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Front. Mar. Sci., 29 June 2023
Sec. Marine Conservation and Sustainability
This article is part of the Research Topic Ocean Governance and Climate Adaptation: Comparing Responses, Charting Future Courses View all 11 articles

Uncovering water quality and evaluating vulnerabilities of small-scale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon, India

  • School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada

Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) play a strong role in sustaining millions of livelihoods, food security, nutrition, and income globally but the fishers engaged in this sector simultaneously experience high levels of vulnerability and processes of marginalisation. Several factors are attributed to the multidimensional vulnerabilities the small-scale fishers experience, spanning both natural (e.g., natural disasters, ecosystem change) and anthropogenic (e.g., policy change, hydrological interventions, aquaculture) pressures. While there is much literature on various natural and human drivers of vulnerability in small-scale fishery communities, an absence of research connecting vulnerability with water quality is evident. Fisher communities often talk about fish in relation to the health of their aquatic habitats wherein water quality is seen as a key parameter. The link between healthy fish and good quality water has significant implications for strong and viable fishing communities. This paper examines these links further by focusing on the nature of vulnerabilities caused by water quality changes in the small-scale fishery system of Chilika Lagoon in India. We undertake detailed analysis of the invasive shrimp aquaculture activities and hydrological interventions for opening of a lagoon inlet with the Bay of Bengal as two dominant drivers adversely impacting water quality and increasing vulnerabilities of the entire small-scale fisheries social-ecological system. Our analysis suggests that there are strong interconnections between changes in water quality and the levels of vulnerabilities in the SSFs of Chilika Lagoon. Pollutants such as pesticides, and organic compounds accumulate in fish tissues and affect their growth, reproduction, and overall health. This led to declines in fish populations, making it more difficult for fishers to make a living. In addition to direct impacts on fish populations, poor water quality also has indirect effects on the social and economic vulnerability of SSFs. For example, contamination of water sources led to the reduced number of fish species reducing the amount of time fishers can spend on fishing activities. This also affected the marketability of fish products, reduced income and increased poverty. To fully understand the interconnections between water quality and vulnerability in SSFs in Chilika Lagoon, it is important to consider both environmental and social factors, as well as the complex feedback loops between these factors. The study helps in bridging a crucial gap in our understanding of the role of water quality in vulnerability analysis within resource dependent communities. We conclude with key insights on possible coping responses and adaptive capacity necessary for the small-scale fisheries communities to transition toward viability.

1 Introduction

Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) constitute a crucial role in the livelihoods of millions of people around the world, contributing to their income, nutrition, and food security. Many coastal communities around the world rely on small-scale fisheries for their survival (Kittinger et al., 2013). SSF supports over 90% of the 120 million fishers around the world and supports two-thirds of the fish catch globally intended for direct human consumption enhancing contributing to regional, local, and national economies, poverty alleviation, and food security (FAO, 2015). A total of 100 million people participate in fisheries related post-harvest activities, in addition to the approximately 34 million people who actually work in small-scale fishing (FAO, 2016; Tietze, 2016). In developing countries, the oceans support the livelihoods of around 47 million people, both men and women. Out of these 47 million people, 36 million are involved in small-scale fishing and fish trading (Kelleher et al., 2012). However, cumulative effects of natural disasters (such as cyclones and hydrological changes) and anthropogenic pressures (such as a variety of fishing techniques and overfishing) is putting increasing pressure on SSF resulting in food insecurity, occupational displacement, and outmigration. These have a considerable impact (such as eutrophication, ocean warming, killing untargeted marine life, including juvenile fish, weed infestation) on water quality, which in turn has a significant influence on fisheries (Nair, 2021).

Water quality varies due to differences in geographic elevation, changes in natural surroundings, temperature variations, and other key ecological features, such as deterioration of hydrological system (Deacon, 1997; Panigrahi, 2007). The accessibility (overall fish health and growth) and availability of fish for SSF is heavily influenced by water quality variations. However, most efforts to combat water quality degradation have focused on physical and synthetic qualities of water, such as dissolved oxygen, soluble or insoluble inorganic and organic components, temperature, heavy metal content, and a wide range of hazardous compounds (Fallon et al., 2021). Such changes may have an impact on reduction of native species, habitat extinction, and even new species invasion. Water quality factors are important in determining a region’s suitability for marine living organisms, which in turn influences the long-term viability of SSF populations that rely on them. Synergistic effects of various human activities (such as overfishing, bycatch, aquaculture, urbanization, illegal and unregulated fishing) may expedite social-ecological decline (Karr and Dudley, 1981).

Many marine species rely on clean coastal water to survive, and it also supports a variety of key economic activities and trends such as tourism, coastal recreation, and fishing, as well as property values. Coastal waters are impacted by a range of contaminants, both near and far, as well as point, nonpoint, and airborne sources (Panigrahi, 2007). Natural (e.g., floods, tropical cyclones, and droughts) and manmade (e.g., pollution and aquaculture) events contaminate coastal waterways from all sides (such as aquaculture, sewage dumping, dam construction, plastic wastes). Water contamination is a complex issue that makes proper water management and a fair living standard challenging for SSF communities. Using the case study of Chilika Lagoon located on the east-coast of India, this paper intends to learn more about the role of water quality in vulnerability of small-scale fishery social-ecological systems.

