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Front. Appl. Math. Stat. , 14 March 2019

Sec. Mathematics of Computation and Data Science

Volume 5 - 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fams.2019.00014

This article is part of the Research Topic Recent Developments in Signal Approximation and Reconstruction View all 6 articles

A New Nonconvex Sparse Recovery Method for Compressive Sensing

  • Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

As an extension of the widely used ℓr-minimization with 0 < r ≤ 1, a new non-convex weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization method is proposed for compressive sensing. The theoretical recovery results based on restricted isometry property and q-ratio constrained minimal singular values are established. An algorithm that integrates the iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm and the difference of convex functions algorithm is given to approximately solve this non-convex problem. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate our results.

1. Introduction

Compressive sensing (CS) has attracted a great deal of interests since its advent [1, 2], see the monographs [3, 4] and the references therein for a comprehensive view. Basically, the goal of CS is to recover an unknown (approximately) sparse signal x ∈ ℝN from the noisy underdetermined linear measurements

y=Ax+em,    (1)

with mN, A ∈ ℝm×N being the pre-given measurement matrix and e ∈ ℝm being the noise vector. If the measurement matrix A satisfies some kinds of incoherence conditions (e.g., mutual coherence condition [5, 6], restricted isometry property (RIP) [7, 8], null space property (NSP) [9, 10], or constrained minimal singular values (CMSV) [11, 12]), then stable (w.r.t. sparsity defect) and robust (w.r.t. measurement error) recovery results can be guaranteed by using the constrained ℓ1-minimization [13]:

minzNz1subject toAzy2η.    (2)

Here the ℓ1-minimization problem works as a convex relaxation of ℓ0-minimization problem, which is NP-hard to solve [14].

Meanwhile, non-convex recovery algorithms such as the ℓr-minimization (0 < r < 1) have been proposed to enhance sparsity [1520]. ℓr-minimization enables one to reconstruct the sparse signal from fewer number of measurements compared to the convex ℓ1-minimization, although it is more challenging to solve because of its non-convexity. Fortunately, an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm can be applied to approximately solve this non-convex problem in practice [21, 22].

As an extension of the ℓr-minimization, we study in this paper the following weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization problem for sparse signal recovery:

minzNzrrαzr1  subject toAzy2η,    (3)

where y = Ax + e with ∥e2 ≤ η, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and 0 < r ≤ 1. Throughout the paper, we assume that α ≠ 1 when r = 1. Obviously, it reduces to the traditional ℓr-minimization problem when α = 0. This hybrid norm model is inspired by the non-convex Lipschitz continuous ℓ1 − ℓ2 model (minimizing the difference of ℓ1 norm and ℓ2 norm) proposed in Lou et al. [23] and Yin et al. [24], which improves the ℓ1-minimization in a robust manner, especially for the highly coherent measurement matrices. Roughly speaking, the underlying logic of adopting these kinds of norm differences or the ratios of norms [25] comes from the fact that they can be viewed as sparsity measures, see the effective sparsity measure called q-ratio sparsity (involving the ratio of ℓ1 norm and ℓq norm) defined later in Definition 2 of section 2.2. Other recent related literatures include [2629], to name a few.

To illustrate these weighted ℓr − ℓ1 norms (·rr-α·r1), we present their corresponding contour plots in Figure 11. As is shown, different non-convex patterns arise while varying the difference weight α or the norm order r. And the level curves of weighted ℓr − ℓ1 norms approach the x and y axes as the norm values get small, which reflects their ability to promote sparsity. In the present paper, we shall focus on both the theoretical aspects and the computational study for this non-convex sparse recovery method.


Figure 1. The contour plots for weighted ℓr − ℓ1 norms with different α and r. The first row corresponds to the cases that r = 0.5 with different α = 0, 0.3, 1, while the second row shows the cases that r = 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 with fixed α = 1.

This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we derive the theoretical performance bounds for the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization based on both r-RIP and q-ratio CMSV. In section 3, we give an algorithm to approximately solve the unconstrained version of the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization problem. Numerical experiments are provided in section 4. Section 5 concludes with a brief summary and an outlook on future extensions.

