- 1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- 2Institute for Quantum Gravity, FAU Erlangen–Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
In a recent proposal we applied methods from constructive QFT to derive a Hamiltonian Renormalization Group in order to employ it ultimately for canonical quantum gravity. The proposal was successfully tested for free scalar fields and thus a natural next step is to test it for free gauge theories. This can be done in the framework of reduced phase space quantization which allows using techniques developed earlier for scalar field theories. In addition, in canonical quantum gravity one works in representations that support holonomy operators which are ill defined in the Fock representation of say Maxwell or Proca theory. Thus, we consider toy models that have both features, i.e. which employ Fock representations in which holonomy operators are well-defined. We adapt the coarse graining maps considered for scalar fields to those theories for free vector bosons. It turns out that the corresponding fixed pointed theories can be found analytically.
1. Introduction
The construction of interacting four-dimensional Quantum Field Theories (QFTs) is an interesting and fundamentally important problem in modern physics. Despite several attempts it has not been satisfactorily completed as of today (Wightman and Gårding, 1964; Osterwalder and Schrader, 1973; Osterwalder and Schrader, 1975; Glimm and Jaffe, 1987; Froehlich, 1978; Rivasseau, 2000; Jaffe and Witten, 2000). Due to several challenges along the way, preliminary computations are often done in the presence of finite infrared and ultraviolet cut-offs, most prominently in the framework of Lattice Gauge Theories (LGT) (Creutz, 1983; Hashimoto et al., 2017). Especially considering approaches toward Quantum Gravity, it motivated proposals where the discretization of space(-time) was assumed to be fundamental (Loll, 1998; Giesel and Thiemann, 2007; Bahr and Dittrich, 2009; Bahr and Dittrich, 2009; Dupuis et al., 2012; Loll, 2019). This allowed to make a wide range of predictions by performing computations using established tools from LGT, see for example (Kogut and Susskind, 1975; Bahr et al., 2017; Dapor and Liegener, 2018; Glaser and Steinhaus, 2019; Han and Liu, 2020).
However, as it is not yet experimentally supported whether these discrete structures are fundamental, one can independently ask if they can be understood as coarse graining of some underlying continuum QFT and–of course–the construction of such a QFT is in itself an aspirational goal. A possible avenue for this comes in the form of inductive limits(Kadison and Ringrose, 1986; Janas, 1988; Saunders, 1998; Thiemann, 2007). This presents a construction by which a QFT described by a Hilbert space
In a recent series of paper (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) we introduced a Hamiltonian formulation of the renormalization group which is rather close in methodology to density matrix renormalization (Brothier and Stottmeister, 2019; Brothier, 2019; Stottmeister et al., 2020) and projective renormalization (Okołow, 2013; Kijowski and Okołow, 2017; Lanéry and Thiemann, 2017a; Lanéry and Thiemann, 2017b; Lanéry and Thiemann, 2018; Lanéry, 2018; Lanéry, 2016; Yamasaki, 1985) which in turn are based on the seminal ideas of Wilson, Kadanov and Fisher (Fisher, 1974; Wilson, 1975; Kadanoff, 1977). The proposal is motivated by formulations of the renormalization group in the covariant setting (Fisher, 1974; Wilson, 1975; Kadanoff, 1977; Wilson and Kogut, 1974; Peter, 1998) which can be reformulated in Hamiltonian terms using Osterwalder-Schrader reconstruction and in fact gives rise to a natural flow of inductive structures and Hamiltonian quadratic forms (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b). That the direct Hamiltonian Renormalization Group delivers the correct results has been demonstrated for the case of the massive, free scalar field in arbitrary dimensions (Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d). The next challenge for this program is its extension to gauge theories, as the most interesting models of modern physics are phrased in this language, e.g. QCD. In this paper, we perform the firsts steps in this direction by considering a toy model which is a certain deformation of the reduced Hamiltonian of Maxwell theory. The deformation consists in adding a Proca like mass term to higher powers of the Laplacian in order that the Fock space defined by that Hamiltonian supports holonomy operators, which are exponentials of the connection smeared along one-dimensional curves. The motivation for considering such theories comes from an approach to canonical quantum gravity (Thiemann, 2007; Rovelli, 2004) for which holonomies play a fundamental role and are promoted to well defined operators upon quantisation.