A number of human activities and natural calamities have put increasing and significant strain on Chilika Lagoon and its watershed. The dumping of enormous amounts of improperly treated or untreated effluent into coastal waterways pollutes water resources of Chilika Lagoon. Pollution has resulted in a severe decline in the social-ecological system. Furthermore, hydrological interventions such as sea mouth formation and harmful aquafarming methods such as shrimp aquaculture wreak havoc on water quality (Dujovny, 2009), with uncertain long-term consequences for human health (Nayak, 2017) and ecosystem (Sahu et al., 2014). Despite the fact that several studies have been conducted in Chilika in the past on water quality and small-scale fisheries separately, none have specifically addressed the effects of water quality degradation on SSF communities. Analyzing the interplay of vulnerability factors could lead to new insights on the nature of water quality decline in Chilika lagoon, as well as the dynamics involved in the interactions between society and environment (Jentoft et al., 2017; Jentoft and Chuenpagdee, 2018; Finlayson et al., 2020). Examining the susceptibility of small-scale fisheries communities in the Chilika Lagoon owing to deteriorating water quality and determining how to implement an adaptation strategy to lessen vulnerability and increase viability are the main objectives of this study. The research is focused on understanding the interconnections between water quality and levels of vulnerability in small-scale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon. To achieve this, the study employs a social-ecological system (SES) approach, which is a framework that recognizes the complex interactions between social and ecological systems and how they influence each other. The relevance of using an SES approach in this research is that it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between the social and ecological components of the system. By analyzing how social and ecological factors interact, the researchers can identify the underlying causes of water quality problems and vulnerabilities in small-scale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon. This paper focuses on understanding the factors that caused variations in water quality in the lagoon’s SES, which expose important fishing communities to risk, and analyzing possible adaptation strategies for sustainable SSF. The domains of vulnerability framework (see Table 1) help to identify and understand the different dimensions of vulnerability faced by small-scale fishers in Chilika Lagoon. By analyzing the political, economic, social, and ecological dimensions of vulnerability, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by small-scale fishers and the potential solutions to address them.


Table 1 Various viability measures in response to the social-ecological changes (Gathered information from Salagrama, 2012; Schuhbauer and Sumaila, 2016; Nayak and Berkes, 2019).

Although small-scale fisheries and fishery resources play a significant role on the livelihood of SSF communities in Chilika Lagoon, they face major challenges in terms of water quality degradation. Using a case study on the Chilika Lagoon to understand the relationship between water quality and SSF community vulnerability would aid in the development of feasible adaptation methods for SSF community viability. Various adaptive and mitigating actions, notably in Chilika, are needed to address SSF susceptibility and increase viability (Jentoft, 2000; Nayak and Berkes, 2010; Bennett et al., 2016). More focus on inter-relation of water quality and its impact on SSF is needed to comprehend the viability of livelihoods of fishing communities in Chilika Lagoon.

2 Study area and research methods

Various factors have contributed to environmental degradation in lagoons all around the world (e.g., natural disasters and man-made alterations). Lagoon ecosystems and human communities have suffered as a result of these variations (e.g., habitat and species loss, loss of fishing livelihoods). The largest lagoon in Asia, Chilika, which is situated on Odisha, India’s eastern coast, is not an exception. The lagoon has been extremely vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic drivers of change, resulting in water contamination (Dujovny, 2009; Panigrahi et al., 2009; Sahu et al., 2014), fish decline (Dujovny, 2009; Nayak, 2017), and poverty among the SSF communities (Nayak and Berkes, 2010; Nayak, 2017). In accordance with the Convention on Wetlands, Chilika was named a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) in 1981 (Ramsar, 2012). It has a total monsoon water spread area of 1,165 km2 and a minimum dry season area of 906 km2. The pear-shaped wetland has an average width and a horizontal axis of 20.1 km and 64.3 km respectively. It is located between 19°28’ and 19°54’N and 85°6’ and 85°35’S (Kumar and Pattnaik, 2012).

Over 400,000 fishermen from different castes work in the capturing, processing, and distribution of fish and related fisheries products, which supports the life and culture of about 150 fishing communities (Nayak, 2014). The lagoon is home to about 700 plant species and 800 animal species, including several fragile and endangered species like the Barkudia limbless skink and the Irrawaddy dolphin (Suresh et al., 2003; Pattnaik et al., 2007; Nayak, 2014). There are more than 225 different fish species, according to reports (Nayak, 2014). Chilika lagoon hosts migrating waterfowl, resident birds, and shorebirds throughout the winter months (UNESCO, 2014). This lagoon’s distinctive qualities, among others, make it a popular tourist destination (UNEP, 2009).

The complex combination of resources in Chilika Lagoon (water, aquatic life, vegetation, animals and culture) has an interconnected impact on community life of SSF. Fresh and brackish water resources in Odisha contribute to the strength of the fisheries sector. With efficient use of these resources, fish production from capture and capture-culture fisheries might be increased. During 2010-11, Chilika had total fish landings of 7736.54 Mt, total prawn landings of 5043.18 Mt, and mud crab landings of 285.90 Mt. To meet domestic and foreign market demand, the resources were fully tapped and utilized (Das and Choudhury, 2013). The lagoon experiences several hydrological effects, including (i) lagoon water exchanges with the Bay of Bengal, (ii) distributors of the Mahanadi River discharge silt-borne freshwater, and (iii) runoff from unregulated and depleted catchment basins on the western and southern borders (Das and Panda, 2010; Sarkar et al., 2012; Panda et al., 2013). Changes in the frequency and complexity of these hydrological interactions for the lagoon could have profound and potentially unforeseeable implications, causing serious concerns for local and national governments (Panigrahi, 2007; Nayak and Berkes, 2010).

A case study method focuses on ‘how’ the water quality conditions of the lagoon are developed, ‘what’ are the implications of water quality variation on small-scale fishing communities, and ‘why’ maintaining water quality is critical for SSF vulnerability and viability. The historical backdrop of social-ecological changes in Chilika Lagoon, as well as the importance of coping and adaptation techniques, are reflected in the case study approach. A mixed method study is one that incorporates both qualitative and quantitative viewpoints into the investigation. The problem context of Chilika Lagoon is qualitatively examined in this study, and water quality over time is analyzed quantitatively in order to acquire more precise information. The citation and reference management application Zotero was used to conduct the systematic literature review. During systematic literature reviews, previous studies conducted in similar contexts of coastal and marine populations helped in understanding social and environmental changes, as well as their consequences for the livelihood and well-being of SSFs. Bibliographic data from about 335 research items were included and organized in Zotero based on the three literature areas: hydrological and water quality fluctuations; vulnerability and viability of SSF; coping and adaptation along with the study area and methodologies used in the study (Nair, 2021).

Figure 1 shows the main steps in a systematic analysis of the literature for this study. Secondary quantitative data on Chilika lagoon’s water quality parameters from 1950 to 2015 were gathered from the systematic literature study, and a graph showing the variation in water quality was produced. The divergent trend in water quality metrics made it easier to understand the hydrological conditions in Chilika qualitatively. Deductive and inductive data analysis were used to evaluate the data utilizing a qualitative content analysis method (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). The social-ecological changes in Chilika and other coastal locations were discussed in the literature reviewed for this investigation.


