Spatiotemporal Distributions of Non-ophidian Ophidiomorphs, With Implications for Their Origin, Radiation, and Extinction
- 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
- 2Museum of Comparative Zoology and Department of Organismic Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States
- 3Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
A Corrigendum on
Spatiotemporal Distributions of Non-ophidian Ophidiomorphs, With Implications for Their Origin, Radiation, and Extinction
by Campbell Mekarski, M., Pierce, S. E., and Caldwell, M. W. (2019). Front. Earth Sci. 7:245. doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00245
In the original article, there was an error. The authors mentioned that the basal mosasauroid Portunatasaurus krambergeri was from the Cenomanian of Hvar Island, Croatia. The specimen actually originates from Cenomanian-Turonian outcrops on Dugi Otok. A dolichosaur has never been found on Dugi Otok, therefore the mention of Portunatasaurus is irrelevant to the topic of this paper. Reference to Portunatasaurus should not have been included.
A correction has been made to the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Dolichosaurs section, subsection Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous), Tethys: Adriatic Region, Croatia:
“Croatia—Roughly 300 km south of Komen, on the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia, is the Island of Hvar (Isola di Lesina). On the north side of this island, between the towns of Stari Grad and Jelsa is an outcrop of fossiliferous Late Cenomanian carbonates spanning the late Cenomanian to early Turonian (biostratigraphy; see Radovčić, 1973, 1975; Herak et al., 1976; Sari and Özer, 2009). This outcrop is the most likely origin of a myriad of shallow marine squamates (Herak, 1959; Langer, 1961; Herak et al., 1976). Like the fossils from Komen, the dolichosaurs and aigialosaurs discovered here are among the first described representatives of their respective families. Adriosaurus suessi (Seeley, 1881), Pontosaurus lesinensis (Kornhuber, 1873; Kramberger, 1892), Mesoleptos zendrinii (Cornalia, 1852), a new species of undescribed Pontosaurus (Campbell Mekarski and Caldwell, personal observation), and several indeterminate dolichosaur remains make up the described dolichosaur fanua. Among the basal mosasauroids, the monotypic holotypes of Aigialosaurus dalmaticus, Aigialosaurus bucchichi, and Aigialosaurus novaki originate from Hvar (Kramberger, 1892; Kornhuber, 1901). Interestingly, Hvar has produced the single known specimen of P. lesinensis, Pontosaurus sp. nov., A. dalmaticus, A. bucchichi, and A. novaki, indicating a different ecosystem structure than the paleoenvironment at Komen even though the fossiliferous layers containing the lizards are also dated to the late Cenomanian (Starigrad Formation; Marinčić, 1997; Diedrich et al., 2011). The depositional setting at Hvar was a highly restricted shallow marine environment, most likely in very shallow lagoons surrounded by rudist reefs on an inner platform close to the shore (Radovčić et al., 1983; Fuček et al., 1990; Diedrich et al., 2011). The facies containing abundant rudist fossils is also rich in benthic organisms including mussels, clams, worms, echinoids, oysters and other sparsely preserved organisms of various environmental origin including land plants, fishes of the shallow shelf, and cephalopods of the deeper shelf (Radovčić, 1975; Radovčić et al., 1983; Diedrich et al., 2011).”
Because of the error mentioned above, the reference “Campbell Mekarski, M., Japundžić, D., Krizmanić, K., and Caldwell, M. W. (2019). Description of a new basal mosasauroid from the Late Cretaceous of Croatia, with comments on the evolution of the mosasauroid forelimb. J. Vertebr. Paleontol. 39:e1577872. doi: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1577872”, should be removed from the reference list.
