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Front. Phys., 24 March 2021
Sec. Optics and Photonics
This article is part of the Research Topic Peregrine Soliton and Breathers in Wave Physics: Achievements and Perspectives View all 25 articles

Storage, Splitting, and Routing of Optical Peregrine Solitons in a Coherent Atomic System

Chong ShouChong Shou1Guoxiang Huang,
Guoxiang Huang1,2*
  • 1State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
  • 2NYU-ECNU Joint Institute of Physics, New York University at Shanghai, Shanghai, China

We propose a scheme to realize the storage and retrieval of optical Peregrine solitons in a coherent atomic gas via electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We show that optical Peregrine solitons with very small propagation loss, ultraslow motional velocity, and extremely low generation power can be created in the system via EIT. We also show that such solitons can be stored, retrieved, split, and routed with high efficiency and fidelity through the manipulation of control laser fields. The results reported here are useful for the active control of optical Peregrine solitons and promising for applications in optical information processing and transmission.

1 Introduction

Rogue waves, first observed in ocean surfaces, are highly isolated spatial-temporal wave packets with very large amplitudes when some special conditions are attained [1]. Such waves are ubiquitous in nature and quite intriguing, since they “appear from nowhere and disappear without a trace” and have extremely destructive power [2]. Except for ocean waves, the study on rogue waves has been extended to many other different physical contexts, including atmosphere [3], superfluid helium [4], capillary waves [5], water waves [6], photorefractive ferroelectrics [7], plasmas [8], ferromagnetic materials [9], and so on [10, 11].

Peregrine soliton, firstly suggested by D. H. Peregrine in the early 1980s for nonlinear dynamics of deep waters [12], is commonly taken as a prototype of rogue waves [13, 14]. Such soliton, i.e., localized rational solution of nonlinear Schrödinger equation, can be taken as a limiting case of the one-parameter family of Kuznetsov–Ma breathers [15] or Akhmediev breathers [16]. There have been considerable interests on Peregrine solitons occurring in a variety of physical systems [1739]. Many efforts have also been devoted to the new understanding of Peregrine solitons through the analysis of other types of nonlinear partial differential equations [4051].

Among various rogue waves, optical rogue waves have received much attention due to their interesting properties and promising applications [10, 11, 2539, 5254]. However, the creation of the optical rogue waves is not an easy task in conventional optical media (such as optical fibers and waveguides). The reason is that the nonlinear optical effect in such media is very weak, and hence a large input optical power is needed to obtain a significant optical nonlinearity required for the formation of rogue waves. Although some resonance mechanisms may be exploited to enhance nonlinear effects, near resonances significant optical absorptions occur, which result in serious attenuation and distortion of optical pulses during propagation.

In recent years, many efforts have been focused on the investigation of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), a typical quantum interference effect occurring in three-level atomic systems, by which the light absorption due to resonance may be largely suppressed and giant Kerr nonlinearity may be obtained simultaneously [55]. By means of EIT, it has been shown that weak-light solitons and their storage and retrieval can be realized [5658]. Recent works [59, 60] have demonstrated that it is possible to generate optical Peregrine solitons with low generation power in EIT-base atomic systems.

In this work, we suggest a scheme to realize the memory of optical Peregrine solitons in a Λ-shaped three-level atomic gas via EIT. We show that such solitons may have very small propagation loss, ultraslow motional velocity, and extremely low generation power; they can be stored, retrieved, split, and routed with high efficiency and fidelity through the manipulation of control laser fields. The results reported here are helpful for the active control of optical Peregrine solitons and promising for practical applications in optical information processing and transmission.

The article is arranged as follows. In Section 2, the physical model and ultraslow weak-light Peregrine solitons and their propagation are described. In Section 3, the storage, retrieval, splitting, and routing of such solitons are presented. Finally, Section 4 gives a summary of the main results obtained in this work.

2 Model and Ultraslow Weak-Light Peregrine Solitons

2.1 Model

We start to consider a cold three-state atomic gas with Λ-shaped level configuration, interacting with a weak, pulsed probe laser field (center wavenumber kp and center angular frequency ωp) and a strong, continuous-wave (CW) control laser field (wavenumber kc and angular frequency ωc). The probe (control) field drives the transition |1|3 (|2|3); see Figure 1A.


