- 1Department of Chemistry, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- 2Center for the Catalyst and Separations, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Aminomethanol is released into the atmosphere through various sources, including biomass burning. In this study, we have expounded the chemical kinetics of aminomethanol in the reaction pathways initiated by the hydroxyl radical (
1 Introduction
Amines, especially those bearing the –NH2 functional group (RNH2), find extensive applications in the chemical industry, including uses in solvents, catalysis, surfactants, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, dyes and pigments, etc. (Ge et al., 2011a). For instance, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology utilizes amine solvents to separate the CO2 emission from the acid gas treatment of natural gas and fossil fuel power plants (Dai et al., 2012; Yamada, 2021). The rapid development of CCS technology consequently leads to a significant increase in alkanolamines emissions into the atmosphere due to their high vapor pressure (Kapteina et al., 2005). Additionally, the amines are also released into the atmosphere by various other sources such as thorough industrial emission, wastewater treatment, animal husbandry and automotive activities, emissions from ocean organisms, biomass combustion and the degradation of proteins, etc. (Ge et al., 2011b). These amines undergo degradation and participate in conversion reactions both in gas and aqueous phase (clouds, raindrops, fog) in the atmosphere. As a result, they have detrimental effects on air quality, leading to issues like acid rain, urban smog and tropospheric ozone. Also, the amines and alkanolamines have the potential to contribute to greenhouse gas formation, notably nitrous oxide (N2O) and the production of highly carcinogenic compounds and nitrosamines (Schade and Crutzen, 1995; Ge et al., 2011a; Ge et al., 2011b). Hence, elucidating the transformation, mechanisms and kinetics of amines is of potential importance.
The Strecker synthesis, involving a series of chemical reactions, has received great scholarly attention as a potential technique to synthesize chiral α-amino acids using ammonia (NH3), hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and aldehyde (RCHO) (Strecker, 1850; Gröger, 2003; Nájera and Sansano, 2007; Wang et al., 2011). However, aminomethanol (NH2CH2OH), a pivotal intermediate for the synthesis of the simplest amino acid namely, glycine, has not been observed in the laboratories (Nielsen et al., 1979; Schutte et al., 1993). This is may be due to the decomposition of aminomethanol to methanimine (CH2NH) and water (H2O). Previous theoretical investigations have indicated that aminomethanol is kinetically stable in the gas phase with a substantial barrier of 230 kJ/mol toward dehydration to methanimine (Feldmann et al., 2005). Our recent study also supports that the formation of methanimine and water from aminomethanol is negligibly small and forbidden by an energy barrier of 234 kJ/mol (Ali, 2019). Bossa et al., have observed aminomethanol at low temperatures through the thermal reaction between ammonia and formaldehyde (Bossa et al., 2009). They have also pointed out that aminomethanol may exist in hot corinos in gas phase. The recent experimental study on aminomethanol in astrophysical-like conditions also validates that aminomethanol could be generated from amines on ice grains in proto-stellar cores or protoplanetary disks (Singh et al., 2022). These studies strongly corroborate the existence of aminomethanol in the atmosphere.
In our recent study (Ali, 2019), the calculated rate constant of CH2O + NH3 has suggested that aminomethanol could potentially form at higher temperatures rather than under atmospheric conditions, as illustrated in Figure 1. Additionally, the significant lifetime (∼4 days) of aminomethanol could facilitate the initiation of various chemical reactions with other atmospheric species (Ali, 2019). Nevertheless, the atmospheric chemistry of aminomethanol remains largely unexplored to date, primarily due to the considerable challenges associated with experimental synthesis. Therefore, it is crucial to delve into the reaction mechanisms and kinetics of aminomethanol to evaluate the potential formation of various compounds, including toxicants or carcinogenic byproducts. However, there has been a lack of experimental studies specifically examining the reaction kinetics of the photo-oxidation of aminomethanol. In light of this gap, theoretical approaches, coupled with state-of-the-art computational methodologies and advanced statistical rate theories, are essential for exploring the intricate atmospheric chemistry of aminomethanol, particularly in extreme environmental conditions.