Figure 1 Phases of research process in the literature review analysis.

Understanding social-ecological systems and domains of vulnerability is critical in the study because it allows for a comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic relationships between human communities and the natural environment. The SES approach recognizes that human well-being and ecosystem health are deeply interconnected and that the actions of one component can have significant impacts on the other. The vulnerability framework is a major part of the analysis because it provides a systematic way of understanding how various factors, such as environmental, social, economic, and political, can create vulnerabilities for SSFs and their communities. By using this framework, the we were able to identify the main drivers of vulnerability in the Chilika Lagoon, including declining fish catch, loss of livelihood opportunities, and limited access to resources and markets. Moreover, the vulnerability framework allowed us to develop a more nuanced understanding of the different domains of vulnerability, such as exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, and how they interact with each other. This understanding is crucial for developing effective policies and interventions that address the root causes of vulnerability and build resilience in small-scale fishing communities. In summary, the social-ecological system approach and vulnerability framework are essential components of the research in understanding the complex relationships between water quality, SSFs, and community vulnerability in the Chilika Lagoon.

3 Water quality degradation: a threat to SSF livelihoods

Chilika Lagoon’s water quality has been impacted by various events, including the construction of Hirakud Dam, shrimp aquaculture, super cyclone, sea mouth opening, and cyclones Hud-Hud, Phalin, and Fani. These events have resulted in changes in water quality, affecting the lagoon’s fish and shrimp populations, and subsequently, the livelihoods of the surrounding communities (Iwasaki, 2009). Agro-based industries, aquaculture, and industrialization pressures (a small quantity of industrial pollution enters the lagoon through the Mahanadi River’s distributaries which transport industrial waste from the capital city of Bhubaneswar) in Chilika led to agricultural drainage, sewage discharge from cities, and trash dumping, all of which had an impact on the quantity and uniformity of lagoon waters (Panda and Mohanty, 2008; Panigrahi et al., 2009; Nazneen et al., 2019). In the end, this had a considerable impact on the ecosystem’s biodiversity and biotic population (Panigrahi, 2007). The construction of Hirakud Dam led to the reduction of freshwater inflows into the lagoon, increasing salinity levels, and negatively impacting fish populations. The introduction of shrimp aquaculture in the 1980s caused excessive nutrient loads and sedimentation, leading to eutrophication, algal blooms, and fish kills. The opening of a new sea mouth in the Bay of Bengal in 2001 increased tidal inflows, causing erosion and sedimentation, altering water quality and fish distribution patterns. Cyclones have also caused extensive damage to fish and shrimp populations and their habitats. While all of these events have had significant impacts on water quality, shrimp aquaculture and sea mouth opening are particularly important drivers. Shrimp aquaculture has led to eutrophication, which has resulted in a decline in water quality, and the opening of the sea mouth has led to increased tidal flows, which have altered water quality and fish distribution patterns (Mishra and Griffin, 2010; Sahu et al., 2014).

3.1 An overview of changes in water quality of Chilika

Several factors shaped the history of Chilika lagoon and altered the processes of social-ecological change (illustrated in Figure 2). For instance, one of the significant modifications to the Mahanadi River system in 1957 was the building of the Hirakud Dam. The Chilika Lagoon receives water from the Hirakud Dam. In contrast to expectations, the dam greatly increased the amount of sediment flowing into the lagoon. High rates of sedimentation entered the lagoon as a result of this. Large-scale deforestation, excessive silting, overgrazing, and illegal felling have been occurring in the western part of the region (Das and Choudhury, 2013). Numerous additional dams and barrages were constructed downstream to lessen floods in the deltaic Northern Sector, but they decreased the amount of water flowing into Chilika Lagoon (Dujovny, 2009). Changes in the water regime caused by salinity imbalances, disruptions in water influx and outflux, sedimentation, and invasion of marine organisms notably barnacles, and uncertainty related with the lagoon’s contact with the Bay of Bengal were some of the implications resulting from them (Nayak, 2014; Nayak et al., 2016; Nayak and Armitage, 2018). The Super Cyclone of 1999 had a significant and long-lasting impact on Chilika Lagoon, affecting both the ecosystem and the livelihoods of local communities. The storm surge caused extensive damage to the lagoon, with saltwater intrusion leading to a decline in freshwater resources, and the loss of fishery resources and infrastructure (Nayak, 2022). Rise of shrimp aquaculture in the 1980s raised concerns about access, usage rights, and changes in the economic system of lagoon fish. The second occurrence was in September 2000 which is the opening of a new outlet into the Bay of Bengal (Dujovny, 2009; Sahu et al., 2014). This had an immediate effect on biophysical activities and related livelihood networks (Dujovny, 2009; Nayak and Berkes, 2010).


Figure 2 Series of natural and human-induced factors influencing water quality in Chilika Lagoon.

The lagoon was struck by two cyclones in a row between 2013 and 2014. On October 12, 2013, the high-impact storm “Phailin” and on October 12, 2014, cyclone “Hud Hud” made landfall in Bay of Bengal near Chilika Lagoon. After Hud Hud, the river system emptying to the Chilika Lagoon was severely flooded (Sundaravadivelu et al., 2019). Then, cyclone Phailin had a significant effect on Chilika Lagoon’s biogeochemistry and water quality (Subhashree et al., 2014). Salinity was decreased, nutrient dynamics got changed, phosphates and nitrates were reduced, silicate and ammonia content increased, and seagrass was destroyed (Barik et al., 2017; Nazneen et al., 2019). The ecological disruptions in the lower food chain had a severe impact on the fishing industries, making the fishing communities vulnerable (Sahoo et al., 2014). The cyclonic effects were accompanied by a number of dramatic occurrences, including the uprooting of mangroves and casuarina trees that exposed the lagoon to the Bay of Bengal. It also included the inundation of nearby land with sea water, the infertility of the land, damage to local populations’ farming, a decline in fish habitats, and an imbalance in the salinity of the water (Nayak and Armitage, 2018). The category 4 cyclonic storm “Fani,” which had winds of 250 km/h, made landfall on May 3rd. Strong winds, tidal surges, torrential rain, and flooding caused by Fani caused devastation in the Chilika lagoon and its adjacent catchment areas. This led to fatalities, a severe economic downturn, and damage to boats and fishing gear (Acharyya et al., 2020). In addition to cyclones, Chilika frequently experiences droughts and floods, which puts the livelihoods of small-scale fishing communities at risk.