2. Recovery Analysis

In this section, we establish the theoretical performance bounds for the reconstruction error of the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization problem, based on both r-RIP and q-ratio CMSV. Hereafter, we say a signal x ∈ ℝN is s-sparse if x0=Ni=11{xi0}s, and denote by xS the vector that coincides with x on the indices in S ⊆ [N]: = {1, 2, ⋯ , N} and takes zero outside S.

2.1. r-RIP

We start with the definition of the s-th r-restricted isometry constant, which was introduced in Chartrand and Staneva [30].

Definition 1. ([30]) For integer s > 0 and 0 < r ≤ 1, the s-th r-restricted isometry constant (RIC) δs = δs(A) of a matrix A ∈ ℝm×N is defined as the smallest δ ≥ 0 such that

(1δ)xr2Axrr(1+δ)xr2    (4)

for all s-sparse vectors x ∈ ℝN.

Then, the r-RIP means that the s-th r-RIC δs is small for reasonably large s. In Chartrand and Staneva [30], the authors established the recovery analysis result for ℓr-minimization problem based on this r-RIP. To extend this to the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization problem, the following lemma plays a crucial role.

Lemma 1. Suppose x ∈ ℝN, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and 0 < r ≤ 1, then we have

(NαNr)(mini[N]|xi|)rxrrαxr1(N1rα)xr1.    (5)

In particular, when S = supp(x) ⊆ [N] and |S| = s, then

(sαsr)(miniS|xi|)rxrrαxr1(s1rα)xr1.    (6)

Proof. The right hand side of (5) follows immediately from the norm inequality xrN1/r-1x1 for any x ∈ ℝN and 0 < r ≤ 1. As for the left hand side, it holds trivially if mini∈[N] |xi| = 0. When mini∈[N] |xi| ≠ 0, by dividing (mini∈[N] |xi|)r on both sides, it is equivalent to show that

Nj=1(|xj|mini[N]|xi|)rα(Nj=1|xj|mini[N]|xi|)rNαNr.    (7)

By denoting aj=|xj|mini[N]|xi|, we have aj ≥ 1 for any 1 ≤ jN, and to show (7) it suffices to show


Assume the function f(a1,a2,,aN)=Nj=1arj-α(Nj=1aj)r. Then, as a result of

fak=rar1kαr(Nj=1aj)r1>0    for any 1kN,

we have f(a1,a2,,aN)f(1,1,,1)=N-αNr. Thus, the left hand side of (5) holds and the proof is completed. (6) follows as we apply (5) to xS.

Now, we are ready to present the r-RIP based bound for the ℓ2 norm of the reconstruction error.

Theorem 1. Let ther-error of best s-term approximation of x be σs(x)r=inf{x-zr,zNis s-sparse}. We assume that a > 0 is properly chosen so that as is an integer. If

b=(as)1r2α(as)r2s1r2+αsr2>1    (8)

and suppose the measurement matrix A satisfies the condition

δas+bδ(a+1)s<b1,    (9)

then any solution ˆx to the minimization problem (3) obeys

ˆxx2C1m1/r1/2η+C2(s1r2+αsr2)1/rσs(x)r    (10)

with C1=21/r(1+b1/r)(b-bδ(a+1)s-1-δas)1/r and C2 = 22/r-1[(1+δas)1/r+(1-δ(a+1)s)1/r](b-bδ(a+1)s-1-δas)1/r.

