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Front. Phys., 24 June 2021
Sec. Statistical and Computational Physics

Normal Curves in 4-Dimensional Galilean Space G4

  • 1Department of Mathematics, College of Science, University of Bisha, Bisha, Saudi Arabia
  • 2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Damanhour University, Damanhour, Egypt
  • 3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

In this article, first, we give the definition of normal curves in 4-dimensional Galilean space G4. Second, we state the necessary condition for a curve of curvatures τ(s) and σ(s) to be a normal curve in 4-dimensional Galilean space G4. Finally, we give some characterizations of normal curves with constant curvatures in G4.

1. Introduction

Galilean geometry is one of the Cayley-Klein geometries whose motions are the Galilean transformations of classical kinematics [1]. The Galilean transformation group has an important place in classical and modern physics. It is well known that the idea of world lines originates in physics and was pioneered by Einstein. The world line of a particle is just the curve in space-time which indicates its trajectory [2].

In Euclidean 3-space E3, there are three types of curves, namely, osculating, rectifying, and normal curves [3]. The osculating curve in E3 is defined as a curve whose position vector always lies in its osculating plane, which is spanned by the tangent vector T and the normal vector N [3]. The rectifying curve in E3 is defined as a curve whose position vector always lies in its rectifying plane, which is spanned by the tangent vector T and the binormal vector B. Many researchers have investigated rectifying curves in Euclidean, Lorentz-Minkowski, and Galilean space, as can be seen in [46]. Similarly, a normal curve in E3 is defined as a curve whose position vector always lies in its normal plane, which is spanned by the normal vector N and the binormal vector B of the curve. Normal curves in n-dimensional Euclidean space was studied by Ozcan Bekats [7], framed normal curves in Euclidean space was studied by B.D. Yazici, S. O.Karakus, and M. Tosun [8], and normal curves on a smooth immersed surface was investigated by A.A. Shaikh, M.S. Lone, and P.R. Ghosh [9].

There are also many studies related to normal curves in non-Euclidean spaces, for example, normal curves and their characterizations in Lorentzian n-space was studied by Ozgür Boyacıoğlu Kalkan [10] and to the classification of normal and osculating curves in 3-dimensional Sasakian space was studied by M. Kulahck, M. Bahatas, and A. Bilici [11].

In recent years, researchers have begun to introduce curves and surfaces in Galilean and pesedo-Galilean spaces [1224]. Normal and rectifying curves in Galilean G3 were obtained by Handan Oztekin [25]. Also, many studies about Galilean Geometry were found in Reference [1]. Frenet-Serret frame in the Galilean 4-space was constructed by S.Yilmaz [26].

In the present study, we considered a curve in Galilean 4-space G4 whose position vector satisfies the equation α(s) = λ(s)N(s) + μ1(s)B1(s) + μ2(s)B2(s) for differentiable functions λ(s), μ1(s), and μ2(s). N(s), B1(s), and B2(s) are normal, first binormal, and second binormal vectors of the curve in Galilean space G4. In the first part of the study, the necessary condition for a curve to be a normal curve was obtained; then, we considered a special case when the curvatures are constant and got the position vector of the normal curve in G4. At the end of the study, it can be seen that the normal curve in G4 lies on a sphere if τσ= constant, where τ and σ are the second and the third curvatures of the normal curve α(s).

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we will give some definitions considered in this study. Let x=(x1,x2,x3,x4) and y=(y1,y2,y3,y4) be two vectors in G4. The Galilean scalar product in G4 is defined by

<x,y>G4={x1y1, if x10 or y10,x2y2+x3y3+x4y4, if x1=0 and y1=0. The norm of the vector x=(x1,x2,x3,x4) is given by |x|=<x,x>G4.

The cross product of any three vectors x, y, and z in G4 is defined by the relation

x×y×z={|0e2e3e4x1x2x3x4y1y2y3y4z1z2z3z4|, if x10 or y10 or z10, |e1e2e3e4x1x2x3x4y1y2y3y4z1z2z3z4|,                  if x1= y1=z1=0,

where the unit vectors e1 = (1, 0, 0, 0), e2 = (0, 1, 0, 0), e3 = (0, 0, 1, 0), and e4 = (0, 0, 0, 1) [1].