Two significant drivers that stood out among them are the shrimp aquaculture and opening of sea mouth. The shrimp farms release effluents that are rich in nutrients and organic matter, which cause eutrophication, algal blooms, and oxygen depletion in the lagoon’s waters (Mohanty et al., 2018). This, in turn, led to a decline in fish catch and biodiversity, impacting the livelihoods of SSF who depend on the lagoon’s resources. The new sea mouth allowed saltwater to flow into the lagoon, increasing the salinity levels and altering the lagoon’s ecological processes (Panigrahi, 2007). This has led to changes in fish species composition, abundance, and migration patterns, affecting the livelihoods of small-scale fishers who rely on the lagoon’s resources. Despite the fact that the two forces operated on vastly different time frames, their combined effects influenced the social-ecological system of Chilika Lagoon, which encompasses the lagoon and fishing villages (Nayak, 2014). The lagoon waters are also threatened by extensive human interferences such as dam construction, industrialization, deforestation, urbanization, and tourism. These disturbances are restricting the free flow of water into the lagoon, decreasing fish development, which is eaten by a variety of birds, and affecting the livelihood of fishing villages. While natural events like cyclones have had significant impacts on water quality in Chilika lagoon, the human-made drivers of shrimp aquaculture and the opening of a new sea mouth have had the most significant and long-lasting effects on the lagoon’s ecological processes and associated livelihood systems.

The Chilika Lagoon’s water quality has deteriorated over the previous few decades due to increasing natural and human-induced stresses. Natural ecological changes, together with increased anthropogenic performance in sustaining the lagoon environment, have a significant impact on the coastal system’s physio-chemical parameters and biogeochemical cycles. In order to address the research gap, the study analyzed several water quality criteria (such as pH and alkalinity, water depth, salinity variation, turbidity and transparency, water temperature, oxygen content, photosynthesis, nutrient variation and trace elements) in greater depth. The graph in Figure 3 depicts the changes in water quality metrics in Chilika from 1950 to 2015. After 1990, most of the lines change drastically, indicating a variety of human-induced and natural processes that cause water quality changes, resulting in ecosystem differences and negative repercussions on fisher populations.


Figure 3 Fluctuations in water quality parameters in Chilika Lagoon (Developed from data listed in Mohapatra et al., 2007; Mohanty and Panda, 2009; Mohanty et al., 2015).

It is worth noting that the hydrological parameters revealed in Chilika changed on both a seasonal and regional scales (Nayak and Behera, 2004; Mohanty et al, 2015; Barik et al., 2017). As a result of the data, we may deduce that the Chilika lagoon has been adversely impacted by multiple social-ecological forces in terms of pollution, biodiversity loss, employment security, and income since 1990. The lagoon’s poor drainage, as well as the effects of siltation, salinity fluctuation, eutrophication, macrophyte infestation, and biodiversity loss, worsen environmental degradation and make it vulnerable to anthropogenic pollution (Nazneen et al., 2019; Finlayson et al., 2020). These contaminants cause eutrophication and the consequent growth of toxic algae (Dujovny, 2009; Panigrahi et al., 2009), which has an impact on the survival of living organisms especially fishes (Nayak and Behera, 2004; Finlayson et al., 2020). During the summer, the amount of tidal intake controls the lagoon’s water depth, while freshwater inflow controls it during the monsoon. During the monsoon season, the water depth varied between 0.8m and 2.5m, whereas during the winter and summer seasons, it varied between 0.4-2.5m and 0.365-2.5m (Panigrahi, 2007). During the 2013 cyclone Phailin, there was a dramatic decline in transparency of 25% along with decline in salinity. Similar to many tropical environments, the pH of the Chilika lagoon was kept between 5.72 and 10.35 (Barik et al., 2017; Muduli and Pattnaik, 2020). There was a pH decline following Phailin (7.98 from Oct 2013) was observed which might be due to increased community respiration, overproduction or mixing of new water with lower pH due to cyclone-induced precipitation and discharge (Barik et al., 2017; Muduli and Pattnaik, 2020).

After Phailin, the temperature of the water dropped dramatically. Because of the large size of the coastal lagoon together with high photosynthetic activity and churning effect of winds on the coastal waters, Chilika is well oxygenated throughout the year. Chilika’s dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration is between 6 and 8 parts per million (Nayak and Behera, 2004). The cyclone Phailin resulted in an immediate increase in DO from 1.5 mg/l in 2013 which has remained at 6.9-7.4 mg/l in the coastal ecosystem since post-Phailin. Following the Phailin, there was a reduction in biological oxygen demand (BOD) which can be attributed to severe freshwater drainage releasing organic waste (Barik et al., 2017). The amount of nutrients (such as phosphorous) and trace elements (like silica) has risen due to the decomposition of macrophytes and poor water circulation (and stagnant water) respectively after the introduction of artificial sea mouth in 2000 (Panigrahi et al., 2009; Patra et al., 2010).

As a result of the artificial sea mouth opening in 2000, a high concentration of 54.04 µg/l was measured from 1.85 µg/l (Nayak and Behera, 2004; Nazneen et al., 2019). Chl-a levels in Chilika were typically between 0.13 and 51.10 µg/l showing significant sectoral variation. Following Phailin through wind-mediated churning, a sudden spike in chlorophyll content was observed due to the input of benthic chlorophyll (Barik et al., 2017). In the coastal ecosystems, the total suspended solids have a substantial impact on turbidity and phytoplankton population density. Rise in anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus input resulted in proliferation of weed which due has caused serious eutrophication issues (Panigrahi et al., 2009). Damming and water abstraction have a significant influence on wetlands in Chilika Lagoon which are badly impacted by dams that affect water and silt flows. The nutritious nature of lagoons is attacked by weeds resulting in significant eutrophication and hypoxia. The area of clean and accessible water in the lagoon has shrunk to approximately half its original size due to extensive siltation (Mahapatro et al., 2012). Weed proliferation makes the waters inappropriate for fishing and make it impossible for even small boats to navigate through it.

