- 1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
- 2Third Institute of Physics, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
We derive a bound for entropy production in terms of the mean of normalizable path-antisymmetric observables. The optimal observable for this bound is shown to be the signum of entropy production, which is often easier determined or estimated than entropy production itself. It can be preserved under coarse graining by the use of a simple path grouping algorithm. We demonstrate this relation and its properties using a driven network on a ring, for which the bound saturates for short times for any driving strength. This work can open a way to systematic coarse graining of entropy production.
1 Introduction
A common way of analyzing complex systems is observation of particle trajectories, e.g., via microscopy [1–3] in biological systems [4–8] or complex fluids [9, 10]. Detecting and quantifying the deviation from equilibrium, i.e., the violation of detailed balance, based on trajectories is, however, a challenging task, especially if relevant degrees of freedom are hidden, and non-equilibrium processes are random [11–17]. Several methods for such detection have been developed.
The fluctuation dissipation theorem (FDT) connects fluctuations and response functions [18], and it is violated out of equilibrium [19–21]. How far away from equilibrium a system is, e.g., has been quantified by using the so-called effective temperatures or effective energies [22–27].
Another way of detecting broken detailed balance is via entropy production, which has been found to obey a variety of theorems including the fluctuation theorems [28–31]. A number of important relations have been found that bound entropy production, such as the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) [32–38]. The TUR bounds mean and variance of currents by entropy production or vice versa. It has been extended and refined, including path antisymmetric observables (FTUR) or to more general path weights [39–42] and has been applied to experiments and numerical data [43–46]. Little is, however, known about how bounds behave under coarse graining.
In this paper, we derive an entropy bound in terms of the mean of path-antisymmetric observables, based on an integrated fluctuation theorem. In contrast to the TUR and FTUR, it does not involve the variance of the observable. We determine the optimal observable, i.e., the observable that maximizes the bound, to be the signum of entropy production so that a relation between entropy production and its sign appears. As this relation saturates for a binary process at short times, we argue that no better relation between entropy production and its sign can exist with the same range of validity. The sign of entropy production, and hence the bound for entropy production, can be preserved under coarse graining with a simple path grouping rule. We apply these results for a discrete network on a ring. For this network, the signum of entropy production is coarse-grained under preservation to the signum of the traveled distance, demonstrating how a bound for microscopic entropy production is obtained from a macroscopic observable. Under such coarse graining, entropy production can at most reduce to the original bound.
2 Setup and fluctuation theorem
A path observable
We introduced notation for path reversal, θω, including reversal of time and of kinematic reversal of momenta [49]. Validity of Eq. 1 requires the sum of paths to include θω for any included ω. Adding a zero yields
where the term
With detailed balance obeyed, i.e., p[ω] = p[θω], antisymmetric observables average to zero, and
Violations of Eq. 4, thus, indicate the breakage of detailed balance [50, 51]. Although the symmetric part O+ does not appear in the final result, Eq. 12 below, for the derivation, it is useful to start with O+ finite.
To quantify the path reversal properties of cases that break detailed balance, we introduce the stochastic change in entropy defined as the log ratio of path probabilities (kB = 1) [52–54].
For simplicity, we will, in the following, refer to s as the entropy production despite some caveats regarding this term1. The thermodynamic relevance of s is a topic of its own, which has been discussed in various works [52–54]. Substituting s into Eq. 2 yields
Reordering the terms yields a fluctuation theorem including O:
Equation 7 may be found equivalently from the so-called strong detailed fluctuation theorem [48] and has been stated in the similar form [50].
3 Entropy bound
Equation 7 can be used to find bounds for s, and we, therefore, restrict to positive observables, O[ω] ≥ 0. This allows Jensen’s inequality [55, 56] to be applied for the average
As expected from Jensen’s inequality, Eq. 8 saturates for small s, as seen by expanding it in this limit,
Taking the logarithm of Eq. 8 yields a lower bound for the correlation
Because the conjugate observable O*[ω] = O[θω] is non-negative if O is non-negative, Eq. 10 is also valid for O*. The bounds for
Notably, when adding Eq. 10 for
A direct way to extract a bound for
Equation 12 is a main result of this paper, a bound for entropy production
The condition of
Equation 12 can be read in the following two ways: (i) a given
The form of Eq. 12 is illustrated in Figure 1. For small
FIGURE 1. Illustration of Eq. 12 in terms of antisymmetric observable
4 Optimal observable: signum of entropy
Equation 12, as mentioned, is valid for any normalizable antisymmetric observable, and, naturally, the observable that maximizes the right hand side of it yields the best estimate for
In the second step, we used the anti-symmetry of O−. The inequality in the last step of Eq. 13 follows by noting that the sum is maximized if O−[ω] = 1 for p[ω] > p[θω] and O−[ω] = −1 for p[ω] < p[θω]. This is the definition of O− = sign(s)4.
