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Front. Phys. , 25 November 2022

Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics

Volume 10 - 2022 |

Assorted exact explicit solutions for the generalized Atangana’s fractional BBM–Burgers equation with the dissipative term

  • Faculty of Mathematical Physics, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China

In this study, the generalized Atangana’s fractional BBM–Burgers equation (GBBM-B) with the dissipative term is investigated by utilizing the modified sub-equation method and the new G'/(bG' + G + a)-expansion method; with the aid of symbolic computations, many types of new exact explicit solutions including solitary wave solutions, trigonometric function periodic solutions, and the rational function solutions are obtained. Some 3D and 2D plots of these solutions are simulated, which show the novelty and visibility of the propagation behavior and dynamical structure of the corresponding equation. Moreover, with the selection of different values on the parameters and orders, we can deduce many types of exact solutions in special cases. We also discussed the changes and characteristics of these solutions, which can help us further understand the inner structure of this equation. The obtained solutions indicate that the approach is easy and effective for nonlinear models with high-order dispersion terms.

1 Introduction

As is known, calculus was founded by Newton and Leibniz at the end of the 1660s, and fractional order calculus has gradually become one of the new special fields in natural sciences and mathematical physics since 1695 [1]. In recent years, due to the wide application of fractional order calculus in nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs), especially fractional PDEs [24], many nonlinear phenomena come down to fractional models, such as ecological and economic systems [5], two-scale thermal science [6], mechanics [7], chaotic oscillations [8], atmospheric science [9], and optical fiber [1012]. Searching for exact explicit solutions of these nonlinear fractional PDEs plays a significant role in the study of the dynamics of those phenomena. Until now, many powerful methods for this subject have been offered, such as the Darboux transformation [13], Bäcklund transformation method [14], and Hirota bilinear method [15], which can be used to find N-soliton solutions. The improved F-expansion method [16], projective Riccati equation method [17], sine-Gordon method [18], Jacobi elliptic function expansion method [19], G'/G-expansion method [20], (G'/G,1/G)-expansion method [21], improved (m + G'/G)-expansion method [22], improved G'/G2-expansion method [23], exp (−φ(ξ)) technique [24], homogeneous balance method [25], first integral method [26], inverse scattering transformation [27], and Lie symmetry method [28], etc [2934] can be used to find Jacobi periodic solutions, solitary wave solutions, and trigonometric function solutions of these models. Until now, there are many types of definitions for the fractional derivative, and the most classic definitions are as follows:

Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative [35]:


Caputo fractional derivative [36]:


Jumarie’s fractional derivative [37]:


Ji-Huan He’s fractional derivative [38]:


Furthermore, the Atangana–Baleanu derivative [39], M-fractional derivative [40], conformable fractional derivative [41], and Atangana’s fractional derivative [42, 43] which will be utilized in this article, are built recently.

In this paper, we consider the generalized Atangana’s fractional BBM–Burgers equation with the dissipative term in the following form [4447]:


where Dtα(),Dxβ() are the Atangana’s fractional derivative [42]()tα=Dtα0A(),()xβ=Dxβ0A(),()x2β=Dxβ0A(Dxβ0A()),()x4β=Dxβ0A(Dxβ0A(Dxβ0A(Dxβ0A()))).The coefficients ρ,σ,μ,δ,γ are real constants; when μ=γ=0,α=β=1, or β=1,0<α1, Eq. 1 is related to the well-known BBM equation or fractional BBM equation, which was proposed by Benjamin–Bona–Mahony and describes approximately the unidirectional propagation of a long wave in certain nonlinear dispersive systems as a refinement of the KdV equation [4851]. When δ=γ=0,α=1 or β=1,0<α1, Eq. 1 is related to the well-known Burgers equation [52, 53]. Some related research studies about Eq. 1 can be found in [45, 54, 55].

Next, we review some basic definitions and properties of the Atangana fractional derivative which are used further in this paper [42, 43].

Definition: For a function f(t):[0,)R, we defined the Atangana fractional derivative operator and integral operator of f(t) of the order α as [42, 43]


Also, we have the following important properties [42, 43]:


The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the modified sub-equation method [5659] and the new G'/(bG'+G+a)-expansion method, while in Section 3, some exact solutions of the GBBM–Burgers equation are found and discussed by utilizing the proposed methods. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Section 4.

