- 1Laboratório de Física Estatística e Biologia Computacional, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Departmento de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
- 2Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
The critical brain hypothesis states that there are information processing advantages for neuronal networks working close to the critical region of a phase transition. If this is true, we must ask how the networks achieve and maintain this critical state. Here, we review several proposed biological mechanisms that turn the critical region into an attractor of a dynamics in network parameters like synapses, neuronal gains, and firing thresholds. Since neuronal networks (biological and models) are not conservative but dissipative, we expect not exact criticality but self-organized quasicriticality, where the system hovers around the critical point.
1 Introduction
Thirty-three years after the initial formulation of the self-organized criticality (SOC) concept [1] (and 37 years after the self-organizing extremal invasion percolation model [2]), one of the most active areas that employ these ideas is theoretical neuroscience. However, neuronal networks, similar to earthquakes and forest fires, are nonconservative systems, in contrast to canonical SOC systems like sandpile models [3, 4]. To model such systems, one uses nonconservative networks of elements represented by cellular automata, discrete time maps, or differential equations. Such models have distinct features from conservative systems. A large fraction of them, in particular neuronal networks, have been described as displaying self-organized quasi-criticality (SOqC) [5–7] or weak criticality [8, 9], which is the subject of this review.
The first person that made an analogy between brain activity and a critical branching process probably was Alan Turing, in his memorable paper Computing machinery and intelligence [10]. Decades later, the idea that SOC models could be important to describe the activity of neuronal networks was in the air as early as 1995 [11–16], eight years before the fundamental 2003 experimental article of Beggs and Plenz [17] reporting neuronal avalanches. This occurred because several authors, working with models for earthquakes and pulse-coupled threshold elements, noticed the formal analogy between such systems and networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Critical learning was also conjectured by Chialvo and Bak [18–20]. However, in the absence of experimental support, these works, although prescient, were basically theoretical conjectures. A historical question would be to determine in what extent this early literature motivated Beggs and Plenz to perform their experiments.
Since 2003, however, the study of criticality in neuronal networks developed itself as a research paradigm, with a large literature, diverse experimental approaches, and several problems addressed theoretically and computationally (some reviews include Refs. [7, 21–27]). One of the main results is that information processing seems to be optimized at a second-order absorbing phase transition [28–42]. This transition occurs between no activity (the absorbing phase) and nonzero steady-state activity (the active phase). Such transition is familiar from the SOC literature and pertains to the directed percolation (DP) or the conservative-DP (C-DP or Manna) universality classes [7, 42–45].
An important question is how neuronal networks self-organize toward the critical region. The question arises because, like earthquake and forest-fire models, neuronal networks are not conservative systems, which means that in principle they cannot be exactly critical [5, 6, 45, 46]. In these networks, we can vary control parameters like the strength of synapses and obtain subcritical, critical, and supercritical behavior. The critical point is therefore achieved only by fine-tuning.
Over time, several authors proposed different biological mechanisms that could eliminate the fine-tuning and make the critical region a self-organized attractor. The obtained criticality is not perfect, but it is sufficient to account for the experimental data. Also, the mechanisms (mainly based on dynamic synapses but also on dynamic neuronal gains and adaptive firing thresholds) are biologically plausible and should be viewed as a research topic per se.
The literature about these homeostatic mechanisms is vast, and we do not intend to present an exhaustive review. However, we discuss here some prototypical mechanisms and try to connect them to self-organized quasicriticality (SOqC), a concept developed to account for nonconservative systems that hover around but do not exactly sit on the critical point [5–7].
For a better comparison between the models, we will not rely on the original notation of the reviewed articles, but will try to use a universal notation instead. For example, the synaptic strength between a presynaptic neuron j and a postsynaptic neuron i will be always denoted by
Last, before we begin, a few words about the fine-tuning problem. Even perfect SOC systems are in a sense fine-tuned: they must be conservative and require infinite separation of time scales with driving rate
To Tune or Not to Tune
In this article, we have shown how systems self-organize into a critical state through [homeostasis]. Thus, we became relieved from the task of fine-tuning the control parameter W, but instead, we acquire a new task: that of estimating the appropriate values for parameters
The issue of tuning or not tuning depends mainly on what we understand by control parameter. (…) a control parameter can be thought of a knob or dial that when turned the system exhibits some quantifiable change. We say that the system self-organizes if nobody turns that knob but the system itself. In order to achieve this, the elements comprising the system require a feedback mechanism to be able to change their inner dynamics in response to their surroundings. (…) The latter does not require an external entity to turn the dial for the system to exhibit critical dynamics. However, its internal dynamics are configured in a particular way in order to allow feedback mechanisms at the level of individual elements.
