- 1Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, Beijing, China
- 2Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
We theoretically investigate the enhancement of the charging power in a Dicke quantum battery which consists of an array of N two-level systems (TLS)coupled to a single mode of cavity photons. In the limit of small N, we analytically solve the time evolution for the full charging process. The eigenvectors of the driving Hamiltonian are found to be pseudo-Hermite polynomials and the evolution is thus interpreted as harmonic oscillator like behaviour. Then we demonstrate the average charging power using a collective protocol is
1 Introduction
Batteries have become ubiquitous in modern technology, supplying power to devices as small as nano-robots and as large as automotive engines. However, the continuing miniaturization technology gradually pushes those traditional batteries into the atomic limit, i.e., the quantum world. This trend, rather than bringing us into an uncontrollable regime, offers the possibility of utilizing quantum properties for investigating and developing more efficient energy manipulations [1–5].
The topic of quantum batteries, started by Alicki and Fannes [6], is aimed at searching for adequate protocols based on quantum coherence and entanglement in order to achieve the efficient charging-discharging energy transfer. In general, a quantum battery is a system possessing discrete energy levels and interacting with external driving and consumption sources in a controllable fashion. The internal energy of a quantum battery is defined as tr [ρHB], with ρ the density matrix describing the state of the battery and HB the battery Hamiltonian (see Section 2). Charging (discharging) of a quantum battery means evolving into a higher (lower) energetic state ρ′ by cyclic operations. From the viewpoint that information is a form of energy, research on quantum batteries intrinsically involves using the notions and techniques of quantum information [7]. Questions like whether entanglement plays a role in speeding up the energy transfer and how does entropy (and related concepts) evolve in specific battery systems are under active research [8–16].
As an answer to these questions, Binder et al. suggested that energy can be deposited into an array of N working qubits with speedup in charging time T such that Tglobal = Tpar/N for the use of a globally entangling charging Hamiltonian compared to a parallel individual protocol [17]. In consequence, the average charging power defined by
Another practical setting for global charging is based on the Dicke model [19], which describes an array of two-level systems (TLS) enclosed in a photon cavity whose frequency is on resonance with the Zeeman splitting of those TLSs. A recent paper shows in the thermodynamic limit (i.e. the number of TLS N ≫ 1), quantum enhancement of charging power is proportional to
2 Model description
The model of a quantum battery, shown in Figure 1A, is an array of two level systems enclosed in a photon cavity. Since there is an equivalence between the ground/excited state of two level system to the spin down/up state of Zeeman splitting, we will refer to these TLSs as spins in the following. Without loss of generality, we set the spin down
where g* is the engineerable electron g-factor, μB is the Bohr magneton constant, and
where the frequency ωa can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field Bz. The initial energy for such a N-spin battery corresponds to be
In this paper, we focus on the time required to flip all spins down state
and the average charging power is
The cavity, as the charger, is set to stay in a single mode of the electromagnetic field. Its internal Hamiltonian reads Hc = ωca†a, with ωc the photon frequency and a†, a the creation and annihilation operators of cavity photons. We assume the cavity has high quality factor and the leakage of photons can be ignored. As the flipping duration is short enough, the relaxation and dephasing effect of TLS can also be safely neglected. Moreover, we assume that by tuning the external magnetic field Bz, the Zeeman splitting of the spins is on resonance with the cavity photons, i.e., ωc = ωa. Originating from magnetic dipole interactions, the coupling between the cavity photons and spins is modeled as the Dicke interaction Hint = g (a†+a) (S++S−), where
Here λ(t) is a time-dependent coupling signal set to be 1 during the charging period [0, τ] and 0 otherwise, as illustrated in Figure 1B. Before t = 0 there is no coupling between photons and spins, and the cavity is assumed to stay in a n-photon Fock state
At t = 0+ the coupling is turned on. Driven by the Dicke Hamiltonian (6) energy starts to be transferred from cavity photons to battery spins. The coupling is kept constant during this charging period t ∈ [0, τ] and shall be switched off at t = τ. The quantum state of the total system will then be static again with the battery spins expected to be fully flipped up. Similar process of start and pause of swapping has been achieved with high fidelity in recent experiment setup consists of superconducting quantum circuit within which multi qubits were inter-connected by the photon cavity [23].
FIGURE 1. (A) Schematic representation of a Dicke quantum battery as an array of identical two level systems with energy splitting ℏωa. The ground state (black bar) and excited state (red bar) are equivalent to the states of spin down and up (see arrows). The batteries are charged inside a single cavity (green background) of photonic mode ωc and g is the coupling constant among TLSs and cavity photons. (B) Initially the coupling signal λ is set to be 0 and the batteries are prepared in the ground state. The coupling is switched on at time t =0+ and maintained as constant g for a period of τ. Then we turn off the coupling and the charging process therefore stops. Energy is transferred from cavity photons into the batteries whose final states are expected to be fully charged (all spins up).