Although the opening of the sea mouth increased salinity levels, increased weed growth, significant sedimentation and silt accumulation lowered the lagoon’s depth and increased macrophyte production (Panigrahi et al., 2009; Sahu et al., 2014). The coastal ecology was threatened by fish feces, extra feed, and uneaten, as well as growing agitation in water, sanitation, and hygiene. Depending on the rates of dilution, effluents may occasionally be a valuable addition of nutrients that boost natural productivity, especially fisheries. However, excessive nutrient levels in wastewater discharge to rivers, lakes, or channels may induce algal growth as well as eutrophication and adversely affect fisheries. Aquaculture waste is mostly made up of nutrients from the metabolism of fish feed, uneaten food, synthetic faeces, escapees from farms that alter the genetics of wild fish species, and chemicals remaining through infection or parasite treatment. Women and children in SSF communities were particularly vulnerable due to a lack of public health and increased exposure to water-borne infections. Despite the fact that fishing is a popular source of livelihood and income in the marine as well as coastal lagoon environment, fishing communities are excluded from developing regional growth strategy and transboundary management of water resources inside and around the lagoon. Water quality and fish availability issues pertaining to coastal ecosystem destruction have taken on greater significance, as they are directly tied to the livelihoods of a large number of families living around Chilika.

3.2 Threats faced by SSF community due to water quality changes

The vulnerability of fishing villages in Chilika Lagoon is summarized in Figure 4, which connects the main causes and effects on water quality to SSF vulnerability. SSF communities are particularly sensitive to global and local change processes because to their strong ties to the coastal environment and dependency on natural resources (Chuenpagdee and Jentoft, 2015). Natural and manmade effects, as well as intrinsic challenges in their own socioeconomic and political circumstances, add to their susceptibility and limit their ability to maintain viable livelihoods (Allison and Horemans, 2006).


Figure 4 Domains of vulnerability assessing social-ecological impacts on Chilika Lagoon (Nair, 2021).

Habitat degradation, destruction of mangroves, fish mortality, increased tourist pressures, water contamination, and diminished employment are all examples of SSF community vulnerabilities. These challenges have deprived coastal areas of environmental security and have a negative impact on the well-being of populations that rely on fish (Panigrahi, 2007). With the goal of sustainability in mind, a holistic solution is required for the lagoon’s ecological preservation and economic viability, as well as water storage, habitat restoration, sustainable resource development, and economic utilization.

3.2.1 Ecological vulnerability

Natural resources such as water quality, biodiversity status, and numerous climate change factors are under the ecological domain. The degree to which natural resources are impacted by natural and anthropogenic changes is referred to as exposure in SSF communities. In the same vein, ecological sensitivity refers to SSF’s vulnerability to stressors such as water pollution, macrophyte invasion, and barnacle infestation. Recovery potential refers to a fishery’s ability to overcome stresses and recover after a disturbance (Ruiz-Díaz et al., 2020). Ecological vulnerabilities include variations in water quality indicators in Chilika lagoon as a result of hydrological interventions, biodiversity loss as a result of anthropogenic activities and natural disasters, irregular rainfall, and sedimentation.

3.2.2 Social vulnerability

Unemployment rate, poverty, women’s career prospects, food, and nutritional security are among the various fishery-dependent variables used to assess socioeconomic vulnerability (Jepson and Colburn, 2013). According to a 2016 study by Colburn et al., fishing communities with high rates of commercial engagement and/or reliance on commercial activities are more socially vulnerable. Understanding societal vulnerabilities as well as community adaptation mechanisms to environmental changes is crucial for planning actions that will help communities to survive (Martins and Gasalla, 2020). When fishing resources decline, communities that rely significantly on fishing are more prone to social vulnerability compared to other coastal areas (Colburn et al., 2016).

3.2.3 Economic vulnerability

The economic domain includes savings, income, credits, and loans. Natural disasters and manmade activities have increased the amount of damage to SSF villages significantly (Badjeck et al., 2015). The people of Chilika Lagoon suffer enormous economic losses as a result of fish stock depletion and damaged fishing gear and equipment as a result of their continual exposure to these effects. SSF communities near water bodies are also at risk of losing their homes and lives as a result of unanticipated natural change agents such as cyclones. Low revenue due to fewer fish, limited access to local and international markets, personal safety concerns due to unemployment or more frequent hazardous natural calamities, and poverty leading to less education and nutritional insecurity were all identified as economic vulnerabilities of fishing communities.

3.2.4 Institutional vulnerability

The institutional domain of vulnerability is defined as the community-based laws and governmental policies governing the accessibility of natural or economic resources. Major changes in the status of Chilika lagoon resources and customary rights have resulted in livelihood losses and a growing sense of separation from the lagoon among most fishermen. Aquaculture development and a profitable export market rate of white and tiger prawn exacerbated dwindling local institutions and the loss of resource access rights. Outside the lagoon, wealthy businesses (non-fishers) began shrimp farming in Chilika, displacing the fishing villages from their primary source of income (Nayak and Berkes, 2010; Nayak, 2014). Not only is the ecology deteriorating, but there is also a dispute over ownership of the Chilika water body between fishermen and non-fishermen in the area (Samal, 2002). Institutional vulnerabilities are caused by improper public policies, disagreements over access rights to fishing resources, insufficient stakeholder participation, and a lack of management and planning.

3.2.5 Technological vulnerability

The major assets required to expand fishing activity, such as boats, gears, and infrastructure, fall under this technological sphere of vulnerability. People in Chilika confront a huge risk due to a lack of advanced equipment to protect fishers from barnacle infestation. Excessive loans taken out by communities to purchase fishing equipment, as well as debt burdens, exacerbated poverty (Nayak, 2017). The environment of the Lagoon has been harmed by pollution from tourism and industrial fishing vessels (Monnier et al., 2020). While tourism boosts the economy on one hand, the lack of suitable equipment to handle garbage discharged into Chilika seas endangers aquatic life and, as a result, people’s livelihoods, leading to poor sanitation and hygiene.

