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Front. Phys., 07 June 2023
Sec. Nuclear Physics​
This article is part of the Research Topic Exotic Aspects of Hadrons and Nuclei View all 5 articles

QCD sum rule study on the fully strange tetraquark states of JPC = 2++

  • 1School of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
  • 2College of Science, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

We apply the QCD sum rule method to systematically study the fully strange tetraquark states with the quantum number JPC = 2++. We construct both the diquark–antidiquark and mesonic–mesonic currents and calculate both their diagonal and off-diagonal correlation functions. Based on the obtained results, we further construct three mixing currents that are nearly non-correlated. We use one mixing current to extract the mass of the lowest-lying state to be 2.030.15+0.16 GeV, which can be used to explain f2(2010) as a fully strange tetraquark state of JPC = 2++. This state was observed by BESIII in the ϕϕ channel, and we propose to confirm it in the η()η() channel.

1 Introduction

Many exotic hadrons were observed in particle experiments during the past 20 years [1], some of which are good candidates for the fully strange tetraquark states [222]. Especially the BESIII collaboration performed a partial wave analysis of the J/ψγϕϕ decay in 2016 [23]. They observed three tensor resonances, namely, f2(2010), f2(2300), and f2(2340) in the ϕϕ invariant mass spectrum, whose masses and widths were measured to be


These three resonances contain many strangeness components, so they are possible fully strange tetraquark states of JPC = 2++. With a large amount of the J/ψ sample, BESIII collaborations are still examining the physics happening in this energy region, and more rich-strangeness signals are expected in the coming future. Similar experiments can also be performed by Belle-II, COMPASS, GlueX, and PANDA, etc.

The fully strange tetraquark states are interesting from two aspects. Experimentally, their widths are possibly not very broad [possibly at the order of O(100 MeV)], so they are capable of being observed. Theoretically, their internal structures are simpler than other tetraquark states due to the Pauli principle’s restriction on identical strangeness quarks and antiquarks, which limits their potential number and makes them easier to be observed. In the past 15 years, we have applied the QCD sum rule method to study the fully strange tetraquark states with quantum numbers JPC = 0−+/1±±/4+− [2432]. More theoretical studies can be found in [3342].

In this paper, we shall study the fully strange tetraquark states with the quantum number JPC = 2++. We shall systematically construct both the diquark–antidiquark and mesonic–mesonic currents. We shall apply the method of QCD sum rules to study these currents as a whole, and extract the mass of the lowest-lying state to be 2.030.15+0.16 GeV. Our results suggest that the f2(2010) can be explained as the fully strange tetraquark state of JPC = 2++, while it is not easy to interpret the f2(2300) and f2(2340) as such states.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we systematically construct the fully strange tetraquark states with the quantum number JPC = 2++. We use these currents to perform QCD sum rule analyses in Section 3, where we calculate both their diagonal and off-diagonal correlation functions. Based on the obtained results, we use the diquark–antidiquark currents to perform numerical analyses in Section 4, and we use their mixing currents to perform numerical analyses in Section 5. The obtained results are summarized and discussed in Section 6.

2 Interpolating currents

The fully strange tetraquark currents with quantum numbers JPC = 0−+/1±±/4+− have been systematically constructed in [2430, 43]. In this section, we follow the same approach to construct the fully strange tetraquark currents with the quantum number JPC = 2++. We observe three independent diquark–antidiquark currents.


where a and b are color indices, C = 2γ0 is the charge-conjugation operator, and the symbol S represents symmetrizing and subtracting trace terms in the set {μν}. Among these currents, η1μν and η3μν have the antisymmetric color structure [ss]3̄C[s̄s̄]3C, and η2μν has the symmetric color structure [ss]6C[s̄s̄]6̄C, so the internal structure of η1μν and η3μν is more stable than that of η2μν. Moreover, the first current η1μν only contains the S-wave diquark field saTCγμsb and the S-wave antidiquark field s̄aγνCs̄bT, so it has a more stable internal structure that may lead to a better sum rule result. In addition, the diquark field saTCσμνsb of JP = 1± contains both S- and P-wave components, so the third current η3μν may also lead to a good sum rule result; the second current η2μν contains the P-wave diquark field saTCγμγ5sb, so its predicted mass is probably larger. In the present study, we only consider tetraquark currents without derivatives, and more JPC = 2++ currents can be constructed when using derivatives. However, their internal structures are not so stable, and their predicted masses are probably also larger.