Furthermore, in the original article, the reference for “Diedrich et al., 2011” was incorrectly written as “Diedrich, C., Caldwell, M. W., and Gingras, M. (2011). High-resolution stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the intertidal flats to lagoons of the cenomanian (upper cretaceous) of hvar island, croatia, on the adriatic carbonate platform. Carbonates Evaporites 26, 381–399. doi: 10.1007/s13146-011-0073-2”. It should be “Diedrich, C., Caldwell, M. W., and Gingras, M. (2011). High-resolution stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the intertidal flats to lagoons of the Cenomanian (upper Cretaceous) of Hvar Island, Croatia, on the Adriatic carbonate platform. Carbonates Evaporites 26, 381–399. doi: 10.1007/s13146-011-0073-2”.
“Kornhuber, 1901” was incorrectly written as “Kornhuber, A. (1901). Opetiosaurus bucchichi: eine neue fossile eidechse aus der unteren kreide von lesina in dalmatien. Abhandlungen Der Kais. Geol. Reichsanstalt Wien 17, 1–24”. It should be “Kornhuber, A. (1901). Opetiosaurus bucchichi: eine neue fossile eidechse aus der unteren kreide von Lesina in Dalmatien. Abhandlungen Der Kais. Geol. Reichsanstalt Wien 17, 1–24”.
“Kramberger, 1892” was incorrectly written as “Kramberger, C. G. (1892). Aigialosaurus: ein neue eidechse a.d. kreideschifern der insel lesina mit rücksicht auf die bereits beschrieben lacertiden von comen und lesina. Glas. Hrvat. Naravosl. Druz. 7, 74–106”. It should be “Kramberger, C. G. (1892). Aigialosaurus: ein neue eidechse a.d. kreideschifern der insel Lesina mit rücksicht auf die bereits beschrieben lacertiden von Comen und Lesina. Glas. Hrvat. Naravosl. Druz. 7, 74–106”.
“Langer, 1961” was incorrectly written as “Langer, W. (1961). Über das alter des fischfauna von hvar-lesina (Dalmatien). Neues Jahrb. Fur Geol. Und Palaontologie 5, 258–265”. It should be “Langer, W. (1961). Über das alter des fischfauna von Hvar-Lesina (Dalmatien). Neues Jahrb. Fur Geol. Und Palaontologie 5, 258–265”.
“Radovčić, 1975” was incorrectly written as “Radovčić, J. (1975). Some new upper cretaceous teleosts from yugoslavia with special reference to localities, geology and palaeoenviroment. Palaeontol. Jugosl. Akad. Znan. Umjetn. 17, 7–55”. It should be “Radovčić, J. (1975). Some new upper Cretaceous teleosts from Yugoslavia with special reference to localities, geology and palaeoenviroment. Palaeontol. Jugosl. Akad. Znan. Umjetn. 17, 7–55”.
“Radovčić et al., 1983” was incorrectly written as “Radovčić, J., Tišljar, J., and Jelaska, V. (1983). “Upper cretaceous fish-bearing platy limestones in central dalmatia,” in Contributions to Sedimentology of Some Carbonate and Clastic Units of the Coastal Dinarides, eds L. Babić and V. Jelaska (Zagreb: International Association of Sedimentologists, 79–85”. It should be “Radovčić, J., Tišljar, J., and Jelaska, V. (1983). “Upper Cretaceous fish-bearing platy limestones in central Dalmatia,” in Contributions to Sedimentology of Some Carbonate and Clastic Units of the Coastal Dinarides, eds L. Babić and V. Jelaska (Zagreb: International Association of Sedimentologists, 79–85”.
“Sari and Özer, 2009” was incorrectly written as “Sari, B., and Özer, S. (2009). Upper cretaceous rudist biostratigraphy of the bey daglari carbonate platform, western taurides, sw turkey. Geobios 42, 359–380. doi: 10.1016/j.geobios.2008.10.006”. It should be “Sari, B., and Özer, S. (2009). Upper Cretaceous rudist biostratigraphy of the Bey Daglari carbonate platform, western Taurides, SW Turkey. Geobios 42, 359–380. doi: 10.1016/j.geobios.2008.10.006”.
