- School of Science, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, China
We investigate the dynamics of the out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) via a non-Hermitian extension of the quantum kicked rotor model, where the kicking potential satisfies
1 Introduction
In recent years, the out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) C = −⟨[A(t),B]2⟩ have attracted extensive attention in diverse fields of physics, ranging from quantum chaos [1,2] and quantum information [3] to black hole physics [4]. A fundamental concept in these fields is information scrambling, namely, the spread of information encoding in local degrees of freedoms over the entire system to be inaccessible by local measurement [5–7]. This progress is quantified by the growth of local operators with time evolution, due to which it will be no longer commutable with other operators, separated by a long distance [8,9]. The operator growth is dominated by the classical chaos in such a way that the rate of exponential growth of OTOCs is proportional to the classical Lyapunov exponent [10,11]. Nowadays, the OTOCs are being widely used to diagnose the many-body localization [12,13], quantum entanglement [14–16], quantum thermalization [17–19], and many-body chaos [20–22], hence promoting intensive investigations in the field of many-body physics [23,24]. Interestingly, experimental advances have observed both the quantum information scrambling and quantum phase transition by measuring the OTOCs in the system of the quantum circuit [25,26] and a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum simulator [27].
In this context, we investigate, both analytically and numerically, the dynamics of OTOCs in a PTKR model, with focus on the broken phase of
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we show our model and the scaling-law of OTOCs. In Section 3, we present the theoretical analysis of the scaling law. Section 4 contains the conclusion and discussion.
2 Model and results
The Hamiltonian of a PTKR reads
with the kicking potential
which satisfies the
The evolution of the quantum state from tj to tj+1 is given by |ψ(tj+1)⟩ = U|ψ(tj)⟩, where the Floquet operator U takes the form
In numerical simulations, one period evolution splits into two steps, namely, the kicking evolution
The eigenequation of the Floquet operator has the expression U|φɛ⟩ = e−iɛ|φɛ⟩, where the eigenvalue ɛ is named as quasienergy. Intrinsically, the quasienergy of the PTKR model is complex, i.e., ɛ = ɛr + iɛi, when the value λ exceeds a threshold value, i.e., λ > λc [54,55], which is a signature of the spontaneous
FIGURE 1. (A) Time dependence of
The OTOCs are defined as the average of the squared commutator, i.e., C(t) = −⟨[A(t),B]2⟩, where both operators A(t) = U†(t)AU(t) and B are evaluated in the Heisenberg picture, and ⟨⋯ ⟩ = ⟨ψ(t0)|⋯|ψ(t0)⟩ indicates the expectation value taken over the initial state |ψ(t0)⟩ [23]. It usually uses the thermal states for taking the average in the investigation of OTOCs of lattice systems. For the Floquet-driven system, however, there are no well-defined thermal states, as the temperature tends to be infinity as time evolves [64]. Without loss of generality, we choose a Gaussian wavepacket as an initial state, i.e., ψ(θ, 0) = (σ/π)1/4 exp (−σθ2/2) with σ = 10. We consider the case as A = θ and B = pm
Our main result is the scaling law of the late-time behavior of the OTOCs
where N is the dimension of the momentum space of the PTKR model, and θc = π/2. This prediction is verified by numerical results in Figure 2. As an illustration, we consider m = 1, 2, and 3 in numerical simulations. Figure 2A shows that for a specific m, the C(t) saturates rapidly as time evolves, which is in perfect agreement with our theoretical prediction in Eq. 4. The critical time for the saturation of C decreases with the increase of λ, until saturation (as shown in Figure 2A). In order to further confirm the scaling law of C(t), we numerically investigate the C at a specific time for different values of N. Figure 2B shows that for t = t10, the value of C increases in the power-law of N, which coincides with the theoretical prediction in Eq. 4. The scaling of C(t) with dimensions of the system demonstrates that it diverges as N → ∞, which is of interest in the study of fast scrambling [63]. We would like to mention that we previously found the scaling law for the OTOCs constructed by A = θ and B = p, in a Gross–Pitaevskii map system [65]. Our present work explores the scaling law for B = pm with the arbitrary integer m; moreover, it extends the investigation to non-Hermitian systems, which is evidently a significant advance in the fields of operator growth in chaotic systems.
FIGURE 2. (A) Time dependence of C(t) with B = p (squares), p2 (circles), and p3 (triangles) with N = 213. The arrow marks the critical time tc for B = p. Inset: Critical time tc versus λ. (B) C(t) at the time t = t10 versus N. Solid lines in (A,B) denote our theoretical prediction in Eq. 4. The parameters are K = 2π, λ = 0.9, and ℏeff = 0.1.
3 Theoretical analysis
3.1 Scaling law of the C1(t)
Straightforward derivation yields the expression of OTOCs
where the three terms in right side are defined by
with |ψR (t0)⟩ = U†(tn, t0)θU (tn, t0)|ψ(t0)⟩ and |φR (t0)⟩ = U†(tn, t0)θU (tn, t0)pm|ψ(t0)⟩.