In addition to the aforementioned diquark–antidiquark currents, we find six mesonic–mesonic currents.


We can verify the following relations through the Fierz rearrangement, so the number of independent mesonic–mesonic currents is also three.


Moreover, we can use the Fierz rearrangement to relate the diquark–antidiquark and mesonic–mesonic currents.


Therefore, the diquark–antidiquark and mesonic–mesonic constructions are equivalent to each other, when the local currents are investigated. We shall use this Fierz identity to study the decay behaviors at the end of this paper.

3 QCD sum rule analysis

The QCD sum rule method is a powerful and successful non-perturbative method [44, 45]. In this section, we apply it to study the currents η1,2,3μν and calculate their two-point correlation functions


at both the hadron and quark–gluon levels. Here, g̃μν=gμνqμqν/q2, and the symbol S denotes symmetrizing and subtracting trace terms in the two sets {μν} and {μν′}, respectively.

At the hadron level, we generally assume that the currents ηiμν (i = 1⋯3) couple to the states Xn (n = 1⋯N) through


where fin is the decay constant and ϵμν is the symmetric and traceless polarization tensor. Then, we use the dispersion relation to express Πij(q2) as


where s<=16ms2 is the physical threshold and ρijphen(s) is the phenomenological spectral density. We parameterize it for the states Xn and a continuum contribution as


where Mn is the mass of Xn and ⋯ is contributed by the continuum. It should be noted that the widths of Xn are not taken into account in the present study, and the two-meson thresholds are also not taken into account, such as the ϕϕ threshold. The Fierz rearrangement given in Eq. 13 indicates that the tetraquark currents η1,2,3μν can easily couple to two mesons, which causes some difficulties in extracting the correct information about the resonance when the two-meson thresholds contribute significantly. The authors of [46] suggest that the four-quark diagrams with no singularity at s=(i=14mi)2 (mi is the quark mass) are relevant to two free mesons but not relevant to the four-quark state. However, the validity of this criterion is still not clear.

At the quark–gluon level, we apply the method of the operator product expansion (OPE) to calculate Eq. 15 and extract the OPE spectral density ρij(s)ρijOPE(s). In this study, we take into account the Feynman diagrams shown in Figure 1 and perform the calculations up to the twelfth dimension, where we consider the perturbative term, the strange quark mass ms, the quark condensate s̄s, the double-gluon condensate gs2GG, the quark–gluon mixed condensate gss̄σGs, and their combinations. We do not consider some other condensates, such as gss̄DμGμνγνs and the diagrams with up/down quark loops, since their calculations are difficult. The vacuum saturation is assumed for higher-dimensional operators, i.e., s̄ss̄ss̄s2 and s̄sgss̄σGss̄sgss̄σGs. We calculate all the diagrams proportional to gsN=0 and gsN=1, where we find the D = 6 term s̄s2 and the D = 8 term s̄sgss̄σGs to be important. We partly calculate the diagrams proportional to gsN2, and we find their contributions to be small.


FIGURE 1. Feynman diagrams for the fully strange tetraquark currents of JPC =2++.

Finally, we perform the Borel transformation at both the hadron and quark–gluon levels. After approximating the continuum using ρij(s) above the threshold value s0, we arrive at the sum rule equation


The explicit sum rule equations extracted from the currents η1,2,3μν are as follows:


For completeness, we have calculated both the diagonal and off-diagonal correlation functions. We shall investigate them using two steps, the single-channel analysis and the multi-channel analysis, in the following sections.

4 Single-channel analysis

In this section, we perform the single-channel analysis. To perform this, we simply neglect the off-diagonal correlation functions; i.e., we assume ρij(s)|ij = 0 so that only ρii(s) ≠ 0. Under this assumption, any two of the three currents η1,2,3μν cannot mainly couple to the same state X; otherwise,


This allows us to further assume that the three currents η1,2,3μν couple separately to the three states X1,2,3 through


with fii ≠ 0 and fij = 0 for i, j = 1⋯3 and ij.