Polluted water endangers the lives of communities in Chilika in terms of cleanliness, as they are compelled to live in a low-quality lifestyle and food due to their low income. Changes in water quality and weather variance, in combination with resource conflicts, forced fishermen to abandon their livelihood operations for weeks at a time. Figure 5 represents the connection of how water quality as a major driver is impacting the social-ecological system of Chilika Lagoon and resulting in the vulnerability of SSF communities. SSF communities’ vulnerability is defined as a result of the nature, amount, and intensity of changes and variation to which they are exposed (IPCC, 2007; Thornton et al., 2007). The sensitivity and exposure of hydrological interventions as a fundamental driver has a significant impact on water quality. The feedback loop arrow that goes back from SSF vulnerability to drivers of water quality changes in Figure 5 represents the relationship between these two factors. This feedback loop indicates that the vulnerabilities of SSFs can be influenced by the drivers of water quality changes, which in turn can be impacted by the vulnerabilities of SSFs. For example, if SSFs are facing economic or social vulnerabilities due to changes in water quality, this can lead to a decrease in fishing effort and increased fishing pressure on remaining resources. This increased fishing pressure can further exacerbate water quality changes, creating a negative feedback loop. Therefore, understanding the interrelationship between SSF vulnerability and drivers of water quality changes is crucial in developing effective management strategies that promote both sustainable fisheries and water quality. Water quality has deteriorated to the point where it has overridden the adaptive capacity of SSF settlements. This discovery adds to our knowledge of water quality fluctuation as a determinant of vulnerability in SSF communities.


Figure 5 Relation between drivers of water quality changes and vulnerabilities of small-scale fisheries (Adapted from Nair, 2021).

4 Viability measures as a response to lowering or redistributing vulnerability

In the following section, we consider various coping and adaptation techniques used by SSF communities in the Chilika Lagoon. Poverty elimination, food security, employment possibilities, livelihood alternatives, and rural and economic development can all help SSF thrive. The Chilika Lagoon’s water quality has deteriorated as a result of human-induced hydrological interventions and natural factors such as cyclones. This has resulted in irrevocable alterations to the Chilika Lagoon ecology, as well as irreparable disruption of SSF livelihoods. Various coping and adaption measures based on water quality studies can help SSF’s viability as shows in Figure 6. In the context of SSFs, coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two.


Figure 6 Different coping strategies and adaptive measures of small-scale fishing communities in Chilika Lagoon (Adapted from Nair, 2021).

Coping mechanisms refer to short-term strategies that individuals or communities adopt to deal with immediate stresses and shocks, such as a sudden drop in fish catch or a natural disaster. These are often reactive and involve minimal changes to existing practices and systems. This section describes a variety of short-term options for responding to vulnerabilities and the water quality changes as the source in Chilika lagoon.

a) Implementation of lagoon water protection: For improving the water quality of Chilika lagoon, a variety of measures might be implemented. One of the most important initiatives is to raise awareness of the need of protecting water quality among the managers, SSF communities and other stakeholders. Education about the need of water resource preservation should be acknowledged as a technique that can help lagoon water management plans be implemented more easily (Kumar and Pattnaik, 2012). Water quality degradation can be avoided by increasing community understanding of various social-ecological changes and the resulting water challenges. The removal of sediments from clogged channels and the mechanical scraping of algal weeds from lagoon waters are two further options for dealing with lagoon pollution. Building treatment plants can minimize water pollution so that SSF communities who are reliant on Chilika waters can have clean and usable water. The development and execution of a framework for active lagoon water management, including salinity levels, can aid habitat restoration.

b) New fishing techniques: In addition to mitigating the immediate effects of water pollution, SSF communities can rely on modified fishing practices to strengthen the social-ecological system and maintain sustainability. This will help to boost the populations of target species while also assisting in the restoration of damaged areas in order to improve ecosystems. Gear modifications may be an option for improving selectivity, however they frequently catch non-targeted species. For better fishing, some fishermen in Chilika have resorted to this new technique. Excluder devices for non-targeted species and enhanced operational techniques with sorting grids can help to alleviate the dilemma catching non-targeted species. Intensification coping tactics might also include the use of synthetic nets, increased financial investment, and enhanced fishing techniques. Extensification activities include going further into new fishing areas in order to expand production and operations, vast aquaculture, capturing all accessible species, and the use of powered boats. Improved fishing gear management and rebuilt vessels can lead to energy savings and a reduction in emissions and disturbances in lagoon waters.

c) Livelihood approaches: Increased reliance on credits, debits, and taking loans, as well as the use of money from financial sectors, non-financial institutions, and numerous sources such as grants or aids, are some of the coping techniques advocated by fishing communities in Chilika lagoon. Appropriate incentive measures can be used to control vulnerabilities faced by fishing communities by establishing economic premiums in the form of subsidies and taxes; marketing endorsements, such as eco-labels and access rights, can promote easier implementation of rules and regulations for controlling vulnerabilities faced by fishing communities. In Chilika, coping tactics include trading household properties and land, mortgages, and the selling of fishing equipment (Nayak, 2017). Onshore operations that require skill and time, including building and repairing nets, processing, and marketing fish, and giving services to the boats, are largely handled by women. SSF must be able to contribute to women’s empowerment through strategies such as rising interest in respecting and supporting women’s work, as well as political will to enhance women’s welfare in rural regions, by investing in women’s dynamism.

d) Building social cohesion: Teaching additional skills to fishing communities so that they can support themselves by generating money from sources other than fishing is another coping strategy. One example of building social cohesion in Chilika Lagoon is the formation of the Chilika Matsyajibi Mahasangh (CMM), a federation of fishing communities that was established in 2003. CMM aims to promote the interests of small-scale fishers, protect their rights, and enhance their livelihoods through collective action. CMM has been successful in lobbying for the recognition of traditional fishing rights, and in negotiating with the government for better access to credit and subsidies for fishers (Das and Choudhury, 2013). Women’s empowerment in terms of social and political factors is a critical component of food and nutrition security. This offers far-reaching societal benefits, such as better possibilities for women and increased household income, particularly in female-headed fishing households. Women’s roles as decision-makers, leaders, and entrepreneurs in the community help to improve communities and eliminate gender biases. Many collaboration projects and training programs can help SSF communities to establish relationships that will benefit their upliftment. By eliminating cash lenders and intermediaries, social firms can develop marine value-added commodities, allowing direct access to wholesale fish markets. To upskill children and adults in fishing villages to live a sustainable life, revenue should be spent in the information, training, health, and education sectors.