A curve α : IRG4 of C in the Galilean space G4 is defined by α(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)).

If the curve is parameterized by Galilean arc-length s, it is defined by α(s) = (s, y(s), z(s), w(s)).

The Frenet frame for the parameterized curve α(s) = (s, y(s), z(s), w(s)) in G4 is denoted by the following vectors

T(s) = α′(s) = (1, y′(s), z′(s), w′(s)),



B2(s) = ςT(s) × N(s) × B1(s),

Here, the coefficient ς is taken ±1 to make the determinant of the matrix [T, N, B1, B2] = 1.

where T(s), N(s), B1(s) and B2(s) are the tangent, normal, the first binormal, and the second binormal vectors of α(s). k(s) and τ(s) are the first and second curvatures, which are given by the following equations



The third curvature of the parameterized curve α(s) is denoted by σ(s)=<B1(s),B2(s)>G4. If the curvatures of α(s) are constants, the curve α(s) is called a W-curve. The set {T(s), N(s), B1(s), B2(s), k(s), τ(s), σ(s)} is called Frenet apparatus of the curve α(s). The vectors T(s), N(s), B1(s), and B2(s) are mutually orthogonal.



and <T(s),N(s)>G4=<T(s),B1(s)>G4=<T(s),B2(s)>G4=<N(s),B1(s)>G4


The derivatives of the Frenet equations are defined by [26].

T(s)=k(s)N(s),N(s)=τ(s)B1(s),B1(s)=-τ(s)N(s)+σ(s)B2(s),B2(s)=-σ(s)B1(s).    (2.1)

3. Normal Curves in G4

In the following section, we will define the normal curves in Galilean 4-dimensional space and prove that there are no congruent curves to the normal curve α(s); finally, we will provide some characterizations of the normal curves in G4.

Definition 1. Let α : IRG4 be a parameterized curve in G4. A curve α(s) is called a normal curve if the orthogonal components of T(s) contains a fixed point for all sI.

In the following theorem, we indicate the position vector of the normal curve in Galilean 4-space G4.

Theorem 1. The position vector of the normal curve in G4 with curvatures k(s), τ(s), and σ(s) are defined if τ(s) and σ(s) satisfy the following equations:


Proof: The position vector of a normal curve in G4 is defined by

α(s)=λ(s)N(s)+μ1(s)B1(s)+μ2(s)B2(s),    (3.1)

where λ(s), μ1(s), and μ2(s) are smooth functions of s.

By differentiating (Equation 3.1) with respect to s, we obtain

α(s)=λ(s)N(s)+λ(s)N(s)+μ1(s)B1(s)+μ1(s)B1(s)           +μ2(s)B2(s)+μ2(s)B2(s).    (3.2)

substituting Frenet (Equations 2.1) into Equation 3.2, we have T(s)=(λ(s)-τ(s)μ1(s))N(s)+(λ(s)τ(s)+μ1(s)-μ2(s)σ(s))B1(s)+(μ1(s)σ(s)+μ2(s))B2(s).

Hence, we have the following system of differential equations:

dλds=τ(s)μ1(s),    (3.3)
dμ1ds=-τ(s)λ(s)+σ(s)μ2(s),    (3.4)


dμ2ds=-σ(s)μ1(s).    (3.5)

Since the curvature functions τ(s) and σ(s) must be differentiable functions, so we consider a set F of differentiable functions, defined by

F={Pn(s),eωs,cosβs,sinβs,n, ω, β},    (3.6)

where Pn(s) denotes a polynomial function of degree n in s. Here, the curvature functions can be any function of F, a linear combination or a product of these functions. It is said that L[Ds] annihilates the function ϒ(s) if L[Ds](ϒ(s))=0. Here, all the member functions of F have this property. Consequently, we have two linear differential operators, Φ(Ds) and Ψ(Ds), such that Φ(Ds){τ(s)} = 0 and Ψ(Ds){σ(s)} = 0, where Ds=dds, some of these annihilator operators are listed in Table 1. By applying the operator Θ(Ds) = Φ(Ds)Ψ(Ds) on Equation (3.4), we have