Now, we can parameterize the diagonal spectral density ρii(s) as one-pole dominance for the state Xi and a continuum contribution. This simplifies Eq. 19 to be


It can be used to calculate Mi through


We use the spectral density ρ11(s) given in Eq. 20 as an example to perform the single-channel numerical analysis. We take the following values for various sum rule parameters [1, 4753]:

ms2GeV=935+11MeV,gs2GG=0.48±0.14GeV4,s̄s=0.8±0.1×0.240 GeV3,gss̄σGs=M02×s̄s,M02=0.8±0.2GeV2.(30)

Equation 29 states that mass M1 depends on two free parameters, the threshold value s0, and the Borel mass MB. We consider three aspects to determine their working regions: a) the convergence of OPE, b) the sufficient amount of pole contribution, and c) the stability of the mass dependence on these two parameters.

First, we investigate the convergence of OPE, which is the cornerstone of a reliable QCD sum rule analysis. We require the D = 12/10/8 terms to be less than 5%/10%/20%, respectively.


Figure 2 shows that through the dashed curves, the lower bound of the Borel mass is determined to be MB21.53 GeV2.


FIGURE 2. CVG12/10/8 and PC with respect to the Borel mass MB. These curves are obtained using the spectral density ρ11(s) given in Eq. 20, when setting s0=6.5 GeV2.

Second, we investigate the one-pole-dominance assumption by requiring the pole contribution to be larger than 40%:

Pole Contribution PC=Π11s0,MB2Π11,MB240%.(34)

Figure 2 shows that through the solid curve, the upper bound of the Borel mass is determined to be MB21.77 GeV2 when setting s0 = 6.5 GeV2. Altogether, we determine the Borel window to be 1.53 GeV2MB21.77 GeV2 for s0 = 6.5 GeV2. We redo the same procedures and find that there are non-vanishing Borel windows when s0s0min=5.4 GeV2.

Third, we investigate the stability of the mass dependence on s0 and MB. As shown in Figure 3, we find a mass minimum around s0 ≈ 3 GeV2, and the mass dependence on s0 is moderate inside the region 5.5 GeV2s0 ≤ 7.5 GeV2. As shown in Figure 4, the mass dependence on MB is rather weak inside the Borel window 1.53 GeV2MB21.77 GeV2.


FIGURE 3. Mass M1 of the state X1 with respect to the threshold value s0. Short-dashed/solid/long-dashed curves are obtained by setting MB2=1.53/1.65/1.77 GeV2, respectively. These curves are obtained using the spectral density ρ11(s) given in Eq. 20.


FIGURE 4. Mass M1 of the state X1 with respect to the Borel mass MB. Short-dashed/solid/long-dashed curves are obtained by setting s0=5.5/6.5/7.5 GeV2, respectively. These curves are obtained using the spectral density ρ11(s) given in Eq. 20.

Altogether, we determine our working regions to be 5.5 GeV2s0 ≤ 7.5 GeV2 and 1.53 GeV2MB21.77 GeV2, where the mass of X1 is calculated to be


Its central value is obtained by setting s0 = 6.5 GeV2 and MB2=1.65 GeV2, and its uncertainty is due to the Borel mass MB, the threshold value s0, and various sum rule parameters listed in Eq. 30.

We follow the same procedures to study the other two currents, η2μν and η3μν, separately. The obtained results are shown in Table 1. We shall further study the three currents η1,2,3μν as a whole and perform the multi-channel analysis in the next section.


TABLE 1. QCD sum rule results for the fully strange tetraquark states with the quantum number JPC =2++, extracted from the diquark–antidiquark currents η1,2,3μν and their mixing currents J1,2,3μν.

5 Multi-channel analyses

In this section, we perform the multi-channel analyses. To perform this, we do not neglect the off-diagonal correlation functions any more, i.e., ρij(s)|ij ≠ 0. When setting s0 = 6.0 GeV2 and MB2=1.76 GeV2, the 3 × 3 matrix Πij(s0,MB2) becomes


Therefore, η1μν and η3μν are strongly correlated with each other, and the off-diagonal terms are indeed non-negligible.

In order to diagonalize the 3 × 3 matrix Πij(s0,MB2), we construct three mixing currents J1,2,3μν


where T3×3 is the transition matrix.