Figure 1. Generalized reaction mechanism for the formation of formamide (NH2CHO), formimidic acid (NHCHOH) and amino formic acid (NH2COOH) during the aminomethanol +
The fate of aminomethanol, in general, is greatly influenced by its gas-phase oxidation by various oxidizing agents. Hydroxyl radicals (
Among these product species, formamide is simplest and naturally occurring amide molecule. It is a potential precursor for the synthesis of a broad range of organic molecules (Saladino et al., 2012a; Saitta and Saija, 2014), which are vital for life as it poses all the important elements including carbon C), hydrogen H), oxygen O) and nitrogen N) except the heavy elements like sulphur S) and phosphorus P) (Saladino et al., 2005; 2007; 2012b). Additionally, formamide has an amide functional (-N-C (=O)-) group, which is essential for the formation of the chains of amino acids in order to build up proteins. It promotes the synthesis of four nucleobases namely, adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil of ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Saladino et al., 2005; Ferus et al., 2015). It also serves as the pre-cursor for carboxylic acids, amino acids and sugars (Botta et al., 2018). These points clearly demonstrating the potential role of formamide in biochemical processes, that are essential for life’s sustenance and evolution.
Also, formamide is a highly ubiquitous molecule in the Universe. It was first detected in space dates back to 1971 when Rubin et al., utilized the 140-foot telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) to scrutinize the Sagittarius B2 region (Sgr B2), situated proximate to the Galactic center (Rubin et al., 1971). Their observations distinctly revealed the three hyperfine components (∆F = 0) of the 21,1–21,2 rotational transition of NH2CHO, resonating at 4.62 GHz (6.5 cm). Sgr B2, renowned as the most prodigious star formation region within our Milky Way and marked the maiden identification of an interstellar compound harboring carbon C), hydrogen H), oxygen O), and nitrogen N). Subsequent detections of formamide have been made in diverse astronomical locales, including the vicinity of the young stellar entity W33A (Schutte et al., 1999), within cometary bodies such as C/1995 O1 (Bockelée-Morvan et al., 2000) and C/1996 B2 (Lis et al., 1997) and within the broader expanse of the interstellar medium (Solomon, 1973).
A plethora of experimental and theoretical inquiries have been undertaken to elucidate the formation of formamide along with other organic compounds in the interstellar medium (ISM) by different methods (Woon, 2002; Navarro-González and Raulin, 2004; Pastorek et al., 2019; Ferus et al., 2023). These investigations spanning from the proton irradiation (PI) of gas mixtures containing methane and nitrogen (Koike et al., 2003), ultraviolet irradiation (UV) of ice mixtures containing hydrogen cyanide (HCN), water (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) (Gerakines et al., 2004), pyrolysis of mixtures comprising carbon monoxide (CO), NH3, and H2O (Takano et al., 2004) and the photolysis of ices (Bernstein et al., 1997). Similarly, under terrestrial conditions, formamide (NH2CHO) can be synthesized from combinations of low molecular weight compounds such as NH3, formic acid (HCOOH), formic ester derivatives (HCOOR), CO and alcohols, under both catalyzed and uncatalyzed experimental setups (Deschamps, 1931).
In the current investigation, our focus lies in exploring the intricate mechanistic aspects and branching ratios corresponding to the pivotal stages of the
2 Theoretical methodology
2.1 Electronic structure calculations
All gas-phase ab initio/density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 suite of programs (Frisch et al., 2019). The stationary points of all molecular systems, including reactants, products, intermediates and transition states on the potential energy surface (PES) were optimized using the Minnesota 2006 exchange correlation functional such as M06-2X, in conjunction with the Pople’s split-valence 6-311++G (3df, 3pd) basis set (Frisch et al., 1984; Zhao and Truhlar, 2008). The long-range van der Waals interactions between the reactive species were accounted using Grimme’s empirical dispersion (GD3) corrections (Grimme et al., 2010). Previous studies have demonstrated that the current level of theory exhibits a reliable performance in addressing noncovalent interactions between gaseous molecules and in locating the transition states of atmospheric and combustion reactions (Ali et al., 2016; 2018; 2022; Ali, 2019; 2020; Dash and Ali, 2022; 2023; Ali and Balaganesh, 2023). Tight convergence criteria were applied during the wave function optimization of the reactive species, complexes, products and transition states. Unscaled vibrational frequencies at the same level of theory (M06-2X/6-311++G (3df, 3pd)) were utilized to compute zero-point energy (ZPE) corrections to the total energies of all molecular systems, to characterize the stationary points on the PES and for rate-constant calculations. Vibrational frequency analysis confirmed all positive frequencies for the reactants, complexes, intermediates and products, while a single imaginary frequency was observed for the transition states.