Did we fine-tune their configuration? Yes. Otherwise, we would have not achieved what was desired, as nothing comes out of nothing. Did we change control parameter from W to
2 Plastic Synapses
Consider an absorbing-state second-order phase transition where the activity is
FIGURE 1. Example of homeostatic mechanisms in a stochastic neuron with firing probability
The basic idea underlying most of the proposed mechanism for homeostatic self-organization is to define a slow dynamics in the individual links
2.1 Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity
Markram and Tsodyks [49, 50] proposed a short-term synaptic model that inspired several authors in the area of self-organization to criticality. The Markram–Tsodyks (MT) dynamics is
In an influential article, Levina, Herrmann, and Geisel (LHG) [51] proposed to use depressing–recovering synapses. In their model, we have leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons in a complete-graph topology. As a self-organizing mechanism, they used a simplified version of the MT dynamics with constant u, that is, only Eq. 2. They studied the system varying A and found that although we need some tuning in the hyperparameter A, any initial distribution of synapses
Bonachela et al. [6] studied in depth the LHG model and found that, like forest-fire models, it is an instance of SOqC. The system presents the characteristic hovering around the critical point in the form of stochastic sawtooth oscillations in the
Note that the LHG dynamics can be written in terms of the synaptic efficacy
Brochini et al. [55] studied a complete graph of stochastic discrete time LIFs [56, 57] and proposed a discrete time LHG dynamics:
where the firing index
The discrete time LHG dynamics was also studied for cellular automata neurons in random networks with an average of K neighbors connected by probabilistic synapses
with an upper limit
It has been found that such depressing synapses induce correlations inside the synaptic matrix, affecting the global branching ratio
After examining this diverse literature, it seems that any homeostatic dynamics of the form
can self-organize the networks, where R and D are the recovery and depressing processes, for example:
In particular, the simplest mechanism would be
a usual dynamics in SOC models [5, 7]. This means that the full LHG dynamics, and also the full MT dynamics, is a sufficient but not a necessary condition for SOqC.
The average
Here, for biological plausibility, it is better to assume a large but finite recovery time, say
We observe that the original LHG model [6, 51] had
As early as 1998, Kinouchi [62] proposed the synaptic dynamics:
with small but finite τ and u. The difference here from the former mechanisms is that, like in Eq. 10, depression is not proportional to
Hsu and Beggs [63] studied a model for the activity
Hsu and Beggs found that for
where now
In another article, Hsu et al. [64] extended the model to include distance-dependent connectivity and Hebbian learning [64]. Changing the homeostasis equations to our standard notation, we have
Shew et al. [65] studied experimentally the visual cortex of the turtle and proposed a (complete graph) self-organizing model for the input synapses
where, like in Eq. 13,
Hernandez-Urbina and Herrmann [47] studied a discrete time IF model where they define a local measure called node success:
where A is the adjacency matrix of the network, with
The authors then define the node success–driven plasticity (NSDP):
They analyzed the relation among the avalanche critical exponents, the largest eigenvalue
Levina et al. [66] proposed a model in a complete graph in which the branching ratio σ is estimated as the local branching
2.2 Meta-Plasticity
Peng and Beggs [67] studied a square lattice (
where Θ is the Heaviside function. The self-organization is made by a LHG dynamics plus a meta-plasticity term:
2.3 Hebbian Synapses
Ever since Donald Hebb’s proposal that neurons that fire together wire together [68–70], several attempts have been made to implement this idea in models of self-organization. However, a pure Hebbian mechanism can lead to diverging synapses, so that some kind of normalization or decay needs also be included in Hebbian plasticity.
In 2006, de Arcangelis, Perrone-Capano, and Herrmann introduced a neuronal network with Hebbian synaptic dynamics [71] that we call the APH model. There are several small variations in the models proposed by de Arcangelis et al., but perhaps the simplest one [72] is given by the following neuronal dynamics on a square lattice of
Çiftçi [81] studied a neuronal SIRs model on the C. elegans neuronal network topology. The spontaneous activation rate (the drive) is
Ciftçi found robust self-organization to quasicriticality. The author notes, however, that S is nonlocal information.
Uhlig et al. [82] considered the effect of LHG synapses in the presence of an associative Hebb synaptic matrix. They found that, although the two processes are not irreconcilable, the critical state has detrimental effects to the attractor recovery. They interpret this as a suggestion that the standard paradigm of memories as fixed point attractors should be replaced by more general approaches like transient dynamics [83].
2.4 Spike Time–Dependent Plasticity
Rubinov et al. [84] studied a hierarchical modular network of LIF neurons with STDP plasticity. The synapses are modeled by double exponentials:
Del Papa et al. [85] explored the interaction between criticality and learning in the context of self-organized recurrent networks (SORN). The ratio between inhibitory to excitatory neurons is
Levina et al. [86] studied the combined effect of LHG synapses, homeostatic branching parameter
They found that there is cooperativity of these mechanisms in extending the robustness of the critical state to variations on the hyperparameter A (see Eq. 2).