Θ(Ds)Dsμ1(s)=-Θ(Ds){τ(s)λ(s)}+Θ(Ds){σ(s)μ2(s)}                                =-Ψ(Ds)Φ(Ds){τ(s)λ(s)}                                +Φ(Ds)Ψ(Ds){σ(s)μ2(s)}.    (3.7)

The operator Θ(Ds) annihilates the terms that contain λ(s) and μ2(s), i.e., the right hand side (RHS) of Equation (3.7) contains the derivatives of λ(s) and μ2(s) from order 1 to an order of less than the order of the derivative of μ1(s) by 1 at most. Let the maximum derivative in the left hand side (LHS) of Equation (3.7) be r + 1; then, its RHS can be written as a linear combination of the derivatives of τ(k)(s(rk)(s) and σ(k)(s)μ2(r-k)(s) and k ∈ {0, 1, …, r − 1}, consequently, we have

Θ(Ds)Dsμ1(s)=k=0r1(ar,k(σ(s))(k)(μ2(s))(rk)                                br,k(τ(s))(k)(λ(s))(rk)),    (3.8)

where ar, k, br, k ∈ ℝ. Next by differentiating Equations (3.3) and (3.5), (r − 1 − k) times and applying Leibniz's rule, one gets

(λ(s))(rk)=(τ(s)μ1(s))(r1k)                          ==0r1k(r1k)(τ(s))()(μ1(s))(r1k),    (3.9)


(μ2(s))(rk)=(σ(s)μ1(s))(r1k)                             ==0r1k(r1k)(σ(s))()(μ1(s))(r1k).    (3.10)

Applying Equations (3.9) and (3.10) into (3.8) yields

Θ(Ds)Dsμ1(s)+k=0r1=0r1k(r1k)[ar,k(σ(s))(k)(σ(s))()+     br,k(τ(s))(k)(τ(s))()](μ1(s))(r1k)=0.    (3.11)

Equation (3.11) is a linear differential equation of order (r + 1) in μ1(s) with differential variable coefficients. Its general solution depends on the nature of the coefficients of its derivatives. However, the power series method can be applied to obtain its solution, especially, for any value of s ∈ ℝ is an ordinary point in all the coefficients of the derivatives μ1(k)(s), k = 0, 1, …, r.


Table 1. Annihilator operators of some functions.

Next, we studied the case when τ(s) ∈ Pn(s) and σ(s) ∈ Pm(s). When r = max(m, n), then the annihilator operator is Dsr+1, Dsr+1τ(s)=Dsr+1σ(s)=0, and consequently, Θ(Ds)=Dsr+1 was applied into Equation (3.7) by applying Leibniz's rule, yielding

(μ1(s))(r+2)=k=0r(r+1k)[(σ(s))(k)(μ2(s))(r+1k)                             (τ(s))(k)(λ(s))(r+1k)].    (3.12)

By using Equations (3.9) and (3.10), Equation (3.12) becomes

(μ1(s))(r+2)+k=0r=0rk(r+1k)(rk)[(σ(s))(k)(σ(s))()+                    (τ(s))(k)(τ(s))()](μ1(s))(rk)=0.    (3.13)

Corollary 1. Let α(s) be a normal curve in G4. If the curvatures τ (s) and σ(s) ∈ P1(s), then the position vector of the normal curve in G4 is given by

   α(s)=(π42((C(24(s+1)π))2+(S(24(s+1)π))2)+cλ)   N(s)+(C1sin (22(s+1)2)+C2cos (22(s+1)2)   +C3(F12[13454;18(s+1)4]))   B1(s)+(π42((C(24(s+1)π))2+(S(24(s+1)π))2)+cμ2)B2(s)

where C1, C2, C3, cλ, and cμ2 are constants; the Fresnel functions, C(s)=0scos(t2)dt;and S(s)=0ssin(t2)dt; the generalized hypergeometric function,

Fpq[β1β2...βpγ1γ2γq; s]=n=0j=1p(βp)nsnj=1p(γq)nn!;

and (β)n is the shifted factorial, defined by [27]

(β)n=β(β+1)(β+n-1)=j=0n-1(β+j),  and (β)0=1.