FIGURE 1. (A) Energy-level diagram and excitation scheme of the Λ-shaped three-level atomic system for realizing EIT. The probe field (with center angular frequency ωp and half Rabi frequency Ωp) couples the atomic levels |1 and |3; the CW control field (with angular frequency ωc and half Rabi frequency Ωc) couples the atomic levels |2 and |3; Γ13 (Γ23) is the decay rate from |3 to |1 (|3 to |2); Δ3 (Δ2) is one-photon (two-photon) detuning. (B) The imaginary part Im(K) and real part Re(K) of the linear dispersion relation K as a function of ω (ω=0 corresponds to the central frequency of the probe pulse).

The total electric field in the system reads E=Ep+Ec=l=p,cellexp[i(klzωlt)]+c.c., where el (l) is the unit polarization vector (envelope) of the electric field El. To suppress Doppler effect, both the probe and control fields are assumed to propagate along z direction.

The Hamiltonian of the system in the interaction picture reads H^int=(j=23Δj|jj|+Ωp|31|+Ωc|32|+H.c.), where Δ3=ωp(E3E1)/ (Δ2=ωpωc(E2E1)/) is one-(two-) photon detuning; Ej is the eigenvalue of the atomic state |j; Ωp=(epp13)p/ (Ωc=(ecp23)c1/) is the half Rabi frequency of the probe (control) field; pij is the electric-dipole matrix element associated with levels |i and |j. The atomic dynamics is described by a 3×3 density matrix σ, obeying the optical Bloch equation


where Γ is a relaxation matrix characterizing the spontaneous emission and dephasing [61]. The explicit form of Eq. 1 is presented in Section 1 of the Supplementary Material.

The evolution of the probe field Ep is governed by the Maxwell equation 2Ep(1/c2)2Ep/t2=(1/ε0c2)2Pp/t2, where Pp=Na{p13σ31exp[i(kpzωpt)]+c.c.} is the electric polarization intensity, with Na the atomic density. Under slowly varying envelope and paraxial approximations, the Maxwell equation is reduced into the form


with κ13=Naωp|p13|2/(2ε0c). Note that we have assumed that the probe field has a large transverse size so that its diffraction effect is negligible. The model described here may be realized, e.g., by a cold 87Rb atomic gas [62], with the levels selected by |1=|52S1/2,F=1,mF=0, |2=|52S1/2,F=2,mF=0, and |3=|52P1/2,F=1,mF=0. Thus we have ωp=2.37×1015 Hz, |p13|=2.54×1027Ccm. If the atomic density Na=8.8×1011cm3, κ13 takes the value of 2.4×1010cm1s1. This set of parameters will be used in the following analysis and calculation.

2.2 Ultraslow Weak-Light Peregrine Solitons and Their Propagation

We first investigate the linear propagation of the probe field. When a very weak probe pulse is applied, the system undergoes a linear evolution. In this case, the Maxwell–Bloch (MB) (Eqs. 1 and 2) admit the solution Ωp=Fexp[i(Kzωt)], where F is a constant,


is linear dispersion relation, and dαβ=ΔαΔβ+iγαβ (with γαβ(Γα+Γβ)/2+γαβdep, Γβωα<ωβΓαβ, and γαβdepis the dephasing rate associated with the states |α and |β).

Shown in Figure 1B is the imaginary part Im(K) and the real part Re(K) of K as functions of ω. Due to the quantum interference effect induced by the control field, an EIT transparency window is opened in Im(K) (dashed line), which implies that the probe field can propagate in this resonant atomic gas with a very small absorption. Parameters used for plotting the figure are Δ2=2π×0.64 MHz, Δ3=2π×9.6 MHz, γ21=2π×1.09 kHz, γ31=2π×2.5 MHz, and Ωc=2π×31.8 MHz.