A possible way to proceed is as follows: prior to quantization one can transcend to the reduced phase space, where the Gauss constraints have been implemented. Since the gauge-invariant (transversal) modes can be treated as scalars, the tools from (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) become applicable. With them, it is possible to analytically determine the fixed points which lead to the correct continuum theory.
Another approach is to implement the Gauss constraint after quantization. This involves adapting the coarse graining maps for scalar fields to vector bosons. In particular, this involves smearing the field against form factors rather than scalar smearing functions. In this paper we will incorporate the latter feature by considering a modification of Proca theory that allows for holonomy operators. The actual solution of the Gauss constraint after quantization combined with coarse graining will be subject of a subsequent paper (Liegener and Thiemann, 2020). We will introduce the necessary coarse-graining maps for this procedure and present explicitly how fixed points can be computed in the new setting.
The architecture of the article is as follows:
In Section 2 we follow the route of reduced phase space quantization. The first Subsection 2.1 reviews the framework of our version of the Hamiltonian Renormalization Group for scalar fields to familiarize with the notation of this paper and to enable comparison with (Lang et al., 2018a). We start by first looking at “classical” discretisations and define injection and evaluation maps between theories of different resolution. These discretisations are built, e.g., with respect to cuboidal tessellations of our spatial manifold. The second Subsection 2.2 introduces a
In Section 3 we go further into the direction of LGT: we are interested in the connection integrated along edges of the discretizing lattices. To bring this formulation close to (Lang et al., 2018a), in Subsection 3.1 we define the discretized fields as the continuum fields smeared against (distributional) form factors. For refinement, we pick the factor 2 (i.e.
In Section 4 we summarize our findings and conclude with outlook for further research.
2. Reduced Phase Space Quantization for Abelian Gauge Theories
We present a possible strategy to extend the framework of direct Hamiltonian renormalization developed in (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) to Abelian gauge theories via reduced phase space quantization. For this purpose, Subsection 2.1 gives a short review of the framework as it was used for scalar fields. The second subsection motivates a toy model in order to test the Hamiltonian renormalization. To keep this preliminary study simple, we choose the Abelian gauge group
2.1. Review: Classical Discretisations of Scalar Fields
We consider an infinite dimensional, conservative Hamiltonian system defined on a globally hyperbolic spacetime of the form
The dynamical variables of the system are the scalar field
Moreover, an ultraviolet cut-off M is introduced in the form of some cell complex
Once a cell complex
We have introduced the map
Turning toward comparing discretisations of different resolutions with each other, we are mostly interested in families of cell complexes
However, let us mention that already in (Lang et al., 2018c) also a second choice, called deleting kernel, was investigated: Let
In the quantum theory of free scalar fields both maps could be used to build injections that led to physically viable fixed point theories. However, it was only choice (2.7) which turned out to be cylindrically consistent, i.e.
Basically, this means that injection into the continuum can be done independently of the discretization on which we consider the function to be defined, which is a physical plausible assumption.
We finish this section by presenting two examples for possible choices of cell complexes
(i)Discretization using regular cubes. The first example is the choice employed in (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) which introduced a cubic lattice of
However, this is by far not the only possibility. In order to demonstrate that nothing is special about the choice of tessellation of σ, we will use in Section 3 the following cell complexes:
(ii)Discretization using parallelepipeds. We consider D-dimensional tessellations of the following form: at least one axis of the parallelepiped is aligned with one of the coordinate axes and a second axis of the parallelepiped connects diametral corners of an elementary hypercube. Then the remaining axes are either aligned with the coordinate axes or explore all possibilities to connect diametral corners of lower dimensional hypercubes. This yields two possibilities in D = 2 and nine possibilities in D = 3. We can formalize this as follows: Let
In D = 2 the explicit form of the two possible parallelograms reads:
In D = 3 the fundamental cells take the form of parallelepipeds. While nine different cases exist, we display only the explicit expressions for
and for
2.2. Phase Space Reduction of a Continuum Toy Model
This subsection motivates and introduces a classical Hamiltonian system subject to the Gauss constraint for Abelian gauge group
The most prominent example of a
with A split into transversal and longitudinal part respectively:
with some Proca like mass term
Our goal is to go to the reduced phase space and therefore we also split the electric field
Due to the fact that the transverse modes are gauge-invariant, i.e.