e) Developing alternative livelihoods: Fish harvesters are forced to look for work outside of fishing due to low earnings, short season, and minimal catches of fish and shrimp. Agriculture and livestock rearing are becoming increasingly popular among families because they offer a diverse range of job options. As it supports food and nutrition, animal husbandry and seasonal cropping play vital roles in boosting family incomes. Although there are benefits and drawbacks to this shift to new employment marketplaces and casual labour, localized fishing communities opt to participate in them in order to produce cash. Incorporating aquaculture into local fishing communities creates opportunities for fish farming, reduces fishing conflict, and increases the economy (Hugues-Dit-Ciles, 2000). By establishing useful links with external production sites, aquaculture has the ability to improve the local community’s skill levels, create jobs, and attract public investment. The Odisha State Government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have implemented several initiatives to promote alternative livelihoods for fishers, such as eco-tourism, aquaculture, and seaweed farming. For instance, the UNDP supported the establishment of a community-based ecotourism enterprise in the village of Mangalajodi, which has created employment opportunities for local residents and reduced their dependence on fishing (Das and Choudhury, 2013; Nayak and Berkes, 2014).

Adaptation operations can address both short-term and long-term impacts as it may often be confused with coping. To avoid potential maladaptation, factors such as identifying vulnerable communities, possible social-ecological changes and expected mitigation measures to respond effectively to future change needs to be considered into account. Some adaptations strategies may be categorized as below:

a) Water quality monitoring system for fisheries: Water and wastewater quality monitoring and forecasting are critical components of SSF management (Jentoft and Chuenpagdee, 2015). Remote water quality monitoring systems can be created using a wireless sensing network and a forecasting algorithm to provide real-time data and complicated water quality trends at diverse monitoring sites (Li and Liu, 2013). Aerators and chemical treatments can help to limit phytoplankton growth and low oxygen levels. Water pollution in the lagoon can be regulated through techniques such as analysis of diseases, proper antibiotic dosage, prohibition of damaging fishing gears, and water treatment before to discharge into the ecosystem. Chilika is a famous tourist destination due to its gorgeous scenery, rich biodiversity, and excellent fishing industries (Kumar and Pattnaik, 2012). Plastic contamination is one of the most serious problems that lagoon waters and tourists face. Incorporating filtration, drainage, and the removal of sediments or river mouth settlements are all part of upgrading to sustainable wastewater management practices and improving stormwater treatment. It is critical to collect this water quality data because pollutants, wind, weather, and rain runoff can all have an impact on water quality and fish health.

b) Out-migration: Migration is regarded as a fundamental adaptation option for vulnerable SSF communities and their families. Restrictions in fishing rights and access to resources, declines in fish catch, decreases in fishing opportunities, rises in standard of living, unpredictable natural disasters, and climate change issues are some of the root causes of out-migration. Other root causes include health and social-cultural issues, reduced employment options, deprivation of education, pressure from non-fisher communities, and technological advancements (Nayak and Berkes, 2010; Himes-Cornell and Hoelting, 2015). Young women in SSF communities are relocating to metropolitan areas, resource extraction is attracting new resource users who are migrating to the shore as a result of resource extraction, and younger generations are using traditional knowledge to a lesser extent. Some of the common types of migration patterns are listed in Figure 7.

c) Conservation of the lagoon habitat: Wetlands (such as mangroves, seagrass, and mudflats) and sandy beaches contribute to the complex ecosystems of Chilika lagoon, as well as the vast faunal biodiversity that makes up the ecological system and provide vital advantages to fishing communities and marine life (Sundaravadivelu et al., 2019). The creation of schemes aimed at protecting valuable land surrounding the lagoon, recovering damaged ecosystems, leveraging innovative technologies, and supporting vegetation can all be used to start lagoon habitat conservation and restoration initiatives. Zoning, correct land use, and agri-environmental programs are among the management plans that are expected to produce more productive outcomes in terms of job creation and food security (Kumar and Pattnaik, 2012). Engineering and construction solutions can be used to restore natural hydrological functions and water quality.

d) Information and communication technologies (ICT): Small-scale fishermen, for example, can use Global Positioning System (GPS) to navigate back securely and accurately towards the shore, while an echo-sounder can be used to check the water depth. Combination of GPS and an echo-sounder can substantially enhance the efficiency of fisheries (Abu Samah et al., 2019). In SSF communities, users of fishing technology had better adaption strategies than users of traditional techniques. Fishing technology is portable and useful in inclement weather. Early warning and monitoring systems can be used to address weather hazards quickly and lessen the vulnerabilities that fishermen confront (Arie et al., 2018; Chen, 2020). According to a study by Pattnaik et al. (2007), the use of mobile phones has improved the ability of fishers to plan their fishing trips and avoid risks associated with adverse weather conditions. The study also found that the use of mobile phones has led to increased bargaining power for fishers in the market. The use of ICT tools such as GPS and sonar have shown to provide easier access the latest information for fishermen. With the advent of ICT tools such as wireless sets, computers, internet, and mobile phones, fishermen are now able to keep up with all of the latest information. The ease with which ICT tools such as GPS and sonar may be learned allows fisherman to expand their ICT knowledge and skills, boost fishing productivity and save costs (Omar et al., 2011). The use of ICT in SSF in Chilika Lagoon can contribute to more efficient and sustainable fishing practices, as well as increased resilience to environmental and socioeconomic changes.

e) Changes in institutions and policies: To offset the socio-economic repercussions of diminishing fisheries, flexible policies that support political and social empowerment of SSF communities must be developed (Jentoft and Chuenpagdee, 2015). For sustainable fishery management, community-based fishery management (CBFM) creates a number of official and informal organizations (such as policy making institutions, community-based organizations, and conventional fishing policies). Overfishing as well as possibilities for fishing communities to diversify their livelihoods should be addressed. Best practices for better fisheries and aquaculture management (e.g., adaptive strategies, precautionary principles, and ecosystem management), planning tools, regulatory techniques, such as zoning and land use planning, and integrated lagoon management for nearshore fisheries will improve system resilience and adaptability (Kumar and Pattnaik, 2012). Fishing communities will be empowered as a result of enhanced access to decision-making processes, stronger legal representation, and higher visibility in society (Nayak and Armitage, 2018). Das and Choudhury (2013) report that the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) in 2001 has resulted in a decrease in fishing boats and introduction of mesh size regulations, increasing the sustainability of fishing practices. In addition, the FMP has improved the enforcement of regulations, as well as the participation of fishers in decision-making processes.


