- 1International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland
- 2Department Geoscience and Environment, Munich University (LMU), Munich, Germany
- 3Space Research Institute (IWF), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria
Mirror modes in collisionless high-temperature plasmas represent macroscopic high-temperature quasi-superconductors with bouncing electrons in discrete-particle resonance with thermal ion-sound noise contributing to the ion-mode growth beyond quasilinear stability. In the semi-classical Ginzburg-Landau approximation the conditions for phase transition are reviewed. The quasi-superconducting state is of second kind causing a magnetically perforated plasma texture. Focussing on the interaction of mirror bubbles we apply semi-classical Josephson conditions and show that a mirror perforated plasma emits weak electromagnetic radiation which in the magnetosheath should be in the sub-millimeter, respectively, infrared range. This effect might be of astrophysical importance.
1 Introduction
The mirror mode (Chandrasekhar, 1961; Vedenov et al., 1961; Hasegawa, 1969; Davidson, 1972; Hasegawa, 1975; Gary, 1993; Southwood and Kivelson, 1993; Kivelson and Southwood, 1996; Pokhotelov et al., 2000; Pokhotelov et al., 2001; Constantinescu, 2002; Pokhotelov et al., 2002; Constantinescu et al., 2003; Pokhotelov et al., 2004; Sulem, 2011; Rincon et al., 2015; Noreen et al., 2017; Yoon, 2017) which, in high temperature plasma, evolves under anisotropic
This second-kind superconducting phase transition (Ginzburg and Landau, 1950) is known from low temperature solid state physics (Bardeen et al., 1957; Callaway, 1990), evolving Meissner diamagnetism based on electron pairing and condensation that pushes the magnetic field locally out. In mirror modes the possibility of similar condensations has recently been demonstrated (Treumann and Baumjohann, 2019). The transition is initiated by the mirror instability, which starts under the necessary condition of positive ion pressure anisotropy
(with temperature in energy units) which follows from the linear ion-mirror growth rate
The electron anisotropy
which indeed reminds at the solid state superconducting phase transition.
The mirror instability readily saturates quasilinearly on the expense of the ion anisotropy (cf., e.g., Davidson, 1972; Treumann and Baumjohann, 1997) forming elongated
2 Quasi-Superconducting Phase Transition
One way out of the above mentioned basic physical dilemma between observation and theory may be related to the resonance of bouncing particles in the mirror bubble and the persistent thermal ion-acoustic background noise which is independent of the presence of mirror modes (Rodriguez and Gurnett, 1975; Treumann and Baumjohann, 2018a; Treumann and Baumjohann, 2019). These resonant bouncing particles (we here restrict to electrons, but ions if bouncing could contribute in a similar way as well) form the required condensate for phase transition.
2.1 Condensate Formation
The resonance is a discrete particle effect. It applies to all electrons in the Debye sphere and differs from the small number of Landau-cyclotron-resonant electrons (like in the radiation belts, Kennel and Petschek, 1966) which generate the banded whistler lion roars (cf., e.g., Smith and Tsurutani, 1976; Tsurutani et al., 1982; Zhang et al., 1998; Baumjohann et al., 1999; Maksimovic et al., 2001; Ahmadi et al., 2018; Breuillard et al., 2018; Giagkiozis et al., 2018) in mirror bubbles.
Trapped electrons, in contrast, performing their bounce motion in the quasilinearly-stable mirror bubble, resonate with the permanently present thermal ion-acoustic background noise of frequency
which enters the above ion-mode growth rate at quasilinear stability with quasilinearly compensated ion contribution (Treumann and Baumjohann, 2018b), causing the instability to grow beyond the quasilinear limit. This effect corresponds to the noted condensate formation by pairing in metals though is basically different as here it is a high temperature purely classical effect. Further evolution implies pressure balance and the cause of surface gradient currents which has the effect of generating the partial London-Meissner diamagnetic phase transition. This phase transition can be treated in analogy to Ginzburg-Landau theory (Treumann and Baumjohann, 2020).