The unreduced phase space is equipped with Poisson brackets
Next, we reduce to the subspace
which can be decomposed as
with a choice of vector fields
On this subspace the Gauss constraint is trivially solved, and all gauge-degrees of freedom have been removed. Expressed in these variables the continuum Hamiltonian of our model takes the form:
2.3. Scalar Field Renormalization With Multiple Field Species
In this subsection we discretize the model (2.26) with ω from (2.20) with the scalar field techniques introduced in (Lang et al., 2018a). Due to the form of the Hamiltonian we are close to the analysis in (Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) to which we refer the reader for all details. Indeed, we can understand the Hamiltonian as two decoupled field species
We introduce a family of discretisations of the spatial manifold σ in terms of cubic cell complexes as described in the previous subsection such that
We must also introduce a discretization of ω which is supposed to map from
Since the Hamiltonian is essentially of free harmonic oscillator form for each I, it motivates to introduce the discrete annihilation and creation fields:
such that
For any resolution M we define the corresponding Hilbert spaces
Indeed, the fact that our model is essentially two copies of a free scalar field allows making use of many tools developed in (Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d). We recall from Section 3.1 of (Lang et al., 2018d) that determination of the fixed points for any power n in (2.20) can be reduced to studying the renormalization group flow for
with γ being a contour consisting of a part along
As we had already seen in (Lang et al., 2018b) that the RG flow is easiest studied in the Fourier transformed representation, we recall the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse on
Going to the discrete Fourier picture and assuming translational invariance of the covariance, we know that the kernel of the covariance at the fixed point can be written as:
Further, it was observed in (Lang et al., 2018d) that the renormalization group flow decouples for each direction and thus the covariance can be transformed via another application of the residue theorem into:
For the deleting kernel
Thus, we finished the analysis of the direct Hamiltonian Renormalization applied to our toy model for a gauge theory which has been reduced to the gauge-invariant subspace before quantization. Keep in mind that in Section 3.2.2 of (Lang et al., 2018b) it was already explained that renormalization of the Hamiltonian leads to replacing in the discretization (2.31) the initial covariance with the fixed pointed one, that is
Also, since both field species behaved exactly the same, i.e.
3. Renormalization With Form Factors for Free Vector Bosons
In this section we turn toward those discretisations for which the fields are discretized with respect to the edges of some finite graph. This brings us closer to lattice gauge theories which are typically formulated in terms of holonomies, that is exponentials of the connection. For this purpose, Subsection 3.1 introduces discretisations where the fields are integrated along one-dimensional curves and their canonical conjugated pairs against
Due to our earlier considerations we have an understanding how sensible injection maps on the quantum level can be chosen, which we do in Subsection 3.2 calling them “deleting” and “filling” kernel respectively. These relate the quantities of some resolution M to those on a finer resolution
Afterward, we want to investigate a toy model in order to test how the different coarse graining maps and their corresponding fixed pointed theories behave with respect to each other. As we want to study models which allow for the existence of holonomy operators in the Fock representation that supports the continuum Hamiltonian, we have to introduce a deformation of free Maxwell theory. This deformation is discussed in Subsection 3.3.