Additionally, single-point energy calculations were conducted at a higher-level of theory on the molecular structures optimized at a lower-level of theory to ensure an accurate description of the energetic parameters. Specifically, the CCSD(T)/6-311++G (3df, 3pd) level of theory was utilized to estimate the single-point energies of the gas-phase molecular geometries, which were initially optimized at the M06-2X/6-311++G (3df, 3pd) level of theory (Raghavachari et al., 1989). The basis set superposition error (BSSE) calculations were also performed using the counterpoise (CP) corrected method (Boys and Bernardi, 1970; Simon et al., 1996). The <Ŝ2> eigenvalues were monitored to evaluate the spin contamination for the wavefunction of the open-shell radicals. The T1-diagnostic values obtained at the CCSD(T)/6-311++G (3df, 3pd) level of theory were analyzed to validate the single-reference method and were found to be within the acceptable range (i.e., ≤0.02) for all important species (Lee and Taylor, 1989). Overall, the combination of CCSD(T)//M06-2X functionals has been employed in numerous research studies, providing a reasonably accurate description of the thermochemistry and chemical kinetics of many atmospheric reactions (Ali et al., 2016; Ali et al., 2018; Ali, 2019; Ali, 2020; Ali et al., 2022; Dash and Ali, 2022; Ali and Balaganesh, 2023; Dash and Ali, 2023).
2.2 Chemical kinetic analysis
Comprehensive chemical kinetic calculations for the
where, k1 and k-1 are the forward and reverse rate constant for the first bimolecular reaction and the k2 is the rate constant for the second unimolecular reaction. The kinetic rate constants for these bimolecular (k, in cm3 molecule−1 s-1) and unimolecular (kuni, s-1) reactions in the high-pressure limit defined by transition state theory are represented as follows,
Assuming that the pre-reactive complex was in equilibrium with the reactants and was at a steady state, then the overall rate constants is expressed as;
If k-1 >> k2, the rate constant is rewritten as
This kinetic model is reasonably correct at the high-pressure limit, where the pre-reactive complex can be stabilized by collisions with other atmospherics species. This approach was widely used in literature for the water-assisted reaction and the predicted rate coefficients are reasonably good agreement with the experimental values (Ali, 2019; Ali et al., 2022, Ali and Balaganesh 2023).
The different parameters of Eqs 3, 6 were breakdown and elaborately discussed the specifics of each component in Supplementary Material to prevent redundancy from earlier research. The k and k2 for the other plausible oxidation reactions of
The temperature- and pressure-dependent microscopic rate constants k(E) have also been computed for the O2 addition reaction to the aminomethanol radicals generated in Eq. 2. This was accomplished using the Rice−Ramsperger−Kassel−Marcus (RRKM)/master equation (ME) theory, implemented in the MultiWell suite of programs. The MultiWell code facilitates the computation of non-steady-state effects including unimolecular decomposition processes, isomerization, collision energy transfer and chemical activation for the complex rate-constant calculations. To perform these calculations, molecular and energetic parameters such as vibrational frequencies, moments of inertia and reaction barriers are required as input data. Using this data, the MultiWell suite computes sum and density-of-states, followed by the evaluation of microscopic rate-constant k(E). The RRKM/ME microscopic rate-constant k(E) is defined as follows,
The details of each term can be found in the Supplementary Material. Temperature and pressure-dependent rate constants and branching ratios of the products were evaluated by incorporating N2 gas as the bath gas. The collisional energy transfer process was addressed using the conventional temperature-dependent exponential-down model with a <ΔE > down parameter (which represents the average energy loss per the collision of the active compound with the bath gas molecule), with an approximate value of ∼200*(T/300)0.85 cm−1 (Goldsmith et al., 2012). Lennard-Jones (L-J) parameters were employed to account for the frequency of collisions between the active compound and the bath gas (N2) collider. The L-J parameters for N2 gas, specifically σ (N2) = 3.74 Å and ε/kB (N2) = 82 K, were sourced from the literature, while the same parameters for all wells were adopted from our previous study (Dash and Ali, 2022).