From the MB Eqs. 1 and 2 and using the method of multiple-scales [63], we can derive the controlling equation governing the nonlinear evolution of the probe-field envelope F (see Section 2 of the Supplementary Material), which reads


where τ=tz/V˜g [V˜g(K˜/ω)1 is the group velocity of the envelope; here and in the following, the quantity with a tilde represents the corresponding real part]; K2=2K/ω2 is the coefficient describing group-velocity dispersion; W is the coefficient (describing self-phase modulation) proportional to Kerr nonlinearity. The explicit expression of W is given in Section 2 of the Supplementary Material.

If the imaginary parts of K and W are much smaller than their corresponding real parts, Eq. 4 admits the Peregrine soliton solution, which can be expressed by the half Rabi frequency


where K0K|ω=0, U0 and τ0 are respectively the characteristic half Rabi frequency and time duration of the probe field, and LNon1/(U02|W˜|) is the characteristic nonlinearity length (which has been assumed to equal the dispersion length defined by LDisτ02/|K˜2| for simplicity). One sees that the Peregrine soliton consists of a CW background and a bump in its envelope that first grows and then decay rapidly on the background. The physical reason for the formation of such optical Peregrine soliton can be understood as follows. When a plane-wave probe field with a finite amplitude is applied to and propagates in the atomic gas, the Kerr nonlinearity brings a modulational instability and a phase modulation to the probe field; due to the role played by the group-velocity dispersion, the phase modulation is converted into amplitude modulation and peak amplification. Because of the joint phase and amplitude modulations, the probe field reorganizes its spatial distribution and hence the Peregrine soliton is generated in the system.

As an example, we take τ0=2.36×107s, U0=2π×8.0 MHz, and other system parameters which are the same as those used in Figure 1B. Then we obtain K0=1.70+i0.02 cm1, K1=K/ω(4.5i0.05)×107 cm1 s, K2(1.5i0.1)×1014 cm1 s2, and W(1.050.004)×1016 cm1 s2 (estimated at ω=0). We see that the imaginary parts of Kj (j=0,1,2) and W are much smaller than their corresponding real parts, which is due to the EIT effect that results in the suppression of the optical absorption in the system. Based on these results, we obtain LNonLDis3.8 cm and


Thus, the propagation velocity of the optical Peregrine soliton is much slower than the light speed c in vacuum. If the transverse cross-section area of the probe pulse takes the value S=8.0×103 cm2, the generation power of the soliton (which can be estimated by using the Poynting vector [56]) reads


i.e., very small power needed for creating such soliton. Consequently, the Peregrine solitons given here are different from those obtained in conventional optical systems [25, 27, 28, 31].

We now investigate the propagation of the ultraslow Peregrine soliton by exploiting Runge–Kutta method based on solving the MB Eqs. 1 and 2 numerically. Since solution (5) has an infinite energy due to the existence of the CW background, it cannot be generated in a real experiment. To avoid this, we assume the probe field at z=0 has the form


Here Ωp0(t)=6.67[13.2/(1+4t2/τ02)] is chosen to match the analytical solution (5); the hyperbolic tangent function is used to impose temporal boundaries on both sides of CW background (far from the pump part), which can make the soliton have finite energy and also have a clear illustration on its waveshape (similar to the case for generating dark solitons [64, 65]); Tsp=3.0τ0 is the switching time when switching on and off the probe field; Tonp=80τ0 and Toffp=4τ0 are parameters characterizing the two temporal boundaries, respectively. The waveshape of the input probe field at z=0 is shown by a solid blue line in the upper part of Figure 2A, where the dashed vertical lines represent temporal boundaries.


FIGURE 2. Propagation of ultraslow weak-light Peregrine solitons. (A)|Ωpτ0| as a function of t/τ0 and z. The solid blue line in the upper part is the input temporal shape of the probe field with the dashed vertical lines representing the temporal boundaries. The orange line in the lower part is the input Peregrine soliton at z=0. The red line represents the Peregrine soliton propagating to z=4.3 cm with the maximum intensity |Ωpτ0|max15.2 at t=16.9τ0(B) The contour map for the propagation of the Peregrine soliton (the red dashed circle) on the t-z plane. The upper color bar shows the intensity of the probe field.