Stepp et al. [87] examined a LIF neuronal network which has both Markram–Tsodyks dynamics and spiking time–dependent plasticity STDP (both excitatory and inhibitory). They found that, although MT dynamics produces some self-organization, the STDP mechanism increases the robustness of the network criticality.
Delattre et al. [88] included in the STDP synaptic change
where resource availability
2.5 Homeostatic Neurite Growth
Kossio et al. [89] studied IF neurons randomly distributed in a plane, with neurites distributed within circles of radii
Tetzlaff et al. [90] studied experimentally neuronal avalanches during the maturation of cell cultures, finding that criticality is achieved in a third stage of the dendrites/axons growth process. They modeled the system using neurons with membrane potential
Finally, the effective connection is defined as
3 Dynamic Neuronal Gains
For all-to-all topologies as used in Refs. 6, 51, 53, 55, the number of synapses is
The stochastic neuron has a probabilistic firing function, say, a linear saturating function or a rational function:
Now, let us assume that each neuron i has its neuronal gain
Costa et al. [91] and Kinouchi et al. [58] studied the stability of the fixed points of mechanisms given by Eqs 55 and 56 and concluded that the fixed point solution
Zierenberg et al. [92] considered a cellular automaton neuronal model with binary states
Indeed, for a cellular automata model similar to [60, 61], a probabilistic synapse with neuronal gains could be written as
4 Adaptive Firing Thresholds
Girardi-Schappo et al. [93] examined a network with
They noticed, however, that for these stochastic LIF systems, the critical point requires also a zero field
Notice the plus signal in the last term, since if the postsynaptic neuron fires (
As already seen, Del Pappa et al. [85] considered a similar threshold dynamics, Eq. 41. Bienenstock and Lehmann [95] also studied, at the mean field level, the joint evolution of firing thresholds and dynamic synapses (see Section 6.3).
5 Topological Self-Organization
Consider a cellular automata model [29, 32, 60, 61] in a network with average degree K and average probabilistic synaptic weights
In another sense, we call a network topology critical if there is a barely infinite percolating cluster, which for a random network occurs for
So, we can have a critical network with a
We present here a more advanced version of the BR model [97]. It follows the idea of deleting synapses from correlated neurons and increasing synapses of uncorrelated neurons. The correlation over time T is calculated as
where the stochastic neurons evolve as
The self-organization procedure is as follows:
Choose at random a pair
Calculate the correlation
Define a threshold α. If
Then, continue updating the network state
Interesting analytic results for this class of topological models were obtained by Droste et al. [105]. The self-organized connectivity is about
Zeng et al. [107] combined the rewiring rules of the BR model with the neuronal dynamics of the APH model. They obtained an interesting result: the final topology is a small-world network with a large number of neighbors, say
6 Self-Organization to Other Phase Transitions
6.1 First-Order Transition
Mejias et al. [108] studied a neuronal population model with firing rate
Millman et al. [109] obtained similar results at a first-order phase transition, but now in a random network of LIF neurons with average of K neighbors and chemical synapses. The synapses follow the LHG mechanism:
Di Santo et al. [110, 111] and Buendía et al. [7, 46] studied the self-organization toward a first-order phase transition (called self-organized bistability or SOB). The simplest self-organizing dynamics was used in a two-dimensional model:
Relaxing the conditions of infinite separation of time scales and bulk conservation, the authors studied the model with an LHG dynamics [7, 46, 111]:
where W is the synaptic weight and I a small input. They found that this is the equivalent SOqC version for first-order phase transitions, obtaining hysteretic up–down activity, which has been called self-organized collective oscillations (SOCOs) [7, 46, 111]. They also observed bistability phenomena.
Cowan et al. [112] also found hysteresis cycles due to bistability in an IF model from the combination of an excitatory feedback loop with anti-Hebbian synapses in its input pathway. This leads to avalanches both in the upstate and in the downstate, each one with power-law statistics (size exponents close to
6.2 Hopf Bifurcation
Absorbing-active phase transitions are associated to transcritical bifurcations in the low-dimensional mean-field description of the order parameter. Other bifurcations (say, between fixed points and periodic orbits) can also appear in the low-dimensional reduction of systems exhibiting other phase transitions, such as between steady states and collective oscillations. They are critical in the sense that they present phenomena like critical slowing down (power-law relaxation to the stationary state) and critical exponents. Some authors explored the homeostatic self-organization toward such bifurcation lines.