Proof. We assume that S is the index set that contains the largest s absolute entries of x so that σs(x)r=xScr and let h=ˆx-x. Then we have

xSrr+xScrrαxr1         =xrrαxr1         ˆxrrαˆxr1        =xS+xSc+hS+hScrrαx+hS+hScr1         xS+hSrr+xSc+hScrrα(x+hS1+hSc1)r         xSrrhSrr+hScrrxScrrαx+hSr1αhScr1         xSrrhSrr+hScrrxScrr              αxr1αhSr1αhScr1,

which implies

hScrrαhScr1hSrr+αhSr1+2xScrr.    (11)

Using the Holder's inequality, we obtain


By ∥Axy2 = ∥e2 ≤ η and the triangular inequality,

Ah2=(Aˆxy)(Axy)2Aˆxy2+Axy22η.    (12)


Ahrrm1r/2Ahr2m1r/2(2η)r.    (13)

Arrange Sc=S1S2, where S1 is the index set of M = as largest absolute entries of h in Sc, S2 is the index set of M largest absolute entries of h in (SS1)c, etc. And we denote S0 = SS1. Then, by adopting Lemma 1, for each iSk, k ≥ 2,

|hi|minjSk1|hj||hi|r(minjSk1|hj|)rhSk1rrαhSk1r1MαMr.    (14)

Thus we have hSkr2=(iSk|hi|2)r/2Mr/2hSk-1rr-αhSk-1r1M-αMr=hSk-1rr-αhSk-1r1M1-r2-αMr2. Hence it follows that

k2hSkr2k1(hSkrrαhSkr1)M1r2αMr2=k1hSkrrαk1hSkr1M1r2αMr2.    (15)

Note that

k1hSkrr=hScrr  and  k1hSkr1 k1hSkr1=hScr1,

therefore, with (11), it holds that

k2hSkr2hScrrαhScr1M1r2αMr2                            hSrr+αhSr1+2xScrrM1r2αMr2                            s1r2hSr2+αsr2hSr2+2xScrrM1r2αMr2                            (s1r2+αsr2)hS0r2+2xScrrM1r2αMr2.    (16)

Meanwhile, according to the definition of r-RIC, we have

Ahrr=AhS0+k2AhSkrr                AhS0rrk2AhSkrr                AhS0rrk2AhSkrr                (1δM+s)hS0r2(1+δM)k2hSkr2.

Thus by using (16), it follows that

Ahrr(1δM+s)hS0r2(1+δM)·(s1r2+αsr2)hS0r2+2xScrrM1r2αMr2                =(1δM+s1+δMb)hS0r22(1+δM)M1r2αMr2xScrr,

where b=M1-r2-αMr2s1-r2+αsr2=(as)1-r2-α(as)r2s1-r2+αsr2. Therefore, if δM + M+s < b − 1, then it yields that

hS0r2bbbδM+s1δMAhrr+2(1+δM)(s1r2+αsr2)1bbδM+s1δMxScrrbm1r/2(2η)rbbδM+s1δM+2(1+δM)(s1r2+αsr2)1bbδM+s1δMxScrr.    (17)

On the other hand,

(k2hSk2)rk2hSkr2(s1r2+αsr2)hS0r2+2xScrrM1r2αMr2=1bhS0r2+2(s1r2+αsr2)1bxScrr1b(bbbδM+s1δMAhrr    +2(1+δM)(s1r2+αsr2)1bbδM+s1δMxScrr)    +2(s1r2+αsr2)1bxScrr1bbδM+s1δMAhrr    +2(1δM+s)(s1r2+αsr2)1bbδM+s1δMxScrrm1r/2(2η)rbbδM+s1δM    +2(1δM+s)(s1r2+αsr2)1bbδM+s1δMxScrr.    (18)

Since (vr1+vr2)1/r21/r-1(v1+v2) for any v1, v2 ≥ 0, combining (17) and (18) gives

h2hS02+k2hSk221/r1(2b1/rm1/r1/2η(bbδM+s1δM)1/r    +21/r(1+δM)1/r(s1r2+αsr2)1/r(bbδM+s1δM)1/rxScr)    +21/r1(2m1/r1/2η(bbδM+s1δM)1/r    +21/r(1δM+s)1/r(s1r2+αsr2)1/r(bbδM+s1δM)1/rxScr)=21/rm1/r1/2(1+b1/r)(bbδ(a+1)s1δas)1/rη    +22/r1[(1+δas)1/r+(1δ(a+1)s)1/r](bbδ(a+1)s1δas)1/r    ×(s1r2+αsr2)1/rxScr=C1m1/r1/2η+C2(s1r2+αsr2)1/rσs(x)r.    (19)

The proof is completed.

