be equal to one. As a result, we conclude that, if we demand that
4 Consistency in the Limit of Large Black Hole Masses
In this section, we investigate whether the dynamics of the AOS model, that results from considering the parameters
where the symbol
Given the fact that we are working under the assumption that
From Eq. 43, it follows immediately that
The case of the connection variable c and its trigonometric functions is less immediate. Since the solution written above involves the tangent of
Then, by virtue of Eq. 41,
Given that the sum of the squares of the sine and cosine functions is equal to one, we can obtain
After a straightforward calculation, we conclude that
The dominant term goes with
On the light of the form of the solution Eq. 40 for the connection variable b, it proves useful to employ the identity
such that, up to subdominant corrections to the leading time-dependent contribution,
where we have defined
with a constant
Recasting every function of b that appears in Eq. 29 as a power series, we find that
Lastly, the asymptotic value of
In conclusion, the partial derivative of
This, in conjunction with Eq. 38, leads to the asymptotic vanishing of
From this result, we conclude that, among all possible choices of
Let us close this section by studying the relation between the time variables
On shell, this is equivalent to
Notice that the numerator (denominator) of the right hand side is a function of
where the choice of integration limits reflects the fact that, according to the conventions of (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020), the time variables are negative in the interior region of the black hole, and their origins coincide. We have already determined that, in the asymptotic limit of large masses, this relation reduces to the identity. However, for finite values of the black hole mass, the difference between both time variables is given by
Inserting the results obtained in this section,
Here, we have used that, at the order of approximation needed in the integrals of our expression in the asymptotic limit of large masses, we can identify
so that
This equation provides the first-order corrected relation between both time variables, their difference vanishing when
The dominant-order correction to the difference of times in Eq. 61 also makes it apparent that the relation between
is positive in the limit
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we have examined whether it is possible to construct a Hamiltonian formalism where the polymerization parameters that encode the quantum corrections in black hole spacetimes can be treated as constants of motion. The final identification of these parameters with dynamical constants is one of the ideas of the AOS model, proposed in (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020). However, instead of incorporating this identification into the Hamiltonian calculation from the beginning, the analysis in those references is carried out ignoring the Poisson brackets of the parameters, treating them as constants on the whole phase space. It is only later on that their value is set equal to certain functions of the black hole mass, which is a Dirac observable of the system under consideration. The authors of (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b) pointed out that the computation of the Hamiltonian equations would change if one takes into consideration those Poisson brackets, regarding the parameters as true constants of motion. To show this, it was noticed in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b) that, given the form of the Hamiltonian, there are two dynamically decoupled subsectors in phase space, provided that the polymerization parameters do not introduce any cross-dependence. With this caveat, each subsector can be studied separately and its dynamics is generated by one of the two terms that appear in the Hamiltonian constraint (with a suitable choice of lapse). We have referred to these two terms as partial Hamiltonians, which turn out to be Dirac observables that reduce to the black hole mass on shell. Imposing that the polymerization parameter associated with each subsector is a function of its corresponding partial Hamiltonian, the equations of motion that one obtains differ from those of the AOS model by a phase space dependent factor that complicates the solutions. However, this factor can be reabsorbed by appropriate time redefinitions, leading to simpler dynamical equations written in two separate time variables, one in each subsector. In (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b), both variables were found to be approximately equal from the event horizon up to a neighborhood of the transition surface where QG effects become important, concluding that the results of the AOS model were approximately valid when restricted to this region of the interior of the black hole.