For the barrierless reactions i.e.,
The pressure-dependent total rate constants kbimol (T, M) for aminomethanol radical (
where, Γ represents the quantum mechanical tunneling corrections,
Finally, the calculated rate constants were fitted at the high-pressure limit (
where A is the pre-exponential factor, T is the temperature, n is the temperature exponent and Ea is the activation energy. The coordinates of equilibrium geometries, vibrational harmonic frequencies and rational constants of all important species involved in the
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Rotational conformers of aminomethanol
The oxidation reaction between the aminomethanol (AM) and
Figure 2. Different rotational conformations of aminomethanol (AM). The values in the parenthesis indicate the relative energies in kcal/mol.
3.2 Potential energy surface of aminomethanol + H
The zero-point energy (ZPE) corrected potential energy surface (PES) for the H-abstraction reaction of the most stable conformation of aminomethanol (AM0) by the
Figure 4. Optimized geometries of aminomethanol (AM0), PRC, TSs, PORCs and the radicals of
For example, the bond angle between the H atom of the –CH2 group and
To account for the effect of other rotational conformers on the oxidation reaction, the energies of PRCs, TSs and PORCs have been computed for the abstraction of H atom from –CH2, –NH2 and –OH groups of other rotational conformations of AM (i.e., AM1 and AM2). The complete reaction profile for the H-abstraction reaction of AM1 along with the energies is presented Supplementary Figure S1. The H abstraction from the –CH2 group of AM1 proceeds via three TSs such as TS-CHa TS-CHb and TS-CHc. Among these TSs, TS-CHa is linked to the PRC1 while TS-CHb and TS-CHc are linked to the PRC2 (see Supplementary Figure S2). However, all these–CH TSs are linked to the same product complex and lead to the formation of a single NH2
Finally, the energetics and the barrier height values of H abstraction reactions from AM0, AM1 and AM2 by
It is worth to mention here that, the TS energies for the major H-abstraction pathways i.e., from the –CH2 and –NH2 channels of NH2CH2OH +
The rate constant (
Figure 5. Calculated rate constants (
Table 1. Calculated temperature dependent rate constants (kOH, cm3 molecule−1 s−1) for the
The bimolecular reactions between the aminomethanol (NH2CH2OH) +
In recent decades, significant advances in atmospheric chemistry have spurred the development of new theoretical approaches for exploring intricate details of ground-state chemical reactions and their underlying mechanisms. Nevertheless, an equivalent synergy between theory and experimentation remains absent in the realm of atmospheric photochemistry involving electronically excited states. The modeling of molecular photochemistry necessitates a meticulous consideration of non-adiabatic effects, specifically, the coupling between electronic states and molecular motion. This presents formidable challenges, as it contradicts several conventional approximations in theoretical chemistry. Notably, non-adiabatic effects challenge the venerable Born-Oppenheimer approximation, while classical treatments of nuclear dynamics may prove inadequate and non-equilibrium phenomena can challenge established reaction rate theories.