“Seeley, 1881” was incorrectly written as “Seeley, H. G. (1881). On remains of a small lizard from neocomian rocks of comen, near trieste, preserved in the geological museum of the university of vienna. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 37, 52–56. doi: 10.1144/gsl.jgs.1881.037.01-04.07”. It should be “Seeley, H. G. (1881). On remains of a small lizard from neocomian rocks of Comen, near Trieste, preserved in the Geological Museum of the University of Vienna. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 37, 52–56. doi: 10.1144/gsl.jgs.1881.037.01-04.07”.
The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.
Cornalia, C. (1852). Cenni geologici sull' Istria. G Dell Imperiale R Inst. Lomb. Sci. Lett. Arte Bibl. Ital. 3, 1–35.
Diedrich, C., Caldwell, M. W., and Gingras, M. (2011). Highresolution stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the intertidal flats to lagoons of the Cenomanian (upper Cretaceous) of Hvar Island, Croatia, on the Adriatic carbonate platform. Carbonates Evaporites 26, 381–399. doi: 10.1007/s13146-011-0073-2
Fuček, L., Gušić, I., Jelaska, V., Korolija, B., and Oštrić, N. (1990). Stratigrafija gornjokrednih naslaga jugoistočnog dijela Dugog otoka i njihova korelacija s istovremenim naslagama otoka Brača. Geološki Vjesn. 43, 23–33.
Kornhuber, A. (1873). über einen neuen fossilen Saurier aus Lesina. Hrsg. Von Der k. K. Geol. Reichsanstal, Wien 5, 75–90.
Kornhuber, A. (1901). Opetiosaurus bucchichi: eine neue fossile eidechse aus der unteren kreide von Lesina in Dalmatien. Abhandlungen Der Kais.Geol. ReichsanstaltWien 17, 1–24.
Kramberger, C. G. (1892). Aigialosaurus: ein neue eidechse a.d. kreideschifern der insel Lesina mit rücksicht auf die bereits beschrieben lacertiden von Comen und Lesina. Glas. Hrvat. Naravosl. Druz. 7, 74–106.
Langer, W. (1961). Über das alter des fischfauna von Hvar-Lesina (Dalmatien). Neues Jahrb. Fur Geol. Und Palaontologie 5, 258–265
Marinčić, S. (1997). Tectonic structure of the island of Hvar (southern croatia). Geol. Croat. 50, 57–77.
Radovčić, J. (1973). O starosti i nalazima fosilnih riba u kredi Jadranskog pojasa. Geol. Vjesnik 25, 321–326.
Radovčić, J. (1975). Some new upper Cretaceous teleosts from Yugoslavia with special reference to localities, geology and palaeoenviroment. Palaeontol. Jugosl. Akad. Znan. Umjetn. 17, 7–55.
Radovčić, J., Tišljar, J., and Jelaska, V. (1983). “Upper Cretaceous fishbearing platy limestones in central Dalmatia,” in Contributions to Sedimentology of Some Carbonate and Clastic Units of the Coastal Dinarides, eds L. Babić and V. Jelaska (Zagreb: International Association of Sedimentologists), 79–85.
Sari, B., and Özer, S. (2009). Upper Cretaceous rudist biostratigraphy of the Bey Daglari carbonate platform, western Taurides, SW Turkey. Geobios 42, 359–380. doi: 10.1016/j.geobios.2008.10.006
Keywords: palaeoecology, distribution, ophidiomorphs, dolichosaurs, Cretaceous, spatiotemporal, Squamata
Citation: Campbell Mekarski M, Pierce SE and Caldwell MW (2019) Corrigendum: Spatiotemporal Distributions of Non-ophidian Ophidiomorphs, With Implications for Their Origin, Radiation, and Extinction. Front. Earth Sci. 7:282. doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00282
Received: 28 September 2019; Accepted: 17 October 2019;
Published: 29 November 2019.
Edited and reviewed by: K. Christopher Beard, University of Kansas, United States
Copyright © 2019 Campbell Mekarski, Pierce and Caldwell. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
*Correspondence: Michelle Campbell Mekarski, bW1jN0B1YWxiZXJ0YS5jYQ==