In typical experiment settings, the coupling constant g is much smaller than cavity energy ωc so that the Dicke interaction can be simplified using the rotating wave approximation which results in the Tavis-Cumming Hamiltonian [24].
We point out four prominent properties of this charging protocol. I) When the photon frequency is on resonance with Zeeman energy, we have [H, a†a+Sz] = 0, i.e. the “excitation number” is conserved during the evolution. For example if we have 3 spins inside the cavity, the initial state can be denoted as
3 Collective charging of a Dicke quantum battery
We calculate the time of flipping the spins in Schrödinger picture by analytically solving the matrix representation of the charging Hamiltonian (8). Due to the conservation of excitation number, the quantum states of such charger-battery system flipping from
where each element
The charging Hamiltonian can be diagonalized as
Disregarding the common factor
with each of the column entries
The characteristic polynomials Pk(ξ) obey the recursion relation,
They are orthogonal to each other and alternating between even and odd parity. Actually, as the number of spins N approaches the thermodynamic limit, these polynomials converge into the Hermite polynomials. In particular, ξ = 0, 1, … , N so we have N−2ξ = N, N−1, … , − N. If we let N−2ξ = Nx, then the x goes from 1 to −1 in discrete steps and the recursion relation (13) reads
whose corresponding Rodrigues’ formula is
Eq. 14 is just the scaled version of the standard Hermite polynomials whose Rodrigues’ formula is
Equipped with the eigenvalues (10) and eigenvectors (11) of
can be rephrased into two algebraic equations with even and odd number of spins respectively. For odd numbers of spins N = 2m + 1, the algebraic formula corresponding to Eq. 16 is
One see that if
such that the left-hand side of Eq. 17 becomes
So in case N is odd, the flip duration
Similar to the odd-spin case, for
such that the left-hand side of Eq. 18 becomes
Thus in case N is even, the flip duration is also given by
Based on the above analysis, we now claim that if the time of flipping N spins equals
FIGURE 2. (A) Individually charging three spins in a parallel protocol. Each cavity is filled with n photons and in total 3n number of photons are used. (B) The three spins are collectively charged inside a single cavity. To make a fair comparison the same amount of photons should be provided as in the parallel protocol.
4 Quantum speedup originating from coherent cooperative interactions
In order to understand the origin of the speedup effect described in previous section, we first calculate the quantum speed limit (QSL) which forms the lower bound of the evolution duration that could possibly be achieved by corresponding Hamiltonian. For the parallel protocol, its energy variance reads
For collective charging, the energy variance for the same number of charging photons is
We see that due to the collective effect, the quantum speed limit has also been pushed down by a factor of
By taking partial trace of the density matrix of the collectively charged spins, we calculate and plot the development of entanglement during the evolution. As shown in Figure 3, no entanglement develops during the flipping process. Upon detailed numerical inspection, one finds all spins process exactly in step, i.e., follow the same evolution. This result differs from the conclusion of Ref. [20], which states that long-range entangling interactions among the spins will be formed due to the mediation of the common photon field inside the cavity. We have thus found an example where it is not the globally entangling operations that lead to the enhancement of charging. This raises the question for what is the source of quantum speedup in our model, if there is no entanglement involved.
FIGURE 3. (A) The evolution of 10 spins under the 104 cavity driving photons with the charging Hamiltonian Eq. 8. The gray curve stands for the energy deposited into each battery
To answer this question we symbolically solve the von Neumann equation with Hamiltonian Eq. 8
Here j = 1, 2, … , N numbers the spins inside the cavity. Solving the dynamic equation for operator a(t) one finds
Substituting these expressions back into Eq. 21 we obtain the equation of motion for a single spin
Equation 23 shows that by integrating out the photon field, the effective force applied on an arbitrary spin j is proportional to
This final form explicitly shows the coupling strength of each spin has been increased by
As argued by Binder et al. quantum speedup originates from two different sources. One is the reduction of path length between initial and final state in projected Hilbert space
5 Conclusion and discussion
We have studied the energy transfer efficiency of an ideal Dicke quantum battery within the limit N/n ≪ 1. Under the constraint of full charging, we predicted a
Although the Dicke battery presented here only shows ‘half’ the amount of speedup (factor
Future work could focus on adding entangling interactions between the spins in order to further explore the remaining
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
This work is conducted by XZ under the supervisor MB.
This work was supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant No. 2022M710402.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Keywords: quantum battery, Tavis-Cumming Hamiltonian, Dicke model, pseudo-Hermite polynomials, quantum speedup
Citation: Zhang X and Blaauboer M (2023) Enhanced energy transfer in a Dicke quantum battery. Front. Phys. 10:1097564. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1097564
Received: 14 November 2022; Accepted: 19 December 2022;
Published: 09 January 2023.
Edited by:
Jamal Berakdar, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, GermanyReviewed by:
Levan Chotorlishvili, Rzeszów University of Technology, PolandH. Z. Shen, Northeast Normal University, China
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*Correspondence: Xiang Zhang, emhhbmd4aWFuZ0BiYXFpcy5hYy5jbg==
†These authors share first authorship