2 Description of the two methods

2.1 The modified sub-equation method

Consider the following Atangana’s fractional differential equation:


We use the following wave transformation [60]:


where the constant k means the wave number which can reflect the frequency and w is the wave speed. Thus, Eq. 2 reduces to an ordinary differential equation:


Assume that Eq. 4 has the following solution:


where N is a balance number, F=F(ξ), and Ai and the variable function ξ=ξ(x,t) are determined later. The function F satisfies the Riccati equation defined by


Equation 6 gives the following solutions:


When d=1, we can obtain the results mentioned in [5659].

Substituting Eqs 6, 5 into Eq. 4, collecting the coefficients of Fi(i=0,1,2,) to zero yields algebraic equations (AEs) for A0,A1,,AN and ξ. Utilizing mathematical software to solve the AEs, we can obtain the solutions of Eq. 4.

2.2 The G'/(bG' + G + a)-expansion method

With similar steps to technique Section 2.1, we give the main steps of this method.

Step 1. Assume that Eq. 4 has the following solution:


where F=F(ξ)=GbG+G+a, and ai and the variable function ξ=ξ(x,t) are determined later. The parameters a and b0 are arbitrary constants, and G=G(ξ) is a solution of the following auxiliary ODE:


where λ,μ are two arbitrary real numbers. We can find the following constrained condition:

Equation 9 gives the following solutions:

Case 1. When Δ=λ24μ>0, we have G=a+p1e12b(λΔ)ξ+p2e12b(λ+Δ)ξ, and a,p1,p2 are arbitrary constants that satisfy a2+p12+p220, as in case 2; thus,


Case 2. When Δ=λ24μ<0, we have G=eλ2bξ(p1cos(Δ2bξ)+p2sin(Δ2bξ))a,


Step 2. Substituting Eqs 7, 9 into Eq. 4 and setting the coefficients of Fi zero yield a set of AEs for ai,b,λ,μ,k and w. After solving the AEs and substituting each of the solutions F1,F2 along with Eqs 7, 3 into Eq. 2, we can obtain the solutions of Eq. 2.In the following section, we will use these two methods to solve the GBBM–Burgers equation.

3 Exact solutions to the GBBM–Burgers equation

3.1 Using the modified sub-equation method

Substituting Eq. 3 into Eq. 1 and integrating Eq. 1 once, we have


where A is the integral constant. By balancing the highest derivative term with the nonlinear terms in Eq. 10, we obtain N=3. Therefore, we assume that Eq. 10 has the following solutions:


where A0,A1,A2,A3 are constants to be determined later. Substituting Eqs 11, 6 into Eq. 10, collecting the coefficients of Fi(i=0,1,2,) to zero, we have


Solving the aforementioned AEs, we have the following cases:

Case 1.


Case 2.


We can obtain the following traveling wave solutions.

Family 1 Δ=bd<0,d0

Set 1


where F1(ξ1.1)={F1.1.1=μ4d2k2γtanhξ1.1,F1.1.2=μ4d2k2γcothξ1.1,F1.1.3=μ4d2k2γ[tanh(2ξ1.1)±isech(2ξ1.1)].


The numerical simulation of u2.1.1,u2.1.2 is shown in Figures 1, 2, where we select



FIGURE 1. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u2.1.1 with α=1,β=1.


FIGURE 2. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u2.1.2 with α=1,β=1.

Family 2 Δ=bd>0,d0

Set 2




The numerical simulation of u2.2.1,u2.2.2 is shown in Figures 3, 4, where we select



FIGURE 3. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u2.2.1 with α=1,β=1.


FIGURE 4. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u2.2.2 with α=1,β=1.

Family 3 Δ=bd=0,μ=0

Set 3


If we select σ=ρ=d=δ=k=w=γ=1,ξ0=0. The numerical simulation of rational function u3 is shown in Figure 5.


FIGURE 5. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u3 with α=β=1.

3.2 Using the G'/(bG' + G + a)-expansion method

We assume that Eq. 10 has the following solutions:


where a0,a1,a2 and a3 are constants to be determined later; if we select b=1, substituting Eqs 9, 12 into Eq. 10 and setting the coefficients of Fi zero yields


We can deduce the following solutions with the aid of mathematical software.