Based on this theorem, we can obtain the following corollary by assuming that the original signal x is s-sparse (σs(x)r = 0) and the measurement vector is noise free (e = 0 and η = 0), which acts as a natural generalization of Theorem 2.4 in Chartrand and Staneva [30] from the case α = 0 to any α ∈ [0, 1].

Corollary 1. For any s-sparse signal x, if the conditions in Theorem 1 hold, then the unique solution of (3) with η = 0 is exactly x.

Remarks. Observe that r-RIP based condition for exact sparse recovery given in Chartrand and Staneva [30] reads


while ours goes to


with b=(as)1-r2-α(as)r2s1-r2+αsr2<a1-r2 when α ∈ (0, 1]. Thus, the sufficient condition established here is slightly stronger than that for the traditional ℓr-minimization in Chartrand and Staneva [30] if α ∈ (0, 1].

2.2. q-Ratio CMSV

Before the discussion of q-ratio CMSV, we start with presenting the definition of q-ratio sparsity as a kind of effective sparsity measure. We list the detailed statement here for the sake of completeness.

Definition 2. ([12, 31, 32]) For any non-zero z ∈ ℝN and non-negative q ∉ {0, 1, ∞}, the q-ratio sparsity level of z is defined as

sq(z)=(z1zq)qq1.    (20)

The cases of q ∈ {0, 1, ∞}are evaluated as limits: s0(z)=limq0sq(z)=z0, s(z)=limqsq(z)=z1z, and s1(z)=limq1sq(z)=exp(H1(π(z))), where π(z) ∈ ℝN with entries πi(z) = |zi|/∥z1 and H1 is the ordinary Shannon entropy H1(π(z))=-Ni=1πi(z)logπi(z).

We are able to establish the performance bounds for both the ℓq norm and ℓr norm of the reconstruction error via a recently developed computable incoherence measure of the measurement matrix, called q-ratio CMSV. Its definition is given as follows.

Definition 3. ([12, 32]) For any real number s ∈ [1, N], q ∈ (1, ∞], and matrix A ∈ ℝm×N, the q-ratio constrained minimal singular value (CMSV) of A is defined as

ρq,s(A)=minz0,sq(z)s  Az2zq.    (21)

Then, when the signal is exactly sparse, we have the following q-ratio CMSV based sufficient condition for valid upper bounds of the reconstruction error, which are much more concise to obtain than the r-RIP based ones.

Theorem 2. For any 1 < q ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and 0 < r ≤ 1, if the signal x is s-sparse and the measurement matrix A satisfies the condition

ρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)>0,    (22)

then any solution ˆx to the minimization problem (3) obeys

ˆxxq2ηρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A),    (23)
ˆxxr(2r+11α)1/r·s1/r1/qηρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A).    (24)

Proof. Suppose the support of x to be S with |S| ≤ s and h=ˆx-x, then, based on (11), we have

hScrrαhScr1hSrr+αhSr1.    (25)

Hence, for any 1 < q ≤ ∞, it holds that

hrrαhr1hSrr+hScrrαhSr1αhScr1                                      hSrrαhSr1+hSrr+αhSr1                                      2hSrr2s1r/qhSrq2s1r/qhrq.

Then since (1-α)hr1hrr-αhr1, it implies that (1-α)hr12s1-r/qhrq. As a consequence,

sq(h)=(h1hq)qq1(2s1r/q1α)qr(q1)                                             =(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1).    (26)

Therefore, according to the definition of q-ratio CMSV the condition (22), and the fact that ∥Ah2 ≤ 2η [see (12)], we can obtain that

ρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)Ah2hqhqAh2ρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)                                                                                                            2ηρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A),    (27)

which completes the proof of (23). In addition, (1-α)hrrhrr-αhr12s1-r/qhrq yields

hr(21α)1/rs1/r1/qhq             (2r+11α)1/r·s1/r1/qηρq,(21α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A).    (28)

Therefore, (24) holds and the proof is completed.