The lower part of Figure 2A illustrates the result of a numerical simulation on the propagation of the Peregrine soliton (with Δ3=2π×95.5 MHz, τ0=1.5×107s, and other parameters the same as those used in Figure 1B), by taking |Ωpτ0| as a function of t/τ0 and z. The orange line is the input Peregrine soliton at z=0; the red line denotes the Peregrine soliton propagating to z=4.3 cm; the maximum value (|Ωpτ0|max15.2) of the soliton along the trajectory appears sharply around z=4.3 cm at t=16.9τ0. Figure 2B shows the contour map for the propagation of the Peregrine soliton, which can be taken as a projection of Figure 2A onto the t-z plane. One sees that the Peregrine soliton (indicated by the red dashed circle in Figure 2B) appears sharply and disappears suddenly; a secondary peak (soliton) emerges at longer distance, as a result of phase modulation when the first soliton is excited.

3 Storage, Retrieval, Splitting, and Routing of the Optical Peregrine Solitons

We now turn to consider the memory of the optical Peregrine solitons and related applications in optical splitting and routing through the manipulation of the control fields.

3.1 Storage and Retrieval of the Optical Peregrine Solitons

We first consider the storage and retrieval of optical Peregrine solitons obtained above, which can be implemented by switching off and on the control field described by the following switching function:


where Ωc0 is a constant, Tsc is the time interval for switching off and switching on the control field (switching time), and Toffc (Tonc) is the time when the control field is switched off (on).

As an example, we take Ωc0=2π×31.8MHz, Toffc=10.0τ0, Tonc=20.0τ0, Tsc=3.0τ0 (τ0=1.5×107s), and other system parameters are the same as those used in Figure 2. The upper part of Figure 3A shows the time sequences of the control field (black line) and the probe field (blue line); the red dashed vertical line (black dashed vertical line) represents the time Toffp (Toffc). Symbols I, II, and III denote the CW background, the Peregrine soliton, and the low-intensity component of the probe field, respectively. The lower part of the figure shows the result of a numerical simulation on the storage and retrieval of the Peregrine soliton by taking |Ωpτ0| as a function of t/τ0 and z. Here the orange line is the input Peregrine soliton at z=0; the purple line represents the Peregrine soliton at the storage period; the red line represents the retrieved Peregrine soliton propagating to z=4.1 cm with the maximum intensity |Ωpτ0|max15.4 at t=30.3τ0. Shown in Figure 3B is the contour map of the storage and retrieval of the Peregrine soliton in the t-z plane with Toffp<Toffc. The retrieved Peregrine soliton is indicated by the red dashed circle (i.e., “Retrieved PS”). From the figure we see that the Peregrine soliton can be stored and retrieved some time later in the medium.


FIGURE 3. Storage and retrieval of optical Peregrine solitons. (A) Upper part: the black line (blue line) is the time sequence of the control (probe) field, the red dashed vertical line is Toffp, and the black dashed vertical line is Toffc. Symbols I, II, and III denote the CW background, the Peregrine soliton, and the low-intensity component of the probe field, respectively. Lower part: |Ωpτ0| vs. t/τ0 and z with Toffp<Toffc; i.e., the switching-off time of the input probe field is before the time when the control field is switched off. The orange line represents the input Peregrine soliton at z=0; the purple line represents the probe field at the storage period; the red line represents the retrieved Peregrine soliton propagating to z=4.1 cm with the maximum intensity |Ωpτ0|max15.4 at t30.3τ0. (B) The contour map of the storage and retrieval of the Peregrine soliton in the t-z plane with Toffp<Toffc. The red dashed circle denotes the retrieved Peregrine soliton (i.e., “Retrieved PS”). The upper color bar shows the intensity of the probe field. (C) The same as panel (A) but with Toffp>Toffc. (D) The contour map of the Peregrine soliton in the t-z plane with Toffp>Toffc. The unstored component of the probe field is marked by the white circle.

The steps of the storage and retrieval of the Peregrine soliton can be described as follows:

• Firstly, the control field Ωc is switched on (to establish EIT) and the probe field (Peregrine soliton) of the form Ωp0τ0=6.67[13.2/(1+4t2/τ02)]{0.5[(t/τ0+80)/3.0]0.5tanh[(t/τ04)/3.0]} is incident into the system (i.e., the orange line in the lower part of Figure 3A).