As the right hand side of Eq. 12 is a monotonically growing function of
The first inequality of Eq. 14 bounds
5 Coarse graining
A bound of
Coarse graining, thus, leads, in general, to a decrease in
Under this “optimal” (index o) coarse graining, the bound provided by sign(s) is invariant so that the macroscopic
6 Example: network on a ring
To display this in an example, consider a network on a ring, where every state is connected to two neighbors (see inset sketch of Figure 2). In every discrete time step, a particle jumps to the left (right) with probability p (q). For q ≠ p, the system violates detailed balance and shows a directed flow. After N steps, the probability of finding a specific path with nL steps to the left is given by the binomial distribution
FIGURE 2. Network on a ring model: entropy production
Optimal coarse graining can be performed here in a straightforward manner: because s = d log(p/q), the sign of entropy production equals the sign of d = nL − nR (for p > q), with nR being the number of steps to the right, i.e., sign(d[ω]) = sign(s[ω]). This system, thus, allows coarse graining toward the measurement of the net displacement d, under preservation of the bound. We may expect that d is easier to measure than s.
Having established that Eq. 12 is maximal for O− = sign(d[ω]), we can test the quality of the estimate for
For N = 1, the bound of Eq. 12, thus, meets entropy production exactly, for any p and q, i.e., arbitrarily far from equilibrium. This is the abovementioned case of the binary process, where a particle either jumps right or left.
Figure 2 shows
Coarse graining groups paths according to their displacement, i.e., Ω for d > 0 and θΩ for d < 0. This way, the coarse-grained entropy
Notably, the bound shown in Eq. 12 is saturated with respect to So for odd N, as indicated. For N even, paths with zero entropy production exist, and the second equality shown in Eq. 21 is not valid, and Eq. 12 lies below
According to Eq. 13, any other normalizable antisymmetric observable should yield a lower bound, which we exemplify by using O− = tanh(d/2). Indeed, it lies lower but approaches the optimal bound for large N because then, a typical trajectory shows d ≫ 1 so that tanh(d/2) becomes equivalent to sign(d).
Although optimal coarse graining is possible in an exact manner in this model, we expect an approximate preservation of sign(s) to be possible in more complicated systems, which will be investigated in future works.
Can we compare to other relations such as TUR? The original TUR is not applicable to time-discrete dynamics, as used in this example. We, thus, compare to the so-called FTUR [40], as shown in Figure 3. Not knowing the optimal observable for FTUR, we use sign(s) and s, analytically computing the required variances for these two. Interestingly, for each of the three curves shown in the figure, there exists a regime of N, where it provides the highest estimate. It is also remarkable that FTUR used with sign(s) can provide a better estimate compared to using s. This shows the advantage of Eq. 17, for which the optimal observable is known, leading to the coarse-graining scheme. It also shows that the comparison between these relations is rich and non-trivial and needs to be studied in future works.
FIGURE 3. Network on a ring model, with identical parameters as shown in Figure 2, here focusing on the comparison to FTUR. FTUR is used with two different observables as indicated, sign(s) or s. For large N, Eq. 12 and FTUR for the sign(s) scale linearly in N, while FTUR for s scales with log(N).
7 Discussion
Entropy production is bound by the mean of normalizable antisymmetric observables. The optimal observable is identified to be the signum of entropy production so that we determine a bound between entropy production and its sign, sign(s). The latter may often be estimated from simple observables, like here, the displacement on a ring. The network example shows that measuring sign(s) (did the particle move left or right?) is expected to require a lower experimental resolution compared to measuring s (where did the particle move when?). One can also estimate ⟨sign(s)⟩ by the use of Eq. (13), i.e., by testing various observables O− and finding the maximum deviation from zero. For the investigated network,
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Author contributions
GK: writing–original draft. TM: writing–review and editing. TB: writing–review and editing. MK: writing–original draft.
The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The authors thank É. Fodor for a critical reading of the paper and Peter Sollich and Cai Dieball for insightful discussions. The authors acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of the Göttingen University.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
1The entropy defined in Eq. 5 corresponds to the total change in entropy in overdamped stationary systems. In underdamped or non-stationary systems, the boundary terms differ [54].
2A similar relation was derived in [57], however, with the left hand side always negative.
3Eq. 13 holds also for −O− and thus for
4The terms with p[ω] = p[θω] cancel in the sum in Eq. 13 due to O−[ω] = −O−[θω], and O−[ω] can be chosen arbitrarily in these cases.
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Keywords: entropy production, statistical physics, non-equilibrium, fluctuation theorems, coarse graining, detailed balance breakage
Citation: Knotz G, Muenker TM, Betz T and Krüger M (2024) Entropy bound for time reversal markers. Front. Phys. 11:1331835. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1331835
Received: 01 November 2023; Accepted: 19 December 2023;
Published: 02 February 2024.
Edited by:
Juan Manuel López, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), SpainReviewed by:
Ayan Banerjee, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, IndiaBiswajit Das, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, India, in collaboration with reviewer [AB]
Miguel Rubi, University of Barcelona, Spain
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*Correspondence: Gabriel Knotz, Zy5rbm90ekB0aGVvcmllLnBoeXNpay51bmktZ29ldHRpbmdlbi5kZQ==