In what can be considered a precursor in this field, Bienenstock and Lehmann [95] proposed to apply a Hebbian-like dynamics at the level of rate dynamics to the Wilson–Cowan equations, having shown that the model self-organizes near a Hopf bifurcation to/from oscillatory dynamics.
The model has excitatory and inhibitory stochastic neurons. The neuronal equations are
where, as before, the binary variable
The authors proposed a covariance-based regulation for the synapses
The authors show that there are Hopf and saddle-node lines in this system and that the regulated system self-organizes at the crossing of these lines. So, the system is very close to the oscillatory bifurcation, showing great sensibility to external inputs.
As commented, this article is a pioneer in the sense of searching for homeostatic self-organization at a phase transition in a neuronal network in 1998, well before the work of Beggs and Plenz [17]. However, we must recognize some deficiencies that later models tried to avoid. First, all the synapses and thresholds have the same value, instead of an individual dynamics for each one, as we saw in the preceding sections. Most importantly, the network activities
Magnasco et al. [113] examined a very stylized model of neural activity with time-dependent anti-Hebbian synapses:
6.3 Edge of Synchronization
Khoshkhou and Montakhab [114] studied a random network with
The parameters
The inhibitory synapses are fixed, but the excitatory ones evolve with a STDP dynamics. If the firing difference is
This system presents a transition from out-of-phase to synchronized spiking. The authors show that a STDP dynamics self-organizes in a robust way the system to the border of this transition, where critical features like avalanches (coexisting with oscillations) appear.
7 Concluding Remarks
In this review, we described several examples of self-organization mechanisms that drive neuronal networks to the border of a phase transition (mostly a second-order absorbing phase transition, but also to first-order, synchronization, Hopf, and order-chaos transitions). Surprisingly, for all cases, it is possible to detect neuronal avalanches with mean-field exponents similar to those obtained in the experiments of Beggs and Plenz [17].
By using a standardized notation, we recognized several common features between the proposed homeostatic mechanisms. Most of them are variants of the fundamental drive-dissipation dynamics of SOC and SOqC and can be grouped into a few classes.
Following Hernandez-Urbina and Herrmann [47], we stress that the coarse tuning on hyperparameters of homeostatic SOqC is not equivalent to the fine-tuning of the original control parameter. This homeostasis is a bona-fide self-organization, in the same sense that the regulation of body temperature is self-organized (although presumably there are hyperparameters in that regulation). The advantage of these explicit homeostatic mechanisms is that they are biologically inspired and could be studied in future experiments to determine which are more relevant to cortical activity.
Due to nonconservative dynamics and the lack of an infinite separation of time scales, all these mechanisms lead to SOqC [5–7], not SOC. In particular, conservative sandpile models should not be used to model neuronal avalanches because neurons are not conservative. The presence of SOqC is revealed by stochastic sawtooth oscillations in the former control parameter, leading to large excursions in the supercritical and subcritical phases. However, hovering around the critical point seems to be sufficient to account for the current experimental data. Also, perhaps the omnipresent stochastic oscillations could be detected experimentally (some authors conjecture that they are the basis for brain rhythms [91]).
One suggestion for further research is to eliminate nonlocal variables in the homeostatic mechanisms. Another is to study how the branching ratio σ, or better, the synaptic matrix largest eigenvalue
Author Contributions
OK and MC contributed to conception and design of the study; RP organized the database of revised articles and made Figure 1; OK and MC wrote the manuscript. All authors contributed to manuscript revision, and read and approved the submitted version.
This article was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research, Innovation, and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (Grant No. 2013/07699-0, São Paulo Research Foundation). We acknowledge the financial support from CNPq (Grant Nos. 425329/2018-6, 301744/2018-1 and 2018/20277-0), FACEPE (Grant No. APQ-0642-1.05/18), and Center for Natural and Artificial Information Processing Systems (CNAIPS)-USP. Support from CAPES (Grant Nos. 88882.378804/2019-01 and 88882.347522/2010-01) and FAPESP (Grant Nos. 2018/20277-0 and 2019/12746-3) is also gratefully acknowledged.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The authors thank Miguel Muñoz for discussions and advice.
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Keywords: self-organized criticality, neuronal avalanches, self-organization, neuronal networks, adaptive networks, homeostasis, synaptic depression, learning
Citation: Kinouchi O, Pazzini R and Copelli M (2020) Mechanisms of Self-Organized Quasicriticality in Neuronal Network Models. Front. Phys. 8:583213. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.583213
Received: 14 July 2020; Accepted: 19 October 2020;
Published: 23 December 2020.
Edited by:
Attilio L. Stella, University of Padua, ItalyReviewed by:
Srutarshi Pradhan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NorwayIgnazio Licata, Institute for Scientific Methodology (ISEM), Italy
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*Correspondence: Osame Kinouchi, b3NhbWVAZmZjbHJwLnVzcC5icg==