A plethora of methodologies have emerged to address these challenges, including MCTDH (Multi Configuration Time Dependent Hartree) (Manthe et al., 1992; Beck, 2000; Meyer, 2012), trajectory surface hopping (TSH) (Tully and Preston, 1971; Hammes-Schiffer and Tully, 1994; Fabiano et al., 2008) and ab initio multiple spawning (AIMS) (Ben-Nun et al., 2000; Ben-Nun and Martínez, 2002; Yang and Martínez, 2011). However, the application of these techniques to investigate atmospheric photochemistry encounters various challenges. These encompass complexities in simulating spectroscopically relevant choices and atmospheric modeling interests, the intricate electronic architecture of multichromophoric volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the diverse excited-state dynamics triggered by solar irradiation, the protracted dynamics of excited VOCs, the prominence of intersystem crossings or collisional processes and the modulating influence of aqueous environments such as those found in atmospheric aerosols and clouds. Given that non-adiabatic dynamic approaches demand considerable computational resources beyond our current capacity and each method carries its own limitations, we envision these studies as prospects for future exploration.
3.3 Potential energy surface of NH2 HOH radical + 3O2
The aminomethanol radicals produced in the initial reactions of aminomethanol +
Figure 6. The zero-point energy (ZPE) corrected potential energy surface of AM radical (NH2
Figure 7. Optimized geometries of intermediates (IMs), transition states (TSs) and product complexes (PCs) of 3O2 + NH2
In detail, the transfer of H atom from –CH and –OH groups to the O-site of peroxy radical (IM-0A) is favored through the transition states TS-1A and TS-8A. On the other hand, the presence of two different H atoms in –NH2 group and different attacking directions of 3O2 lead to three different reaction pathways, which proceed through the TSs, TS-3A, TS-5A and TS-7A for the H abstraction from –NH2 group. Among all these TSs, the TS-1A and TS-3A are situated above the reactants with an energy of 1.5 and 0.5 kcal/mol followed by TS-5A, TS-7A and TS-8A (−1.3, −3.7 and −10.0 kcal/mol). It indicates that the H-transfer from –CH group to O-site of IM-0A requires a high energy of ∼40 kcal/mol to form the intermediate IM-1A. The transfer of two different H atoms from –NH2 group respectively requires 40 (via TS-3A) and 35 (via TS-7A) kcal/mol to form the intermediates, IM-2A and IM-3A. Further, different spatial arrangement of O2 also facilitates a distinct transition state, TS-5A for the H transfer from –NH2 group and it leads to the previous intermediate, IM-2A. The reaction proceed through TS-5A shows a barrier height more than 35 kcal/mol. The H transfer process from that of –OH group requires a relatively low energy of 29 kcal/mol via the TS-8A to form IM-4A. The barrier heights for these H-transfer reactions strongly comply with that of H transfer from the similar functional groups. The intermediates IM-1A to IM-4A are stabilized by ∼ -29, −20.2, −20.6 and −16 kcal/mol with respect to the reactants, respectively. The breaking of O-O and C-O bond in IM-1A and IM-4A through the transition states TS-2A and TS-9A form the product complexes, PC-1A and PC-4A, respectively. While, PC-2A and PC-3A can be formed by the breaking of C-O bond of IM-2A via the TSs, TS-4A1 and TS-4A2. The IM-3A also leads to the same product complexes, PC-2A and PC-4A via the TSs, TS-6A1 and TS-6A2. Figure 6 shows that, the IM-1A is almost barrierlessly (0.3 kcal/mol) dissociated into the product complex PC-1A, which is composed of hydrogen bonded amino formic acid (H2NCOOH) and
On the other hand, the reactions proceed via the transition states, TS-10A, TS-11A and TS-12A directly form the product complexes. In detail, these TSs initiates the simultaneous transfer of H atom from –NH2 and –OH groups to the O-site of peroxy radical and the breaking of C-O bond to form the post-reactive product complexes, PC-2A, PC-3A and PC-4A, respectively. Similar to TS-3A and TS-7A, the TS-10A and TS-11A involve the transfer of inequivalent H atoms of –NH2 to the O-site. The energy barriers have been found to be 18, 17 and 4.3 kcal/mol for the transfer of H atom from –NH2 (via TS-10A, TS-11A) and –OH (via TS-12A) groups to the O-site of peroxy radical. Overall, it is evident from Figure 6 that, the reaction pathway proceeding through the transition state, TS-12A to form P-4A (NH2CHO) is energetically more favorable followed by that proceeding through TS-10A and TS-11A to form P-2A and P-3A (NHCHOH) by the simultaneous H transfer and CO bond breaking process rather than reaction pathways that proceeding through TS-1A, TS-3A, TS-5A, TS-7A and TS-8A.