Proof: We consider a special case, when τ(s), σ(s) ∈ P1(s), i.e., τ(s) = a1s + b1, σ(s) = a2s + b2, then we have r = 1, τ(s)=a1 and σ(s)=a2 and the annihilate operator is Ds2 (Ds2τ(s)=τ(s)=Ds2σ(s)=0); by substituting into Equation (3.13), one gets

(μ1(s))(3)+k=01=01k(2k)(1k)[(σ(s))(k)(σ(s))()           +(τ(s))(k)(τ(s))()](μ1(s))(1k)=0.    (3.14)

By extracting the summations, we have

d3μ1ds3+((σ(s))2+(τ(s))2)dμ1ds+3(σ(s)σ(s)            +τ(s)τ(s))μ1(s)=0.    (3.15)

By applying the power series method to solve Equation (3.15), where μ1(s)=k=0cksk, differentiating it for up to three times, then substituting into Equation (3.15), and collecting the coefficients, one gets

       c3=-13!j=01(j+1)ϖ1-jcj,       c4=12(4!)j=02(5j2-9j-3)ϖ2-jcj,cn+3=12(n+1)3j=02((5n+3)j2-(7n+11)j-8(n-1))                   ϖ2-jcn-1+j,n=2,3,,


ϖ0=b12+b22,  ϖ1=a1b1+a2b2,  ϖ2=a12+a22.

Finally, for a special case, when a1 = a2 = b1 = b2 = 1, the resultant differential equation is

μ1+2(s+1)2μ1+6(s+1)μ1=0,    (3.16)

which has the solution μ1(s)=C1sin(22(s+1)2)+C2cos(22(s+1)2)+ C3(F12[13454;18(s+1)4]).

It is worth noting that the generalized hypergeometric function is convergent, when p < q + 1, which holds in the proposed problem. Hence, we can obtain the functions λ(s) and μ2(s), by integrating Equations (3.3) and (3.5) with respect to s, respectively, then we have

λ(s)=π42((C(24(s+1)π))2+(S(24(s+1)π))2)        +cλ,


μ2(s)=-π42((C(24(s+1)π))2+(S(24(s+1)π))2)            +cμ2.

Corollary 2. The position vector of the normal curve in G4 with constant curvatures τ and σ is given by


Proof: The position vector of a normal curve in G4 is defined by

α(s)=λ(s)N(s)+μ1(s)B1(s)+μ2(s)B2(s),    (3.17)

where λ(s), μ1(s), and μ2(s) are differentiable functions of s.

By differentiating Equation (3.17) with respect to s, we obtain

α(s)=λ(s)N(s)+λ(s)N(s)+μ1(s)B1(s)+μ1(s)B1(s)          +μ2(s)B2(s)+μ2(s)B2(s).    (3.18)

Substituting Frenet Equations (2.1) into Equation (3.18), we have


Hence, we obtain the following differential equations:

λ(s)-τ(s)μ1(s)=0,μ1(s)+λ(s)τ(s)-μ2(s)σ(s)=0,μ2(s)+μ1(s)σ(s)=0.    (3.19)

If we take the normal curve α(s) with constant curvatures τ and σ, the Equations (3.19) will take the form

λ(s)-τμ1(s)=0,μ1(s)+τλ(s)-σμ2(s)=0,μ2(s)+σμ1(s)=0.    (3.20)

By differentiating the second equation of the Equation (3.20) and substituting the first and the third Equation of (3.20), we obtain the following differential equation

μ1(s)+(τ2+σ2)μ1(s)=0.    (3.21)

By solving the ordinary differential Equation (3.21), we obtain

μ1(s)=c1cosτ2+σ2s+c2sinτ2+σ2s,    (3.22)
λ(s)=τμ1(s)ds=ττ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2s        c2cosτ2+σ2s)+c3,    (3.23)
μ2(s)=σμ1(s)ds=στ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2s            c2cosτ2+σ2s)+c4,    (3.24)

where c1, c2, c3 and c4 are constants.

In the following corollary, we give some characterizations for the curve to be a normal curve.

Corollary 3. Let α(s) be a normal curve in Galilean 4- space G4 with non-zero constant curvatures τ and σ. The following statements are satisfied.