It is, here, instructive to point out that the above noted discrete-particle ion-resonance with ion-sound waves, though possible, as can be easily shown in the same way as for electrons, yields that the condensate-ion anisotropy becomes merely
2.2 Ginzburg-Landau Theory
The first Ginzburg-Landau equation (Huang, 1973) in the semi-classical final stationary state is obtained by putting
where ψ is the final condensate wave function,
which means that the density
One may note that for ion-condensate formation this value reduces by more than three orders of magnitude and might thus energetically favour ions even though their anisotropy cannot compete with that of electrons, a case which we do not investigate further here but might turn out important in application to the magnetosheath or cases where heavy cold ions come into play which easily resonate with the thermal acoustic noise for instance when produced by charge exchange as is the case in the interaction of stellar winds and the cold interstellar matter. Hence separate investigation of ion-condensate formation is of vital interest. We here remain in the electron picture for reasons which will become clear below.
Since we require that
The absolute values of these coefficients are unimportant. Approximate relations between these coefficients and the mirror conditions have also been obtained (Treumann and Baumjohann, 2020) but will not be repeated here. Hence there is some range where phase transition becomes probable which, for the purpose of this Letter, should suffice. The physical meaning is that the discrete resonant-electron condensate causes macroscopic diamagnetism which substantially diminishes the magnetic field locally.
2.3 Ginzburg-Landau Parameter
In mirror chains the magnetic field penetrates the quasi-superconducting region just up to a length
In real mirror bubbles, however, depletion of the magnetic field is partial only. It is not complete, a point which is fundamental to the above mechanism of phase transition and the generation of chains of mirror bubbles. Maintenance of a magnetic field fraction is crucial because it maintains and thus enables the required trapped-electron bounce motion. The discrete-particle resonance is only temporary and resolves after a while but the large number and distribution of bouncing electrons over the whole bubble volume guarantees for the permanent presence of a locked electron population forming a condensate that is distributed over the volume of the mirror bubble. The property of a second-kind quasi-superconductor is provided by the Ginzburg-Landau ratio of skin depth to the above given correlation length
The plasma perforates into a large number of bubbles (mirror chains) with local diamagnetism caused by the condensate in each bubble. It does not embrace the whole plasma volume. (Clearly, complete Meissner effects in space, for instance the magnetosheath, are unrealistic as they would deplete the entire plasma volume of magnetic fields on the large scale, which is not observed and thus does not take place). The correlation length ξ is the scale where the electrons feel their mutual attracting potentials close to all the continuously distributed mirror points of the trapped bouncing electrons. Thus it is a natural correlation length of the electrons in the mirror mode plasma. Clearly, the correlation length
In this view mirror mode chains can be considered classical representations of a second-kind superconducting Ginzburg-Landau phase transition from normal to perforated plasma state in high temperature plasma. Their observation in the turbulent magnetosheath behind the bow shock, which is a strong shock, is due to the capacity of the shock to generate conditions in the transition region between the shock and magnetopause which satisfy both the necessary and sufficient conditions for the evolution of the mirror mode.
Once mirror chains have evolved and the plasma has become perforated by the quasi-superconducting phase transition described above, the question arises whether the closely spaced mirror bubbles may interact. In the following we focus on this interaction between mirror bubbles and its possible observational signature.