In the present work, we have extended the aforementioned analysis to take into account the possibility that the polymerization parameters, regarded as constants of motion, depend not only on their corresponding partial Hamiltonian, but on both of them. This possibility breaks the decoupling of subsectors that plays a central role in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b). Indeed, since both partial Hamiltonians coincide with the value of the black hole mass on shell by virtue of the vanishing of the Hamiltonian constraint, one should in principle not be able to tell their contributions apart. A dependence on both of these Dirac observables brings new freedom to the treatment of the polymerization parameters. We have investigated whether this new off-shell freedom can help to derive the AOS model exclusively from a standard Hamiltonian calculation, viewing the parameters as functions of both Dirac observables from the beginning. We have derived in Section 2 the corresponding equations of motion that govern the dynamics in the interior region. These equations turn out to be corrected by a phase space dependent factor as well, although its functional form is complicated by the fact that the two subsectors no longer decouple dynamically. We have observed that this factor does reduce to the one found in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b). in the limit where the decoupling is recovered. In Section 3, we have written down the time redefinitions that allow us to simplify the dynamics, leading to equations of motion that are identical to those that result from considering constant parameters, although now written in two different time variables. We have then discussed whether these newly defined time variables can be required to be equal to each other. Remarkably, the answer turns out to be in the negative in spite of the commented off-shell freedom, since this condition would imply that the polymerization parameters are necessarily constants on the whole phase space. In Section 4, we have verified whether this equality of time variables can be imposed at least in the limit of infinitely large black hole masses, as one would expect to be the case in order to recover the standard results of General Relativity in this asymptotic limit. Indeed, we have proven that one can require this coincidence of times consistently. We have also studied the first-order correction to the relation between both time variables, which has allowed us to draw parallels with previous results obtained in (Bodendorfer et al., 2019b). First, the two time variables are still approximately similar to each other near the event horizon, where the QG effects are not relevant. Second, for finite rather than asymptotically large black hole masses, the dynamical solutions are such that a point in the evolution may generically be reached where the time flow would be reversed, in the sense that the relation between the two time variables would not be monotonic around it.
Our conclusions imply that the results of (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020), which are based on Hamiltonian calculations where the polymerization parameters are treated as constant numbers, can be partially reconciled with a treatment where these parameters are regarded as proper constants of motion, at least for black holes with large masses, which on the other hand are the focus of the analysis of those references. The wording “partially” is key here. In particular, one should not forget that the spacetime geometry is modified with respect to that of the AOS model by means of time redefinitions. Even if this apparently slight modification does not alter some of the conclusions of (Ashtekar et al., 2018a; Ashtekar et al., 2018b; Ashtekar and Olmedo, 2020), it may affect, e.g., the rate at which the metric decays at spatial infinity.4 This matter will constitute the subject of future work.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author Contributions
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
This work has been supported by Project. No. MICINN FIS 2017–86497-C2-2-P from Spain (with extension Project. No. MICINN PID 2020-118159GB-C41 under evaluation). The project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/DR19/11740028. Partial funds for open access publication have been received from CSIC.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The authors are very grateful to B. Elizaga Navascués for discussions.
1The term polymerization refers to the name “polymer quantization”, which is often employed for the quantization of symmetry reduced models with loop techniques. The motivation for this terminology comes from the 1-dimensional nature of the basic excitations of the gravitational field in the loop quantization, excitations that are localized on the edges of 1-dimensional graphs on which the holonomies are not trivial in the (so-called cylindrical) quantum states, leading to this polymer-like picture of spacetime geometry.
2Strictly speaking, the objects that generate the dynamics in each subsector are
3Should any of the exponents
4Although we have not explicitly dealt with the exterior region in this article, the same procedure is applicable to that case.
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Keywords: loop quantum cosmology, loop quantum gravity, black holes, polymer quantization, quantum geometry
Citation: García-Quismondo A and Mena Marugán GA (2021) Exploring Alternatives to the Hamiltonian Calculation of the Ashtekar-Olmedo-Singh Black Hole Solution. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 8:701723. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2021.701723
Received: 28 April 2021; Accepted: 17 June 2021;
Published: 13 July 2021.
Edited by:
Alvaro De La Cruz-Dombriz, University of Cape Town, South AfricaReviewed by:
Vyacheslav Ivanovich Dokuchaev, Institute for Nuclear Research, RussiaWen-Biao Han, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (CAS), China
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*Correspondence: Alejandro García-Quismondo, YWxlamFuZHJvLmdhcmNpYUBpZW0uY2ZtYWMuY3NpYy5lcw==