Remarks. Note that the results (11) and (12) in Theorem 1 of Zhou and Yu [12] correspond to the special case of α = 0 and r = 1 in this result. As a by-product of this theorem, we have that the perfect recovery can be guaranteed for any s-sparse signal x via (3) with η = 0, if there exists some q ∈ (1, ∞] such that the q-ratio CMSV of the measurement matrix A fulfils ρq,(21-α)qr(q-1)sq-rr(q-1)(A)>0. As studied in Zhou and Yu [12, 32], this kind of q-ratio CMSV based sufficient conditions holds with high probability for subgaussian and a class of structured random matrices as long as the number of measurements is reasonably large.

Next, we extend the result to the case that x is compressible (i.e., not exactly sparse but can be well-approximated by an exactly sparse signal).

Theorem 3. For any 1 < q ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and 0 < r ≤ 1, if the measurement matrix A satisfies the condition

ρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)>0,    (29)

then any solution ˆx to the minimization problem (3) fulfils

ˆxxq2ηρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)+s1/q1/rσs(x)r,    (30)
ˆxxr(41α)1/r​​s1/r1/qηρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)                         +(41α)1/rσs(x)r.    (31)

Proof. We assume that S is the index set that contains the largest s absolute entries of x so that σs(x)r=xScr and let h=ˆx-x. Then we still have (11), that is,

hScrrαhScr1hSrr+αhSr1+2xScrr.    (32)

As a result,

(1α)hrrhrrαhr1                               hSrr+hScrrαhSr1αhScr1                               2hSrr+2xScrr                               2s1r/qhrq+2xScrr    (33)

holds for any 1 < q ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and 0 < r ≤ 1.

To prove (30), we assume h ≠ 0 and hq>2ηρq,(41-α)qr(q-1)sq-rr(q-1)(A), otherwise it holds trivially. Then

hq>Ah2ρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)sq(h)>(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)                                                                                      hr1>41αs1r/qhrq,

which implies that (1-α)hrr(1-α)hr1>4s1-r/qhrq. Then combining with (33), it yields that

hq(sr/q1)1/rxScr=s1/q1/rxScr=s1/q1/rσs(x)r.    (34)

Therefore, we have

hq2ηρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)+s1/q1/rσs(x)r,    (35)

which completes the proof of (30).

Moreover, by using (33) and the inequality (vr1+vr2)1/r21/r-1(v1+v2) for any v1, v2 ≥ 0, we obtain that

hr(11α)1/r(2s1r/qhrq+2xScrr)1/r             (11α)1/r22/r1(s1/r1/qhq+xScr)             (11α)1/r22/r1(s1/r1/q2ηρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)+2σs(x)r)              (41α)1/rs1/r1/qηρq,(41α)qr(q1)sqrr(q1)(A)+(41α)1/rσs(x)r.    (36)

Hence, (31) holds and the proof is completed.

Remarks. When we select α = 0 and r = 1, our results reduce to the corresponding results for the ℓ1-minimization or Basis Pursuit in Theorem 2 of Zhou and Yu [12]. In general, the sufficient condition provided here and that in Theorem 2 are slightly stronger than those established for the ℓ1-minimization in Zhou and Yu [12], noticing that (21-α)qr(q-1)sq-rr(q-1)2qq-1s and (41-α)qr(q-1)sq-rr(q-1)4qq-1s for any 1 < q ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and 0 < r ≤ 1. This is caused by the fact that the technical inequalities used like (25) and (32) are far from tight. And this is also the case in the r-RIP based analysis. In fact, both r-RIP and q-ratio CMSV based conditions are loose. The discussion on much tighter sufficient conditions such as the NSP based conditions investigated in Tran and Webster [33], is left for future work.

3. Algorithm

In this section, we discuss the computational approach for the unconstrained version of (3), i.e.,


with λ > 0 being the regularizer parameter.