• Then, the control field is switched off at time t=Toffc=10.0τ0, with the switching time of the control and probe fields setting to be Tsc=Tsp=3.0τ0. The probe field (the Peregrine soliton) is thus stored in the system (i.e., it is converted into the atomic coherence σ21 [66, 67]).

• Lastly, the control field is switched on again at t=Tonc=20.0τ0. The atomic coherence σ21 is converted back to the probe field, and hence the probe pulse is retrieved. Particularly, at time t30.3τ0, the retrieved probe field manifests as a Peregrine soliton with the maximum intensity |Ωpτ0|max15.4 at the position z4.1 cm.

The efficiency of the Peregrine soliton memory can be characterized by the parameter η=+|EpPere(t)|2dt/+|Epin(t)|2dt [57, 67], where Epin(t)=Epin(0,t) (i.e., the input Peregrine soliton) and EpPere(t)=EpPere(LPere,t) (i.e., the retrieved Peregrine soliton), with LPere (4.1cm) as the position where the Peregrine soliton is retrieved. Based on the result of Figure 3A, we obtain η=85.9%.

The fidelity of the Peregrine soliton memory can be described by the parameter ηJ2, where J2 describes the degree of coincidence of the wave shapes for the input and retrieved solitons, defined by the overlap integral J2=T1T1|Epin(t)EpPere(tΔT)|2dt/[T1T1|Epin(t)|2dtT1T1|EpPere(tΔT)|2dt] [57, 67], where T1 is a coefficient related to the temporal width of the Peregrine soliton (i.e., corresponding to symbol II in Figure 2A), and ΔT is the time interval between the peak of the input soliton pulse Epin and the peak of the retrieved soliton pulse EpPere. Here we take ΔT=30.3τ0 and T1=10τ0. We obtain ηJ2=84.3%. We see that the efficiency and fidelity of the storage and retrieval of the Peregrine soliton are quite high.

The numerical result shown in Figure 3C is similar to that of Figure 3A but for Toffp>Toffc. In this case, the storage and retrieval of the Peregrine soliton can also be implemented; however, compared with Figure 3A (which is for Toffp<Toffc), the retrieved waveshape is little more distorted. Figure 3D illustrates the contour map of the Peregrine soliton in the t-z plane with Toffp>Toffc. One sees that the probe field has a nonzero value in the region indicated by the dashed white circle, which means that some parts of the probe field are not stored when the control field is switched off. We obtain the efficiency and fidelity of the Peregrine soliton memory for Toffp>Toffc are η=77% and ηJ2=65%, respectively. Based on these results, we conclude that in order to get a high memory quality, the choice of Toffp<Toffc is better than that of Toffp>Toffc.

3.2 Splitting of the Optical Peregrine Solitons

To realize an optical splitting [67] of the Peregrine soliton, we generalize the system into a four-level one with a tripod-type level configuration. Here a probe field Ωp drives the transition |1|3; two CW control fields Ωc1 and Ωc2 drive respectively the transitions |2|3 and |4|3; Γj3 is the decay rate from |3 to |j (j=1,2,4), Δ3 and Δl (l=2,4) are respectively one-photon and two-photon detunings (see Figure 4A). The Hamiltonian of the system and the optical Bloch equations controlling the dynamics of the atoms have been presented in Section 5 of the Supplementary Material.


FIGURE 4. Splitting of optical Peregrine solitons. (A) Energy-level diagram and excitation scheme of the tripod-type four-level atomic system. Here, a probe laser field Ωp drives the transition |1|3; the two CW control fields Ωc1 and Ωc2 drive the transitions |2|3 and |4|3, respectively; Γj3 is the decay rate from |3 to |j (j=1,2,4); Δ3 and Δl (l=2,4) are respectively one-photon and two-photon detunings. (B) Time sequences of the control and the probe fields for realizing the optical splitting. The vertical red dashed line is for t=Toffp; the vertical black dashed lines represent the times when switching off and on the two control fields. For detailed meanings of the symbols Toff1c1, etc., see text. (C) The contour map of the splitting process of the Peregrine soliton in the t-z plane. The intensities of two split Peregrine solitons are |Ωpτ0|max=15.4 when t=23.0τ0 at the position z=3.7 cm (first retrieved Peregrine soliton, i.e., “1st retrieved PS” indicated in the figure) and |Ωpτ0|max=14.0 when t=61.5τ0 at the position z=5.5 cm (second retrieved Peregrine soliton, i.e., “2nd retrieved PS” indicated in the figure), respectively.