In Subsections 3.4 and 3.5 we will again employ tools developed in (Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) to determine the fixed pointed Hilbert spaces for the coarse graining maps defined by the deleting as well as the filling kernel. The task amounts to finding a suitable fixed pointed covariance defining a Gaussian measure on the Hilbert spaces of finite resolution, which we will derive in closed form for both maps. This demonstrates robustness of the continuum theory even under drastic changes of the coarse graining procedure.
3.1. Injection and Evaluation Maps
As in the previous section, we consider a (D + 1)-dimensional manifold of the form
Let the phase space be coordinatized by vector fields
and which have elementary Poisson brackets:
We discretize the theory by introducing smearings of
A smearing of the field
Similarly, since we are interested in those lattices
Note that there is a natural non-distributional Poisson bracket between the form factors for curves and the dual form factors for faces:
We can now restrict the set of our observables with respect to which the physical configuration
Using property (3.7) one easily verifies that
It is easy to check that for a suitable choice of faces
3.2. Coarse Graining for Deleting and Filling Kernel
In this subsection we concatenate injection and evaluation maps to coarse graining maps
3.2.1. Classical Coarse Graining Maps
First, we introduce the coarse graining maps for the deleting kernel from
The free parameter
Using that
Hence, it must be
If we were to introduce a coarse graining map of the filling kernel as the analogue of (3.14), a calculation similar to (Subsection 3.2.1) demonstrates, that the latter is not cylindrical consistent unless
Lastly, it turns out–for both filling and deleting kernel–that demanding the map
can be used to fix an auxiliary scalar product on
3.2.2. Isometric Injections on the Quantum Level
In this section we construct coarse graining maps between Hilbert spaces corresponding to different resolutions. These maps drive the renormalization group (RG) flow between the inner products on the Hilbert spaces
and that they are subject to the compatibility condition, i.e. for each
These two properties were also imposed for scalar field models and indeed the same procedure of constructing the injections from (Lang et al., 2018a) can be used again. We utilize a Fock quantization of the discretized field
and we denote the edge
In the same manner as in (Lang et al., 2018a), we define the injections between Fock spaces as:
By construction, this map is maximally parallel to the case of scalar fields and therefore many properties can be transferred to this setting. We refer to (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b) for further details.
3.3. Toy Model: Definition and Discretization for a Proca Like Theory
In this subsection, we define a toy model which allows for holonomy like operators in the continuum, i.e.
3.3.1. Definition of the Continuum Model
In close analogy to the model of Section 2.3 we study a field theory with D = 3 spatial dimensions and Hamiltonian
where in the following we set
with some mass term
Lemma: Let
Proof: We consider only the case
First, we give a bound from above for the absolute value of
Using this approximation and going to spherical coordinates
where we used the residue theorem in the last step. Hence, the vacuum expectation value is well-defined.Conversely, a similar calculation shows that for lower powers of n in ω the vacuum expectation value diverges (and due to (3.34) also if p = 0). One should therefore either change the test functions and not use form factors or study different theories. In principle, we could consider free Maxwell electrodynamics, the Proca action or even the free graviton theory and study their behavior under a renormalization group flow with the methods of (Lang et al., 2018a). But here we have altered the Hamiltonian H in order to ensure that the expectation values of holonomies with respect to the vacuum (which is annihilated by H) are well-defined. This happens by introducing a higher order polynomial in the Laplacian (3.29) which of course breaks Lorentz invariance. However, our model just serves to test theories with well-defined holonomy operators (but not well-defined electric flux operators) in the usual Fock space setting. Ultimately, we will be interested in coupling general relativity to gauge theories. In this case, theories such as Loop Quantum Gravity (Thiemann, 2007; Rovelli, 2004; Ashtekar and Lewandowski, 1995) indicate that insertion of such Lorentz invariance breaking higher polynomials is not necessary(Thiemann, 1998; Liegener and Thiemann, 2016).