We integrate the iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm [21, 22] and the difference of convex functions algorithm (DCA) [34, 35] to solve this problem. In the outer loop, we use the IRLS to approximate the term xrr, and use an iteratively reweighted ℓ1 norm to approximate x1r. Specifically, we begin with x0=argminxN yAx 22 and ε0 = 1, for n = 0, 1, ⋯ ,

xn+1=argminxN12Axy22+λWnx22αλvnx1,    (38)

where Wn=diag{((xin)2+εn)r/4-1/2} and vn=xn1r-1. We let εn+1 = εn/10 if the error xn+1-xn2<εn/100. The algorithm is stopped when εn+1<10-8 for some n.

As for the inner loop used to solve (38), we view it as a minimization problem of a difference of two convex functions, that is, the objective function F(x)=(12Ax-y22+λWnx22)-αλvnx1=:G(x)-H(x). We start with xn+1,0 = 0. For k = 0, 1, 2, ⋯ , in the k + 1 step, by linearizing H(x) with the approximation H(xn+1,k) + 〈yn+1,k, xxn+1,k〉 where yn+1,k ∈ ∂H(xn+1,k), i.e. yn+1,k is a subgradient of H(x) at xn+1,k. Then we have

xn+1,k+1=arg minxN12Axy22+λWnx22                              (αλvnxn+1,k1+αλvnsign(xn+1,k),xxn+1,k)                       =arg minxN12Axy22+λWnx22αλvnsign(xn+1,k),x                      =(ATA+2λ(Wn)TWn)1[ATy+αλvnsign(xn+1,k)],

where sign(·) is the sign function. The termination criterion for the inner loop is set to be


for some given parameter tolerance parameter δ > 0. Basically, this algorithm can be regarded as a generalized version of IRLS algorithm. Obviously, when α = 0, it exactly reduces to the traditional IRLS algorithm used for solving the ℓr-minimization problem.

4. Numerical Experiments

In this section, some numerical experiments on the proposed algorithm in section 3 are conducted to illustrate the performance of the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization in simulated sparse signal recovery.

4.1. Successful Recovery

First, we focus on the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization itself. In this set of experiments, the s-sparse signal x is of length N = 256, which is generated by choosing s entries uniformly at random, and then choosing the non-zero values from the standard normal distribution for these s entries. The underdetermined linear measurements y = Ax + e ∈ ℝm, where A ∈ ℝm×N is a standard Gaussian random matrix and the entries of the noise vector {ei,i=1,2,,m}~i.i.d.N(0,σ2). Here we fix the number of measurements m = 64 and select a sequence of s as 10, 12, ⋯ , 36. We run the experiments for both noiseless and noisy cases. In all the experiments, we let the tolerance parameter δ = 10−3. And all the results are averaged over 100 repetitions.

In the noiseless case, i.e., σ = 0, we set λ = 10−6. In Figure 2, we show the results of successful recovery rate for different α (i.e., α = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1) while fixing r but varying the sparsity level s. We view it as a successful recovery if x^-x2/x2<10-3. We do the experiments for r = 0.3 and r = 0.7, respectively. As we can see, when r is fixed, the influence of the weight α is negligible, especially in the case that r is relatively small. But the performance does improve in some scenarios when a proper weight α is used. However, the problem of adaptively selecting the optimal α seems to be challenging and is left for future work. In addition, we present the reconstruction performances for different r (i.e., r = 0.01, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1) while the weight α is fixed to be 0.2 and 0.8 in Figure 3. Note that small r is favored when the weight α is fixed. And a non-convex recovery with 0 < r < 1 performs much better than the convex case (r = 1).


Figure 2. Successful recovery rate for different α with r = 0.3 and r = 0.7 in the noise free case, while varying the sparsity level s.


Figure 3. Successful recovery rate for different r with α = 0.2 and α = 0.8 in the noise free case, while varying the sparsity level s.

Next, we consider the noisy case, that is σ = 0.01. We set λ = 10−4. And we evaluate the recovery performance by the signal to noise ratio (SNR), which is given by

SNR=20 log10(x2x^x2).