The timing sequences of the switching-off and -on of Ωcj(t) for obtaining a Peregrine soliton splitter are shown in Figure 4B, with Toffp<Toff1c1=Toff1c2<Tonc1<Toff2c1<Tonc2. For jth control field Ωcj (j=1,2), Tscj (Toncj) is its switching-off (switching-on) time. The corresponding switching functions have been given in Section 5 of the Supplementary Material. When plotting the figure, we have set Ωc1(0)=Ωc2(0)=2π×31.8 MHz, Toff1c1=Toff1c2=6.0τ0, Tonc1=15.0τ0, Toff2c1=35.0τ0, Tonc2=45.0τ0, and Tsc1=Tsc2=3.0τ0.

Shown in Figure 4C is the numerical result on the simulation for obtaining the Peregrine soliton splitter by taking Ωpτ0 as a function of t/τ0 and z (with τ0=1.5×107s). The operation steps can be described as follows: 1) Firstly, the two control fields Ωc1 and Ωc2 are applied and a probe field with the waveform Ωp0(0,t)=6.67[13.2/(1+4(t+5)2/τ02)]{0.5tanh[(t/τ0+80)/3.0]0.5tanh[(t/τ04)/3.0]} is incident to the system. 2) Then, both control fields are simultaneously switched off at time t=Toff1c1=Toff1c2=6.0τ0. Thus the probe field is stored in the two atomic coherences σ21 and σ41 simultaneously 67. 3) Later on, switching on Ωc1 at t=Tonc1=15.0τ0 (but Ωc2 is remained to be switched off), the atomic coherence σ21 is converted back into the probe field, and hence a new probe pulse is retrieved. At time t23.0τ0, this retrieved probe pulse turns into a Peregrine soliton (i.e., “1st retrieved PS”, indicated by a red circle in Figure 4B) with the maximum intensity |Ωpτ0|max15.4 at the position z=3.7 cm. 4) By switching off Ωc1 at t=Toff2c1=35.0τ0 and switching on Ωc2 at t=Tonc2=45.0τ0, the atomic coherence σ41 converts back into the probe field; this retrieved probe field turns into another Peregrine soliton (i.e., “2nd retrieved PS”, indicated by another red circle in Figure 4B) with the maximum intensity |Ωpτ0|max14.0 at the position z=5.5 cm at t61.5τ0.

In the simulation, we have taken Δ2=Δ4=2π×0.64MHz, γ21=γ41=2π×1.09kHz, with the other parameters the same as those used in Figure 3A. The reason for taking Δ2=Δ4 and γ21=γ41 is to keep the symmetry of the tripod level configuration, which gives two nearly degenerated EITs in the system; for details, see [67]. The splitting efficiency and fidelity of the first (second) Peregrine soliton are η1=89.8% and η1J12=85.4% (η2=89.3%,η2J22=84.9%), respectively.

3.3 Routing of the Optical Peregrine Solitons

To realize all-optical routing [67, 68] of optical Peregrine solitons, we consider a four-level atomic system with a double-Λ-type level configuration. Here, two probe laser fields Ωp1 and Ωp2 drive the transitions |1|3 and |1|4, respectively; two CW control laser fields Ωc1 and Ωc2 drive the transitions |2|3 and |2|4, respectively; Δ3 and Δ4 are one-photon detunings, and Δ2 is two-photon detuning (see Figure 5A).