3.3.2. Initial Discretization on Cubic Lattice
In order to test the coarse graining maps on the quantum level, we need to first introduce a discretization of the phase space of
We work on a cubic lattice, with M vertices in each direction labeled by
Similar to Section 2.3 we interpret this structure as three different field species
Since the Hamiltonian is of free harmonic oscillator form for each a, we can repeat the discussion from Section 2.3: We introduce the discrete annihilation and creation fields
such that
For each specie a, we define the corresponding Hilbert spaces
with covariance
Also, we discussed already in Section 2.3 that the fixed point for choice
We end this section by choosing an explicit initial discretization of the covariance, i.e.
which holds true for the following initial discretization of the derivatives inside
Lastly, let us recall from (Lang et al., 2018d) that an initial covariance of the form (3.45) can be transformed via the residue theorem into several integrals over a product of “one-dimensional” covariances, i.e. decouples in each direction:
Note that the way in which we split the integrals is purely conventional and does not affect the continuum limit
A factorization property like (3.46) becomes useful if it can be established that the covariance does not change this structure under a renormalization step. In such a case, each of the
3.4. Toy Model: Fixed Points of the Deleting Kernel
From now on we set
which is equivalent to the flow of the family of Hilbert space measures
that is (see (Lang et al., 2018b)):
We see that (3.51) does not mix the field species for different a with each other and does not distinguish between different a. Together with the fact that the initial covariance was written as diagonal matrix
However, for each field specie a the different directions with respect to the lattices vertices
Thus, the flow of the coarse graining map from (3.51) introduces a “direction dependence” of the covariance at the quantum level for finite resolution M. This dependence only vanishes in the continuum limit
Since the RG flow in (3.50) does not mix the different directions, for a decoupled covariance of the form (3.46) each “one-dimensional covariance”
It remains to plug the fixed points for each direction into (3.46) and to restore the correct n-dependence via (2.34). Thus, we know the complete fixed pointed covariance
where we remember that
3.5. Toy Model: Fixed Points of the Filling Kernel
We turn toward the second choice of coarse graining map that was motivated in this paper. While of course further coarse graining maps can be constructed, the analysis of this section presents already an indication of universality–as it will transpire that the continuum limit
Again it is D = 3. The three different choices of filling kernels are labeled by
However, a notable difference to the map
Here, we only show the case
where in the last step we expressed
As this equation is for arbitrary
where we realized that
In order to proceed, we employ the assumption of the covariance to be translational invariant, i.e.
where in the last step we introduced
We observe that if the initial covariance could be written as a product of the form
Hence, with (3.46) and
Moreover, the recursion with
Analogously, iterating the same steps for
If one performs the continuum limit
4. Conclusions
In this paper we performed preliminary steps to extend the Hamiltonian Renormalization Group to Abelian gauge theories. This serves as a further step toward the construction of interacting QFTs for those systems which are subject to constraints.
When constraints are present, a possible strategy is to perform a symplectic reduction and go to the reduced phase space on which the constraints have been implemented. In general, the geometry (i.e. the symplectic structure) of the reduced phase space may be very complicated, but at least for the Gauss constraint of Abelian gauge theories the procedure is well understood: one can split the phase space in transversal and longitudinal modes and then gauge-fix the unphysical longitudinal modes. This allows to proceed with canonical quantization and renormalization along the methods for scalar fields from (Lang et al., 2018a; Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d). In a class of models that includes free Maxwell theory we performed a reduced phase space quantization obtaining a family of Fock Hilbert spaces
The reduced phase space approach results in a renormalization flow which is very close to that of scalar fields. In order to test renormalization flows that take the vector field structure into account we considered a second class of models without Gauss constraint which includes free Proca theory. The motivation for considering generalisations of free Maxwell and Proca theory is that some of these models allow for well defined holonomy operators in the corresponding Fock representations at the price of losing Poincaré invariance. We consider these models as mere toy models for quantum gravity theories (Thiemann, 1998; Liegener and Thiemann, 2016) that are based on Hilbert space representations with both well defined holonomy operators and Hamiltonians without breaking symmetries. In particular we are thinking about discretisations of the Hamiltonian operators studied in this paper using holonomies themselves which would simulate the proposal of (Thiemann, 1998; Liegener and Thiemann, 2016). In a future publication (Liegener and Thiemann, 2020) we will also aim at imposing the Gauss constraint after quantization. The idea of introducing a “smoothening” operator into the Hamiltonian in order to allow for holonomy operators in the corresponding Fock representation is in some sense dual to the idea of using smoothened form factors studied in (Varadarajan, 2000). Note also that we could have made our deformation of Proca or Maxwell theory phenomenologically more interesting by changing
We chose two different coarse graining maps in order to understand how stable the fixed points of the theory are under changes of the injection maps. Both maps–deleting and filling kernel–are mathematical well-defined, but the level of experience that we have for them differs: the deleting kernel has already been actively studied in the literature and found application in the non-Abelian case of Loop Quantum Gravity where it enabled the construction of an inductive limit Hilbert space. Spin networks (a possible basis of said Hilbert space) carry distributional excitations such that a smooth quantum geometry can only be obtained by distributions on the Hilbert space. Conceptually, reobtaining smooth geometry could be easier when working with the filling kernel, as it excites all edges as the resolution increases. However, extensive studies on the latter kernel have not been performed as of today.