3 Josephson Effect in Mirror Modes
The problem of interaction of two superconductors (in our case two quasi-superconducting partially magnetic field-depleted mirror bubbles separated by a non-superconducting magnetized sheet) is the celebrated Josephson problem (Josephson, 1962; Josephson, 1964). It makes use of the Landau-Ginzburg mesoscopic theory of superconductivity (Ginzburg and Landau, 1950) which is applicable in this case. The order parameter is the expectation value of the wave function ψ given by
The interaction includes of course the boundaries of the two bubbles and hence takes into account the current while, in the mutual interaction, the interior is of little interest. It just responses by the exponential partial Meissner screening of the magnetic field
The wave function of superconduction which in the above spirit we apply to the case of mirror modes obeys the above used first Ginzburg-Landau equation (as was proposed in Treumann and Baumjohann, 2018b; Treumann and Baumjohann, 2019). The current, being purely electronic, is given by the well known quantum mechanical expression (Ginzburg and Landau, 1950; Bardeen et al., 1957; Huang, 1973), the second Ginzburg-Landau equation
where the brackets mean the difference between the quantities to both sides of the boundary, as indicated by the subscript
and from Mawell’s equations trivially
whose stationary solution in one dimension only is clearly
Now, when in contrast to the above semi-classical use of the first Ginzburg-Landau equation considering the interaction of the mirror bubbles, the quantum property of the phase has to be retained because it is just the phase which contains the microscopic information. Moreover, space plasmas are ideal conductors and no resistors. Hence the normal current will naturally be different from zero and will reflect the microscopic effect of the interaction. For this reason the quantum part of the current must be retained. We will see that this is important in the case under consideration.
There is, however, a difference in the region between the two bubbles. It is void of any condensate and thus that narrow domain is void of the Meissner effect. The magnetic field and density it contains are spatially constant. Hence the difference between the two regions is just in the quantum mechanical term in the boundary condition and thus cannot be neglected while the conditions in the two adjacent bubbles may be different. Moreover, the tangential currents (which we do not consider here as they contribute to the partial Meissner effect but are not involved into the normal current which must by itself be continuous) flowing in the adjacent bubble boundaries are in opposite directions. This implies that the two bubbles do not merge. They do not attract each other because of the repulsive Lorentz forces such that they remain separated. Nevertheless one may assume that the separation is narrow with non-compensating currents.
Since all regions are conducting a normal current will necessarily flow. In real superconductors separated by insulators electron tunnelling takes care of normal currents. Here, in the classical case, these currents are real. Nevertheless because of the retained quantum mechanical part of the current, Josephson conditions of current continuity apply to both its sides are given as
with b = const some real constant whose value is only of secondary importance here. These boundary conditions follow directly from the general condition of continuity of the normal current (11) writing it in the normal coordinates not as a difference but as the finite mismatch between the two wave functions. This is easily seen when subtracting them. As the mismatch is not known a priori because it depends on the properties of the transition region, it can be accounted for simply by the constant b. One may note that for a perfect insulator with no classical current flow
Inserting these boundary conditions into the current Eq. 9 and cancelling some terms yields for the perpendicular current crossing the thin layer that
This transverse current is a retained quantum effect even in the macroscopic case. One might argue that the two phases might be the same and thus cancel the current. There is, however, no reason for this to happen even when the condensates are identical. Continuity of the current does not require equal phases if only it can be achieved otherwise. Its importance comes into account when remembering that the gauge potentials are defined just up to additional functions which leave the fields unaffected. The vector potential
showing that the phase is affected by the gauge potential thereby exhibiting a real change in the phase.
Before continuing, it is most interesting to reflect about what has happened. In principle the electrodynamic equations are gauge invariant which means that the vector and scalar potentials can be changed by adding particular gauge functions while leaving the fields unchanged. This it true also here. However, by applying an external potential V to the two mirror bubbles one fixes one particular gauge. This still does not change anything on the fields, it however breaks the gauge symmetry locally. By providing the mirror modes with a particular electric potential field
The gauge is in fact a (Weyl) gauge like in field theory. Time integration, with applied constant external potential V, yields the well known form of the Josephson phase
which enters into the exponent of the wave function ψ. In the presence of a potential difference
This current is a real oscillating classical normal current flowing in the boundary region of the two adjacent mirror bubbles. It is a current that varies with time, oscillating back and forth between the bubbles (For instance, for
showing that the normal current in the boundary oscillates spatially back and forth between the two bubbles, which is a real classical spatially localized effect.) Physically it is not difficult to understand the origin of this oscillation. The two oppositely directed tangential currents at the boundaries of the mirror bubbles could indeed be closed by a normal current across the highly conducting gap which separates them. In the presence of an electric potential this happens on the small scale when the transverse current temporarily for a very short time breaks through and connects the two tangential currents. This break through happens however on the microscopic scale and transports very few magnetic flux elements only. Therefore its high frequency. Interestingly, there should as well be a spatial dependence of this process along the bubbles which we have not considered here. It causes a tangential variation of the oscillation frequency.