We use Πij(s0,MB2) to denote the correlation functions extracted from the mixing currents J1,2,3μν. This 3 × 3 matrix becomes


when setting


as well as s0 = 6.0 GeV2 and MB2=1.76 GeV2. Therefore, the off-diagonal terms of Πij(s0,MB2) are negligible, and the three mixing currents J1,2,3μν are nearly non-correlated around here. Moreover, the two correlation functions, Π22(s0,MB2) and Π33(s0,MB2), are both negative around s ≈ 6.0 GeV2. This suggests that they are both non-physical around here, and the masses extracted from them should be significantly larger than 6.0 GeV 2.5 GeV.

Now, we can use the procedures applied in the previous section on the currents η1,2,3μν to study their mixing currents J1,2,3μν. The obtained results are shown in Table 1. Particularly, the mass extracted from the current J1μν is


as shown in Figures 5, 6 with respect to the threshold value s0 and the Borel mass MB.


FIGURE 5. Mass M1 of the state X1 with respect to the threshold value s0. Short-dashed/solid/long-dashed curves are obtained by setting MB2=1.71/1.76/1.81 GeV2, respectively. These curves are obtained using the spectral density ρ11(s) extracted from the mixing current J1μν.


FIGURE 6. Mass M1 of the state X1 with respect to the Borel mass MB. Short-dashed/solid/long-dashed curves are obtained by setting s0=5.0/6.0/7.0 GeV2, respectively. These curves are obtained using the spectral density ρ11(s) extracted from the mixing current J1μν.

6 Summary and discussions

In this paper, we use the QCD sum rule method to study the fully strange tetraquark states with the quantum number JPC = 2++. We systematically construct their interpolating currents and find three independent diquark–antidiquark currents, denoted as η1,2,3μν. We calculate both their diagonal and off-diagonal correlation functions. Based on the obtained results, we construct three mixing currents that are nearly non-correlated and denoted as J1,2,3μν. We use both the diquark–antidiquark currents η1,2,3μν and the mixing currents J1,2,3μν to perform QCD sum rule analyses. The obtained results are shown in Table 1.

Particularly, we use the mixing current J1μν to evaluate the mass of the lowest-lying state to be 2.030.15+0.16 GeV, while the masses extracted from the other two mixing currents, J2μν and J3μν, are significantly larger than 3.0 GeV. The fully strange tetraquark states of JPC = 2++ naturally decay into the ϕϕ channel, where the BESIII collaboration observed three tensor resonances, namely, f2(2010), f2(2300), and f2(2340) [23]. Accordingly, our results suggest that the f2(2010) can be explained as the fully strange tetraquark state of JPC = 2++, while it is not easy to interpret the f2(2300) and f2(2340) as such states.

In this paper, we also systematically construct the fully strange mesonic–mesonic currents of JPC = 2++, which can be related to the diquark–antidiquark currents through the Fierz rearrangement. In particular, we can apply Eqs. 37 and 39, and Eq. 14 to transform the mixing current J1μν to be


This Fierz identity suggests that the lowest-lying state dominantly decays into the S-wave ϕ(1020)ϕ(1020) channel through the mesonic–mesonic current ξ1μν, while it can also decay into the D-wave η()η() channel through ξ2μν. Accordingly, we propose to confirm the f2(2010) in the η()η() channel in the future Belle-II, BESIII, COMPASS, GlueX, and PANDA experiments. In addition, more possible decay patterns can be obtained by annihilating an ss̄ pair into a gluon, which then transits into the final states with a pair of strange mesons, such as KK̄.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.

Author contributions

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.


This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no. 12075019, the Jiangsu Provincial Double-Innovation Program under grant no. JSSCRC2021488, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: exotic hadron, tetraquark state, QCD sum rules, Fierz rearrangement, interpolating current

Citation: Dong R-R, Su N, Chen H-X and Cui E-L (2023) QCD sum rule study on the fully strange tetraquark states of JPC = 2++. Front. Phys. 11:1184103. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1184103

Received: 11 March 2023; Accepted: 22 May 2023;
Published: 07 June 2023.

Edited by:

Alberto Martinez Torres, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Reviewed by:

Feng-Kun Guo, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Alessandro Pilloni, National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Rome, Italy

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*Correspondence: Hua-Xing Chen,; Er-Liang Cui,

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