1. <α(s),N(s)>=ττ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2s-c2cosτ2+σ2s) + c3,

2. <α(s),B1(s)>=c1cosτ2+σ2s+c2sinτ2+σ2s,

3. <α(s),B2(s)>=-στ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2s-c2cosτ2+σ2s) + c4,

where c1, c2, c3, and c4 are constants.

Proof: Suppose that α(s) is a normal curve in Galilean 4-space G4 with non-zero constant curvatures τ and σ, then α(s) can be written in the form

α (s)=(ττ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2s-c2cosτ2+σ2s)+c3)



Taking the inner product of the two sides with N(s), B1(s), and B2(s), the statements are held.

In the following theorem, we prove that, if α(s) is a normal curve, there are no curves which are congruent to α(s).

Theorem 2. Let α(s) be a normal curve in Galilean space G4 with non-zero constant curvatures τ and σ. Then, there are no curves which are congruent to α(s).

Proof: First, let us define m(s) as follows

m(s)=α(s)-λ(s)N(s)-μ1(s)B1(s)-μ2(s)B2(s).    (3.25)

Taking the derivative of Equation (3.25) for both sides, we obtain


By substituting from Equations (2.1), (3.22)–(3.24).

m(s)=T(s)[(c1cosτ2+σ2s+c2sinτ2+σ2s)N(s)+ (ττ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2sc2cosτ2+σ2s)+c3)(τB1(s))+ (c1τ2+σ2sinτ2+σ2s+ c2τ2+σ2cosτ2+σ2s)B1(s) +(c1cosτ2+σ2s+c2sinτ2+σ2s)(τN(s)+σB2(s)) +(c1σcosτ2+σ2sc2σsinτ2+σ2s)B2(s) +((στ2+σ2(c1sinτ2+σ2s+c2cosτ2+σ2s)+c4)(σB1(s))]


m′(s) does not equal to zero, which means that m(s) is not a constant vector. So, α(s) is not congruent to a normal curve.

In the following theorem, we give the necessary condition for the normal curve in Galilean 4-space to lie on a sphere.

Theorem 3. Let α(s) be a normal curve in Galilean 4-space G4 with non-zero constant curvatures τ and σ. Then, α(s) lies on a sphere if τσ=c4c3, where c3 and c4 are the constants in equations (3.23) and (3.24).

Proof: The inner product of the position vector of α(s) is defined by

g( α(s), α(s)) = < α(s), α(s)>G4




By simple computations, we have

< α(s), α(s)>G4=(c12+c22+c32+c42)+(2c1c3τ-2c1c4στ2+σ2)sinτ2+σ2s+


If τσ=c4c3, then < α(s), α(s)>G4=(c12+c22+c32+c42), which means that α(s) lies on a sphere.

4. Conclusion

In this study, we established the definition of the normal curve in Galilean 4- space G4. Also, we derived the necessary condition for a curve to be a normal curve in G4. We have proved that, if α(s) is a normal curve in G4 with constant curvatures, there is no curve which is congruent to α(s). In the end, the necessary condition for a normal curve to lie on a sphere has been obtained.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary materials, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author/s.

Author Contributions

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to referee for making several useful comments that improved the first version of the paper.


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Keywords: normal curves, Galilean space, curvatures, W-curve, Frenet apparatus

Citation: Mosa S, Fakharany M and Elzawy M (2021) Normal Curves in 4-Dimensional Galilean Space G4. Front. Phys. 9:660241. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.660241

Received: 29 January 2021; Accepted: 18 March 2021;
Published: 24 June 2021.

Edited by:

Yang-Hui He, City University of London, United Kingdom

Reviewed by:

Özlem Yeilta, Gazi University, Turkey
Kazuharu Bamba, Fukushima University, Japan

Copyright © 2021 Mosa, El-Fakharany and Elzawy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Mervat Elzawy, bWVydmF0ZWx6YXd5QHNjaWVuY2UudGFudGEuZWR1LmVn; bXJ6YXd5QHRhaWJhaHUuZWR1LnNh

Present address: Mohamed El-Fakharany, Mathematics and Statistics Department, College of Science, Taibah University, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
Mervat Elzawy, Mathematics Department, College of Science, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia

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