Case 1.


Case 2.


Case 3.


Case 4.


We can determine the following solutions.

Family 4 Δ=λ24μ>0

For case 1, we have

Set 4




The numerical simulation of u4 is shown in Figure 6, where we select



FIGURE 6. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u4 with α=β=1.

For case 2, we have

Set 5




The numerical simulation of u5 is shown in Figure 7, where we select


For case 3, we have


FIGURE 7. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u5 with α=0.3,β=0.5.

Set 6




The numerical simulation of u6 is shown in Figure 8, where we select


Family 5 Δ=λ24μ<0 For case 4, we have


FIGURE 8. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u6 with α=β=1.

Set 7




The numerical simulation of u7 with the fractional order is shown in Figure 9, where we select


Clearly, if we select the special value of p1,p2 in F1,F2, we can obtain the tanh, coth, tan, and cot-type solutions; without loss of generality, we select


Thus, we obtain the following solutions:


If we select




We have


The simulation of u4.1 is shown in Figure 10.


FIGURE 9. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u7 with α=0.6,β=0.6.


FIGURE 10. 3D plot, 2D plot, and contour plot of u4.1 with α=β=1.

3.3 Results and discussion

After utilizing the modified sub-equation method and the new G'/(bG'+G+a)-expansion method, we obtain many types of exact solutions of Eq. 1, and some structures of these solutions are simulated in Figures 110. Visualization can help us better understand the dynamic behavior and propagation property of these solutions. For example, the bell-shape-like solitary wave solution of Eq. 1 is shown in Figure 1, and we find that there are two asymptotes on either side of the peak for u2.1.1, while the bell-shape soliton solution has only one. The shape of trigonometric function solutions u2.1.2 has a break when x(46,48), which is shown in Figure 2. The same phenomena happen for u3 and u6 which are simulated in Figures 5, 8. The simulations of periodic solutions u2.2.1, u2.2.2, and u7 are shown in Figures 3, 4, 9 for α=β=1 or 0<α,β<1. We can find that the waveform of a single period widens as the order decreases, and the changes of u7.2 are simulated in Figure 11. The kink soliton solution u4 and the solitary wave solution u5 for the fractional order are simulated in Figures 6, 7. From Figure 10, we find the solution u4.1 has one peak, one valley, and two asymptotes. These different propagation patterns can probably explain the different phenomena for this model.


FIGURE 11. Changes in the waveform of u7.2 with different values of α,β.

4 Conclusion

In conclusion, many types of new exact solutions for the Atangana fractional GBBM–Burgers equation with the dissipative term have been found after utilizing the modified sub-equation method and the new G'/(bG' + G + a)-expansion method. Some propagation behavioral patterns of these solutions are discussed and simulated, the graphs of which show that these solitary wave solutions, trigonometric function periodic solutions, and rational function solutions are propagated through different patterns. The two efficient and significant methods can be used for many other nonlinear models such as the vmKdV equation, Ginzburg–Landau equation, and NLS-KDV equation. However, it is still worth researching whether the method can be used in a system with high dimensions and high order. Finally, all these solutions obtained in the present article have been checked by mathematical software.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

BH: completed the study, carried out the tests, and drafted the manuscript.


This work is supported by the practical innovation training program projects for the university students of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. 202211276054Y), natural science research projects of Institutions in Jiangsu Province (Grant No. 18KJB110013), and the Nanjing Institute of Technology (Grant Nos. ZKJ201513 and YZKC2019086).

Conflict of interest

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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Keywords: generalized BBM–Burgers equation, Atangana’s fractional derivative, dissipative term, modified sub-equation method, G'/(bG' + G + a)-expansion method, exact solutions

Citation: Hong B (2022) Assorted exact explicit solutions for the generalized Atangana’s fractional BBM–Burgers equation with the dissipative term. Front. Phys. 10:1071200. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1071200

Received: 15 October 2022; Accepted: 26 October 2022;
Published: 25 November 2022.

Edited by:

Fei Yu, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China

Reviewed by:

Ji-Huan He, Soochow University, China
Kangsheng Zhao, Fudan University, China
Rongfei Xu, Nanjing Normal University, China

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*Correspondence: Baojian Hong, aGJqQG5qaXQuZWR1LmNu

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