To get the state |ψR (t0)⟩, one needs three steps: 1) forward evolution t0 → tn, i.e., |ψ(tn)⟩ = U (tn, t0)|ψ(t0); 2) action of the operator θ on |ψ(tn)⟩, i.e.,
It is known that in the
We rewrite the C1 as
FIGURE 3. Time evolution of
FIGURE 4. Distributions in real (left panels) and momentum (right panels) space. In (A–D), black and red lines indicate the distribution of the states at the forward |ψ(tj)⟩ and backward |ψR (tj)⟩ evolution, respectively, with t = t0 (top panels), t = t5 (middle panels), and t = t10 (bottom panels). In (E–F), red and black lines indicate the distribution of the states |ψ(t10)⟩ and
Figures 4B, D, F show the momentum distribution of the state during both forward and backward evolutions. For the forward evolution, the quantum state behaves like a soliton which moves to a positive direction in momentum space, resulting in the linear increase of the mean momentum, i.e., ⟨p⟩ = Kt (see Figure 3B). The mechanism of the directed acceleration has been unveiled in our previous investigations [29,56]. Intriguingly, at time t = t10, the action of θ yields a state with a power-decayed shape, i.e.,
In the aspect of the mean momentum ⟨p⟩, we find that the value of ⟨p⟩ linearly decreases during the backward evolution and is in perfect symmetry with that of the forward evolution, which is a solid evidence of time reversal. In the end of the backward evolution, the quantum state |ψR (t0)⟩ is localized at the point p = 0 (see Figure 4B). By using the power-law distribution |ψR (p, t0)|2 ∼ p−2, it is straightforward to get the estimation of the expectation value of p2m, i.e.,
which is verified by our numerical results in Figure 5. As an illustration, we consider the cases with m = 1, 2, and 3. Our numerical results of the late-time saturation values of C1 are in good agreement with Eq. 11. It is now clear that the scaling of C(t) with N originates from the power-law decay of the state |ψR (t0)⟩. The reason for the formation of power-law decayed wavefunction has been uncovered in Ref. 65.
FIGURE 5. C1 (squares), C2 (circles), and
3.2 Analytical analysis of C2(t)
We proceed to evaluate the time dependence of C2(t) in Eq. 7, which is just the norm of the state |φR (t0)⟩ at the end of backward evolution. According to our normalization procedure, the value of C2 equals to the norm of the state
where α = 1/(σℏ2) and (…)!! denote a double factorial. Taking both the ⟨θ⟩ and
which is in good agreement with our numerical results in Figure 5.
FIGURE 6. Probability density distributions in real space at the time t = t0 (squares), t5 (triangles), and t10 (circles) with B = p (A), p2 (B), and p3 (C). The parameters are the same as in Figure 2.
3.3 Scaling law of C3(t)
The value of C3(t) depends on both the states |ψR (t0)⟩ and |φR (t0)⟩ (see Eq. 8). Figure 7 shows the probability density distributions of the two states in both the real space and momentum space. For comparison, the two states are normalized to unity. One can find the perfect consistence between |ψR (t0)⟩ and |φR (t0)⟩. Then, we roughly regard C3 as the expectation value of the pm taking over the state ψR (t0) or φR (t0), i.e.,
Accordingly, the C3 is approximated as
with the prefactor
FIGURE 7. Comparison of the distribution of states |ψR (t0)⟩ (solid lines) and |φR (t0)⟩ (dashed lines) in real (A, C, E) and momentum space (B, D, F) with B = p (top panels), p2 (middle panels), and p3 (bottom panels). Blue dashed lines in (B, D, F) indicate the power-law decay |ψR (t0)|2 (|φR (t0)|2) ∝ p−2. The parameters are the same as in Figure 2.
We numerically calculate the absolute value of the real part of C3. Interestingly, our numerical results of |Re [C3]| is in good agreement with the analytical prediction in Eq. 15 (see Figure 5), which proves the validity of our theoretical analysis. We further numerically investigate the |Re [C3(t)]| at a specific time for different N. Figure 8 shows that for B = p, the value of |Re [C3(t)]| is nearly zero with varying N, which is consistent with our theoretical prediction in Eq. 15. For B = p3, the value of |Re [C3(t)]| has slight difference with zero for large values of N, signaling the derivations with Eq. 15. This is due to the fact the quantum state |ψR (t0)|2 is not exactly symmetric around p. In order to quantify such asymmetry, we numerically investigate the difference of the sum of the probability between the positive and negative momentums
FIGURE 8. |Re [C3(t)]| at the time t = t10 versus N with B = p (squares), p2 (circles), and p3 (triangles). Red solid line indicates our theoretical prediction in Eq. 15 with η = 6.05 × 10−7 for B = p2. The parameters are the same as in Figure 2.
4 Conclusion and discussion
In the present work, we investigate the dynamics of the C(t) = −⟨[θ(t), pm]⟩ in a PTKR model. The spontaneous
In recent years, fruitful physics of quantum many-body systems, such as dynamical phase transition, many-body localization, and thermalization have received extensive studies. It is found that the energy conservation of chaotic systems leads to the scaling law of OTOCs, for which the late-time saturation of OTOCs scales as the inverse polynomial with the system size [66]. For chaotic systems with long-range interaction, the late-time saturation values of OTOCs obey the dynamical scaling law near the phase transition point [67]. Accordingly, our finding of the power-law scaling of OTOCs with the system size of the PTKR model serves as a new element of the quantum information scrambling in non-Hermitian map systems.
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
W-LZ proposed ideas and revised the manuscript. R-RW conducted the numerical simulation and wrote the manuscript.
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 12065009), the Science and Technology Planning Project of Jiangxi province (grant no. 20224ACB201006), and the Science and Technology Planning Project of Ganzhou City (grant no. 202101095077).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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Keywords: out-of-time-order correlators, PT-symmetry, kicked rotor system, information scrambling, quantum chaos
Citation: Zhao W-L and Wang R-R (2023) Scaling laws of out-of-time-order correlators in a non-Hermitian kicked rotor model. Front. Phys. 11:1130225. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1130225
Received: 23 December 2022; Accepted: 06 February 2023;
Published: 17 February 2023.
Edited by:
Libin Fu, Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, ChinaReviewed by:
Ruifeng Lu, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, ChinaZhihao Lan, University College London, United Kingdom
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*Correspondence: Wen-Lei Zhao, d2x6aGFvQGp4dXN0LmVkdS5jbg==