We have compared the energetics of important reactive species of NH2
Overall, the computed results suggest that the reaction pathways, which proceed through the TS-1A, TS-3A, TS-5A, TS-7A and TS-8A from the intermediate IM0-A exhibit high energy barriers. These energy barriers are in the range of (30-40 kcal/mol) as shown in Figure 7. Hence, these reaction pathways are excluded from the further studies of reaction kinetics and branching ratio analysis due to the high energy barriers. Relatively low energy barrier pathways which occurred via the transition states TS-10A, TS-11A and TS-12A were adopted for further kinetics and branching ratio calculations.
The rate constants and the branching ratio values of 3O2 + NH2
Figure 8. Computed rate constants for the NH2
We have also computed the ZPE corrected PES of nitrogen centered radical, namely,
3.4 Molecular dynamics simulations
We have conducted Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD) simulations to investigate the formation of formamide at 300 K through the reactions involving the reactive species (
Figure 9. Snapshots taken at different time intervals during the BOMD simulations between
3.5 Atmospheric implications
Our previous investigation (Ali, 2019) has demonstrated the occurrence of a high-temperature reaction between ammonia (NH₃) and formaldehyde (H2CO) during biomass burning, resulting in the formation of aminomethanol (NH₂CH₂OH). This prompts a keen interest in elucidating the oxidation reaction mechanism and kinetics of aminomethanol, leading to the formation of various compounds, including potentially hazardous or carcinogenic byproducts. The possible atmospheric decomposition pathway resulting from
where, k denotes the rate constant of NH₂CH₂OH +
Figure 10. Generalized reaction mechanism for the formation of aminomethanol from ammonia and formaldehyde and its subsequent decomposition reaction pathways to potentially hazardous isocyanic acid.
Barnes et al., have reviewed the mechanistic details and atmospheric chemistry of amides (Barnes et al., 2010). They showed that the formamide could further react with
On the other hand, the branching fraction (20%) of N-centered radicals indicates the formation of
Overall, investigating the branching fraction and ensuing rate constants associated with the hydrogen abstraction from –CH2, –NH2, and –OH groups of aminomethanol by hydroxyl radicals offers initial insights into the predominant formation of formamide. Additionally, this study provides additional insights into the formation of N-centered radicals in significant quantities. Nevertheless, conducting further investigations on the reactions of O2, NO and NO2 with N-centered radicals would undoubtedly contribute to significantly understand their impact on the atmosphere.
4 Conclusion
In this study, we have comprehensively explored the mechanistic details of aminomethanol oxidation reaction initiated by atmospheric
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
NN: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. MA: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Software, Supervision, Validation, Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing.
The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The work is supported by the faculty startup grant #8474000461 at Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
NN and MA thank the supercomputer facility and Department of Chemistry at the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Khalifa University of Science and Technology, at Abu Dhabi UAE for their support. MA thanks Khalifa University of Science and Technology, at Abu Dhabi UAE for Faculty Start-up grant #8474000461.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fchem.2024.1407355/full#supplementary-material
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Keywords: aminomethanol, photooxidalion, DFT, transition state theory, formamide, rate constant
Citation: Nulakani NVR and Ali MA (2024) Unveiling the chemical kinetics of aminomethanol (NH2CH2OH): insights into
Received: 26 March 2024; Accepted: 08 May 2024;
Published: 30 May 2024.
Edited by:
Steve Suib, University of Connecticut, United StatesReviewed by:
Federico Palazzetti, University of Perugia, ItalyRyan C. Fortenberry, University of Mississippi, United States
Giuseppe Cassone, National Research Council (CNR), Italy
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*Correspondence: Mohamad Akbar Ali, YWtiYXIubW9oYW1hZEBrdS5hYy5hZQ==