Both maps employ discretisations of the spatial manifold where the fields are smeared along edges of a cuboidal lattice. Choosing such cubic lattices might at first glance look like a restriction of the theory since it gives rise to the so-called “staircase problem” (Sahlmann et al., 2001): albeit square lattices suffice to separate the points in phase space as M gets large, one does not have access to “45” degree line observables at any finite resolution. Yet, the continuum theory does allow considering holonomy operators along such curves which are not straight. This stresses the point that the lattice just serves to construct the continuum theories, all other investigations have to start from there.
We demonstrated for our model classes that the relevant fixed points can be found for the filling as well as for the deleting kernel. Due to the fact that the discretisations were expressed in terms of smearings with form factors, the investigation exploited many of the findings from previous applications of the Hamiltonian Renormalization Group in (Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d). Finally, we found analytically closed formulas for the respective fixed points and saw that the Hamiltonian renormalization leads to reliable results.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author Contributions
The contribution among the authors is 50-50. TT contributed among others the proposal for the toy models and the proof of them being well-defined. KL provided explicit computations of the fixed point analysis for the various coarse graining maps.
This work was funded by the project BA 4966/1-2 of the German Research Foundation (DFG). KL also acknowledges support by the DFG under Germany’s Excellence Strategy–EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe”–390833306.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The authors thank Thorsten Lang for many fruitful discussion.
1In the previous work (Bahr et al., 2011) in addition to free scalar fields also free gauge theories such as Maxwell theory and linearized gravity were renormalized. While there are some similarities, the difference to the scalar field treatment of (Lang et al., 2018b; Lang et al., 2018c; Lang et al., 2018d) and the present work is as follows: First, while (Bahr et al., 2011) is concerned with the renormalization of actions, we are concerned with renormalization of vacua, Fock representations and Hamiltonians. Next, (Bahr et al., 2011) provides explicit formulae for 1 + 1 dimensions while we treat 1 + D dimensions for any D. Finally, (Bahr et al., 2011) adapts the coarse graining map to the gauge symmetry while we perform a manifestly gauge invariant reduced phase space quantization. With respect to the latter issue, see also (Liegener and Thiemann, 2020).
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Keywords: renormalization group, canonical quantum gravity, Hamiltonian renormalization, constructive QFT, lattice gauge field theory
Citation: Liegener K and Thiemann T (2021) Hamiltonian Renormalization V: Free Vector Bosons. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 7:547550. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2020.547550
Received: 31 March 2020; Accepted: 09 November 2020;
Published: 27 January 2021.
Edited by:
Astrid Eichhorn, University of Southern Denmark, DenmarkReviewed by:
Roberto Percacci, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), ItalyGuillermo A. Mena Marugán, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM), Spain
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*Correspondence: K. Liegener, a2xhdXMubGllZ2VuZXJAZGVzeS5kZQ==