Denoting the potential difference as
This frequency corresponds to an energy
4 Radiation
This result discovered by Josephson (Josephson, 1962) is remarkable as, according to the above discussion, it also occurs under semi-classical conditions if only an electric potential
Examples are the magnetosheath (Lucek et al., 2005) or other regions like, for instance, mirror mode chains in the solar wind (Winterhalter et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 2008). Other examples are collisionless shocks (Balogh and Treumann, 2013) which have comparably narrow transition scales, develop current sheet overshoots between magnetic depletions resembling a similar kind of junctions. Ion-inertial scale plasma turbulence or flow-driven reconnection are further examples.
The Josephson frequency of oscillation is comparably high. Its large value is due to retaining the quantum effect which implies normalization of the potential difference
However, there is one effect that, in addition to the fluctuating electric potential, is retained even in classical physics. This is radiation which can, in principle, be observed even though its cause is to be found in quantum physics. In this sense the Josephson effect and the frequency resemble the generation of electromagnetic radiation by atomic processes, which are pure quantum effects with macroscopically measurable consequences: emission of radiation. In close similarity the Josephson radiation can, in principle, be observed from remote by monitoring its intensity.
Oscillating currents represent sources of electromagnetic radiation, as prescribed by the wave equation
whose width can be quite large, compared with the theoretical sharpness of the Josephson frequency, in particular when the flow is highly turbulent. It leads to a time dependent Josephson phase
and, consequently, to a radiation spectrum of some typical width
which, for the realistic case of comparably low frequency oscillations
The emission spectrum is only as broad as
where we have just noted the proportionalities without solving the above wave equation as this would go beyond the purpose of the present letter.
Because of the weakness of the maximum Josephson current
5 Examples
5.1 Streaming Mirror Mode Plasmas
The case of a streaming plasma is of particular interest. Let the plasma, like that in the magnetosheath, flow at a convection speed
As for an example, in the magnetosheath we have
A texture of mirror bubbles closely spaced to each other in the magnetosheath should thus glow in the infrared, a frequency which can, without any problem leave the region of its excitation. Mirror mode chains in the solar wind on the other hand are roughly perpendicular to the flow and of generally larger extension. Hence their frequency will be higher closer to the optical range in the very near infrared where they occasionally could be observed. However they seem to occur rather rarely which is in contrast to the region behind shocks like the bow shock. Here they seem to be present almost at any time.
Similarly one expects that the heliosheath region behind the heliospheric termination shock evolves into magnetic turbulence where the mirror mode will constitute its lowest frequency contribution. The flow speed of the solar wind will become reduced to values similar to the magnetosheath, while the magnetic field drops to
5.2 The Case of Reconnection
In this context it is of particular interest to refer to reconnection as these results are independent of the direction of the magnetic field. Reconnection and mirror modes may be closely related (Volwerk et al., 2003; Phan et al., 2005) as one can easily imagine that mirror modes when encountering an antiparallel magnetic field could ignite reconnection. Moreover, they may also evolve in the reconnection process as recent MMS observations (Hau et al., 2020) of reconnection at the magnetopause and Grad-Shafranov reconstructions suggest.
Consider the case of reconnection when two plasmas of oppositely directed magnetic fields approach each other. Let them be separated by a non-magnetic plasma which by definition is ideally conducting. Then the magnetic fields penetrate it only up to their skin depth
This is probably the case in completely evolved low frequency plasma turbulence. Recently (Treumann and Baumjohann, 2015) we suggested that the main energy dissipation in fully developed plasma turbulence may be provided at the shortest (electron) scales
Since the reconnection potential is a most interesting quantity, it would be worth the effort to measure it. The Josephson effect could provide such a possibility by putting a SQUID onto a spacecraft or otherwise trying to measure radiation in the infrared from reconnection sites.