As shown in Figures 4, 5, the findings aforementioned can still be seen here.


Figure 4. SNR for different α with r = 0.3 and r = 0.7 in the noisy case, while varying the sparsity level s.


Figure 5. SNR for different r with α = 0.2 and α = 0.8 in the noisy case, while varying the sparsity level s.

4.2. Algorithm Comparisons

Second, we compare the weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization with some well-known algorithms. The following state-of-the-art recovery algorithms are operated:

• ADMM-Lasso, see Boyd et al. [36].

• CoSaMP, see Needell and Tropp [37].

• Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT), see Blumensath and Davies [38].

• ℓ1 − ℓ2 minimization, see Yin et al. [24].

The tuning parameters used for these algorithms are the same as those adopted in section 5.2 of Yin et al. [24]. Specifically, for ADMM-Lasso, we choose λ = 10−6, β = 1, ρ = 10−5, εabs = 10−7, εrel = 10−5, and the maximum number of iterations maxiter = 5,000. For CoSaMP, maxiter=50 and the tolerance is set to be 10−8. The tolerance for IHT is 10−12. For ℓ1 − ℓ2 minimization, we choose the parameters as εabs = 10−7, εrel = 10−5, ε = 10−2, MAXoit = 10, and MAXit = 500. For our weighted ℓr − ℓ1 minimization, we choose λ = 10−6, r = 0.5 but with two different weights α = 0 (denoted as ℓ0.5) and α = 1 (denoted as ℓ0.5 − ℓ1).

We only consider the exactly sparse signal recovery in the noiseless case, and conduct the experiments under the same settings as in section 4.1. We present the successful recovery rates for different reconstruction algorithms while varying the sparsity level s in Figure 6. It can be observed that both ℓ0.5 and ℓ0.5 − ℓ1 outperform over other algorithms, although their own performances are almost the same.


Figure 6. Sparse signal recovery performance comparison via different algorithms for Gaussian random matrix.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we studied a new non-convex recovery method, developed as minimizing a weighted difference of ℓr (0 < r ≤ 1) norm and ℓ1 norm. We established the performance bounds for this problem based on both r-RIP and q-ratio CMSV. An algorithm was proposed to approximately solve the non-convex problem. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm provides superior performance compared to the existing algorithms such as ADMM-Lasso, CoSaMP, IHT and ℓ1 − ℓ2 minimization.

Besides, there are some open problems left for future work. One is the convergence study of the proposed algorithm in section 3. Another one is the generalization of this 1-D non-convex version to 2-D non-convex total variation minimization as done in Lou et al. [39] and the exploration of its application to medical imaging. Moreover, analogous to the non-convex block-sparse compressive sensing studied in Wang et al. [40], the study of the following non-convex block-sparse recovery minimization problem:

minzNz2,rrαz2,1rsubject toAzy2η,    (39)

where z2,r=(i=1pz[i]2r)1/r with z[i] denoting the i-th block of z, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and 0 < r ≤ 1, is also an interesting topic for further investigation.

Author Contributions

ZZ contributed to the initial idea and wrote the first draft. JY provided critical feedback and helped to revise the manuscript.


This work is supported by the Swedish Research Council grant (Reg.No. 340-2013-5342).

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


1. ^ All figures can be reproduced from the code available at https://github.com/zzy583661/Weighted-l_r-l_1-minimization


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Keywords: compressive sensing, nonconvex sparse recovery, iteratively reweighted least squares, difference of convex functions, q-ratio constrained minimal singular values

Citation: Zhou Z and Yu J (2019) A New Nonconvex Sparse Recovery Method for Compressive Sensing. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 5:14. doi: 10.3389/fams.2019.00014

Received: 28 September 2018; Accepted: 22 February 2019;
Published: 14 March 2019.

Edited by:

Jean-Luc Bouchot, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Reviewed by:

Junhong Lin, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Richard G. Lynch, Texas A&M University, United States

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*Correspondence: Zhiyong Zhou, zhiyong.zhou@umu.se

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