FIGURE 5. Routing of optical Peregrine solitons. (A) The energy-level diagram and excitation scheme of the double-Λ-type four-level atomic system. In this configuration, two probe laser fields Ωp1 and Ωp2 drive the transitions |1|3 and |1|4, respectively; two CW control laser fields Ωc1 and Ωc2 drive the transitions |2|3 and |2|4, respectively; Δ3 and Δ4 are one-photon detunings, and Δ2 is two-photon detuning. (B) Time sequences of the two control fields Ωc1, Ωc2 and the probe field Ωp1 for realizing the soliton routing. The vertical red dashed line denotes the time t=Toffp; the vertical black dashed lines denote the times when switching off and on the control fields. (C) Contour maps for the routing process of the Peregrine soliton, where the upper panel is for Ωp1 and the lower panel is for Ωp2. The Peregrine soliton is input as the probe field Ωp1, but it is retrieved as the probe field Ωp2 (i.e., “retrieved PS” indicated by the red dashed circle in the lower panel of the figure).

The Hamiltonian of the system and the MB equations governing the dynamics of the atoms and light fields have been given in Section 6 of the Supplementary Material.

For simplicity, here we consider a frequency routing process, i.e., the probe field Ωp1 is converted into the Ωp2 (which has different frequency from Ωp1). The time sequence of the switching off and on of Ωcj for obtaining routing of Peregrine soliton is shown in Figure 5B, with Toffp<Toffc1<Tonc2, where Toffc1 is the switching-off time of Ωc1 and Tonc2 is the switching-on time of Ωc2. The corresponding switching functions have been given in Section 5 of the Supplementary Material. Without loss of generality, the system parameters are set to be Ωc1=Ωc2=2π×31.8 MHz, Toffc1=10.0τ0, Tonc2=25.0τ0, and Tsc1=Tsc2=3.0τ0 (switching time).

The implementing procedure of the Peregrine soliton routing is as follows. First, by switching on the control field Ωc1, the input probe field Ωp1 with the initial condition Ωp0(t/τ0)=6.67[13.2/(1+4t2/τ02)]{0.5tanh[(t/τ0+80)/3.0]0.5tanh[(t/τ04)/3.0]} propagates in the system, as shown in the upper panel of Figure 5C as a function of propagation distance t/τ0 and z. One sees that a trajectory of the soliton shows up before its storage. Second, by switching off Ωc1 at time t=10τ0, the probe field Ωp1 is stored in the atomic coherence σ21. Third, by switching on the control field Ωc2 at t=25τ0, another probe pulse Ωp2 appears from the atomic coherence σ21, i.e., “retrieved PS” in the lower panel of Figure 5C. We stress that during this routing process, the Peregrine soliton in the probe field Ωp1 is annihilated and a new Peregrine soliton in the probe field Ωp2 (which has no input) is created. Since the frequency of Ωp2 is different from that of Ωp1, the system performs as a frequency router of the Peregrine soliton.

4 Conclusion

We have proposed a scheme for realizing the storage and retrieval of optical Peregrine solitons in a coherent atomic gas via EIT. We have shown that the optical Peregrine solitons with very small propagation loss, ultraslow motional velocity, and extremely low generation power can be generated in the system via EIT. We have demonstrated that such solitons can be stored, retrieved, split, and routed with high efficiency and fidelity through the manipulation of control laser fields.

The scheme can also be generalized to cases with more optical output channels through the use of more control fields, and hence the two-channel splitting and routing processes can be generalized to multiple channel ones. Furthermore, the storage and retrieval of the optical Peregrine solitons can be extended to solid materials, like on-chip optical resonator systems [69]. The research results reported here may be useful for the active control of optical Peregrine solitons and promising for potential applications in optical information processing and transmission.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Author Contributions

GH proposed the idea and supervised the whole work. CS carried out the analytical and numerical calculation. Both authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no. 11975098.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:


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Keywords: electromagnetically induced transparency, rogue waves, Peregrine solitons, optical memory, optical routing

Citation: Shou C and Huang G (2021) Storage, Splitting, and Routing of Optical Peregrine Solitons in a Coherent Atomic System. Front. Phys. 9:594680. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.594680

Received: 14 August 2020; Accepted: 18 January 2021;
Published: 24 March 2021.

Edited by:

Amin Chabchoub, The University of Sydney, Australia

Reviewed by:

Saeid Asgarnezhad Zorgabad, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Stefano Trillo, University of Ferrara, Italy

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*Correspondence: Guoxiang Huang, Z3hodWFuZ0BwaHkuZWNudS5lZHUuY24=

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