5.3 Thermal Background Effects
In the magnetosheath like in any other high temperature plasma mirror modes are embedded into a relatively intense thermal background of ion-sound fluctuations (Rodriguez and Gurnett, 1975; Lund et al., 1996). The mean thermal level of these fluctuations (Treumann and Baumjohann, 1997), assuming an isotropic Maxwellian background (Krall and Trivelpiece, 1973; Baumjohann and Treumann, 2012), is
On the other hand radiation in some frequency domain may provide information about the potential difference
5.4 Remarks on Shocks
In collisionless shocks this may indeed be of particular interest. They separate regions of vastly different magnetic field strengths while on the scales of the shock remain collisionless. Moreover, shock fronts exhibit various regions of different properties with spatially highly variable magnetic fields evolving into overshoots and, relative to the shock also “holes” in both quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel shocks (Balogh and Treumann, 2013). Some of these regions may well be considered of similar properties as natural Josephson junctions. Since there the cross shock flow naturally applies a substantial electric potential difference
In the magnetosheath, the region where near Earth one observes mirror modes, the conditions are that the plasma is dilute of the order of
6 Summary
Following earlier work on condensate formation in magnetic mirror modes we have provided the conditions for a quasi-superconducting phase transition in high temperature plasma, following the linear mirror instability. In this process bouncing charged particles in discrete particle resonance with the thermal ion acoustic background noise lock to the ion sound wave and temporarily escape from bounce motion while generating a large anisotropy. These particles form a condensate in the mirror bubble. Since bouncing particles are abundant, the condensate is quite dense and permanently present, longer than the life time of the discrete resonance of each single particle. It continuously reforms. Through production of a weak attracting electric potential in their wakes the condensate particles give rise to a correlation length ξ. The phase transition is governed by the semi-classical GL theory and results in a second-kind quasi-superconducting state exhibiting a partial Meissner effect. Since the Ginzburg ratio
We then investigated the interaction of two closely spaced bubbles finding that it can be described as a Josephson junction which produces a classical signature in weak high frequency electromagnetic radiation at frequency depending on the equivalent electric field and direction of the plasma flow. Its frequency is sufficiently far above the plasma frequency cut-off such that it would be observable from remote. Though weak and if observable it maps the mirror mode region into frequency space. Similar effects are expected in reconnection and shocks and could be of interest in application to astrophysical objects. On the other hand, putting SQUIDS onto spacecraft in order to measure potential differences produced in mirror bubbles, reconnection, and shocks with extremely high accuracy in situ might be advantageous.
Author Contributions
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
We acknowledge the hospitality of the ISSI directorate and staff. We acknowledge helpful discussions with a number of colleagues, A. Balogh, R. Nakamura, Y. Narita, Z. Vörös, and others, some being rather critical of any detectable mesoscale or macroscale quantum effects in high temperature plasmas. This work was part of a Visiting Scientist Programme at the International Space Science Institute Bern.
1Below we will make considerable use of definitions taken from the theory of super-conductivity. For clarity we refer the reader to the basic and quite understandable presentation of the quantum theory of super conductivity in (Fetter and Walecka, 1971), chapters 2 and 3.
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Keywords: mirror modes, phase transition, diamagnetism, radiation, Josephson junction
Citation: Treumann RA and Baumjohann W (2021) Mirror Mode Junctions as Sources of Radiation. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 8:648744. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2021.648744
Received: 01 January 2021; Accepted: 25 January 2021;
Published: 30 March 2021.
Edited by:
Marian Lazar, Ruhr-University Bochum, GermanyReviewed by:
Horst Fichtner, Ruhr University Bochum, GermanyNarges Ahmadi, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
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*Correspondence: Wolfgang Baumjohann, V29sZmdhbmcuQmF1bWpvaGFubkBvZWF3LmFjLmF0