Figure 7 Various types of migration patterns (Modified from: Njock and Westlund, 2010).

Policymakers can create viable measures for supporting the livelihood of SSF communities by developing responsive policies and scenarios that are cohesive at regional and national levels. Raising awareness of water quality issues and the irreversible nature of the repercussions among local governments, societies, and other resource user groups ensures shared awareness and commitment to address vulnerabilities. In the fisheries sector, strengthening cooperation and collaborations can be helped by forming partnerships with regional institutions to aid in the safety of fisher communities and the protection of lagoon resources. Reduced vulnerability to natural disasters and severe weather events can be achieved by promoting disaster risk reduction and preparedness in fishing and fish farming communities. Integrated watershed management and lagoon zone planning are the most effective management strategies for addressing the restrictions and challenges that SSF sectors face (Wang et al., 2016). Adopting strategies to lessen the vulnerabilities experienced by SSF communities, such as achieving well-being, having proper access to capitals, and developing resilience, are all part of achieving viability in small-scale fisheries (Nayak and Berkes, 2019). Environmental, economic, governance, regulatory, technological, and social developments all influence the significance of SSF to nutritional needs, food security, economics, and livelihoods now and in the future.

The contribution of small-scale fisheries, both now and in the future, to food protection, nutrition, economy, and livelihoods depends on a variety of factors, including environmental, economic, governance, policy, technological and social changes. The resulting framework (Table 1) expands the ecological aspects (biodiversity, productivity and trophic structure, and ecosystem integrity of habitats), economic aspects (sustainable livelihoods, economy generation, viability and stability, allocation of access and profits, regional and community benefits), technological as well as institutional concepts (advanced fishing techniques, successful decision and policy-making, legal responsibilities, strong framework of government and regional institutions) and social aspects (health and well-being, ethical fisheries, sustainable livelihood of communities). Table 1 lists various indicators of viability that provides insight to address the concerns due to lack of capitals, loss of resilience and wellbeing issues.

5 Conclusions

Fisheries provides food and revenue to communities all around the world. SSF is a way of life and a need for many people especially around developing countries. Water quality of Chilika Lagoon has degraded due to anthropogenic interventions and natural forces of change. Various activities in the Chilika Lagoon, such as industrial wastewater disposal, sewage dumping, aquaculture, hydrological interventions, and cyclones, are producing salinity changes, sediment deposition, nutrient enrichment, eutrophication, and dead zones, as stated. Fish survival is at risk as a result of the significant reduction in environmental circumstances, which diminishes fishermen’s income and pushes them out of society. These causes affecting the water quality of the Lagoon depict many faces of vulnerability in SSF communities.

As the Chilika Lagoon environment is expected to undergo increasingly drastic changes (such as catch composition, catch capacity, biodiversity variations, water quality, and fishery revenues), international policy has become more interested in adaptation measures. Given how diverse SSF ecosystems are expected to be between continents, there is no “one size fits all” approach. The paper outlined several coping and adaptation mechanisms to improve water quality and continue fishing in a sustainable way. Adaptation strategies can occasionally have unforeseen consequences for fisheries and fishing communities. Any unexpected consequences of adaptation can be mitigated through long-term planning and identification of future options through scenario analysis.

The findings of this paper can be utilized to develop policies to protect water quality and SSFs in a variety of coastal lagoon settings. The study is crucial in today’s world of rapid urbanization and population increase because it demonstrates how to promote resilience and positive transitions by understanding the underlying difficulties in the social-ecological system (SES) of Chilika Lagoon. The study suggests a number of areas for further investigation, including representation of fishing communities in law and policymaking, understanding the importance of wetlands, protecting coastal communities, blue carbon ecosystem, and making progress toward achieving SSF Guidelines that are aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SSF communities in any coastal ecosystem is at the heart of attaining SDG 14 (conserving and responsibly managing marine resources, oceans and seas). These communities have existed for a long time, with strong linkages to the places and spaces around the world where “life below water” and “life above water” can be found.

Although both natural and manmade activities have an impact on SSF, the changes and impacts are not uniform. There is also a pressing need for fisheries to adjust to these changes. Given the wide range of changes expected for fishing systems, Chilika will require a variety of coping and adaptation techniques. The paper also suggests methods to increase the viability of the SSF community by exploring existing possibilities and limits through various viability measures. The graphic portrayal aids in comprehending the multi-dimensional relationships involved in SSF communities’ sensitivity to viability. Perceiving these relationships will aid in the proper execution of SSF sustainability plans. Finally, in today’s world of fast urbanization and population increase, this research is incredibly important since it demonstrates how to protect water resources for strengthening the livelihood of SSF communities by addressing the underlying difficulties in the Chilika ecosystem.

Author contributions

NN and PN designed the model and the computational framework. NN conducted the literature review and performed the secondary data analysis. NN wrote the manuscript with input from PN. PN aided in interpreting the results and worked on the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.


The research reported in this paper received financial support from the Vulnerability to Viability (V2V): Global Partnership for Building Strong Small-Scale Fisheries Communities (V2V Global Partnership), University of Waterloo, Canada which is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada (Grant Number: 895-2020-1021) under its Partnership Grant Program.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: small-scale fisheries, water quality, vulnerability, viability, Chilika lagoon, India

Citation: Nair NV and Nayak PK (2023) Uncovering water quality and evaluating vulnerabilities of small-scale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon, India. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1087296. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1087296

Received: 02 November 2022; Accepted: 16 May 2023;
Published: 29 June 2023.

Edited by:

Andrea Belgrano, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Reviewed by:

Alyne Delaney, Tohoku University, Japan
Anna Schuhbauer, University of British Columbia, Canada

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*Correspondence: Navya Vikraman Nair,

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