Tuesday, 15 March 2016

New articles in the field of

Earth Science


Grand challenges in Earth science: research toward a sustainable environment
Valerio Acocella

    Section “Atmospheric Science”

The non-stationary influence of the Atlantic and Pacific Niños on North Eastern South American rainfall
Verónica Torralba, Belén Rodríguez-Fonseca, Elsa Mohino, and Teresa Losada
Sensitivity of glacier runoff projections to baseline climate data in the Indus River basin
Michele Koppes, Summer Rupper, Maria Asay, and Alexandra Winter-Billington
Lee Waves on the Boundary-Layer Inversion and Their Dependence on Free-Atmospheric Stability
Johannes Sachsperger, Stefano Serafin, and Vanda Grubišić
The Quasi-Steady State of the Valley Wind System
Juerg Schmidli and Richard Rotunno
Convective Boundary Layer Heights Over Mountainous Terrain—A Review of Concepts
Stephan F. J. De Wekker and Meinolf Kossmann
On the Vertical Exchange of Heat, Mass, and Momentum Over Complex, Mountainous Terrain
Mathias W. Rotach, Alexander Gohm, Moritz N. Lang, Daniel Leukauf, Ivana Stiperski, and Johannes S. Wagner
When Can a High-Resolution Simulation Over Complex Terrain be Called LES?
Joan Cuxart
Annual Climatology of the Diurnal Cycle on the Canadian Prairies
Alan K. Betts and Ahmed B. Tawfik
Identification and Climatology of Alpine Pumping from a Regional Climate Simulation
Maximilian Graf, Meinolf Kossmann, Kristina Trusilova, and Gudrun Mühlbacher
Spatial Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature Influences on East African Precipitation as Revealed by Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections
Tim Appelhans and Thomas Nauss
Non-linear Topographic Effects in Two-Layer Flows
Peter G. Baines and Edward R. Johnson
Influence of the Details of Topography on Weather Forecast – Evaluation of HARMONIE Experiments in the Sochi Olympics Domain over the Caucasian Mountains
Laura Rontu, Clemens Wastl, and Sami Niemelä
Effects of Landfall Location and Approach Angle of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone over a Long Mountain Range
Liping Liu, Yuh-Lang Lin, and Shu-Hua Chen
To Investigate or Not to Investigate? Researchers' Views on Unexplored Atmospheric Light Phenomena
Etienne Caron and Pouya Faridi
An Interdecadal Increase in the Spring Bering Sea Ice Cover in 2007
Renguang Wu and Zhang Chen

    Section “Biogeoscience”

Geographical patterns of Yunnan seed plants may be influenced by the clockwise rotation of the Simao-Indochina geoblock
Hua Zhu
Physiology, Fe(II) oxidation, and Fe mineral formation by a marine planktonic cyanobacterium grown under ferruginous conditions
Elizabeth D. Swanner, Wenfang Wu, Likai Hao, Marina Lisa Wüstner, Martin Obst, Dawn M. Moran, Matthew R. McIlvin, Mak A. Saito, and Andreas Kappler
Soil N2O fluxes along an elevation gradient of tropical montane forests under experimental nitrogen and phosphorus addition
Anke K. Müller, Amanda L. Matson, Marife D. Corre, and Edzo Veldkamp
Formation of low-T hydrated silicates in modern microbialites from Mexico and implications for microbial fossilization
Nina Zeyen, Karim Benzerara, Jinhua Li, Alexis Groleau, Etienne Balan, Jean-Louis Robert, Imène Estève, Rosaluz Tavera, David Moreira, and Purificación López-García
Performance of Seedlings of a Shade-Tolerant Tropical Tree Species after Moderate Addition of N and P
Daisy Cárate-Tandalla, Christoph Leuschner, and Jürgen Homeier
Calcium-Phosphate Biomineralization Induced by Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Escherichia coli: Localization, Kinetics, and Potential Signatures in the Fossil Record
Julie Cosmidis, Karim Benzerara, François Guyot, Fériel Skouri-Panet, Elodie Duprat, Céline Férard, Jean-Michel Guigner, Florence Babonneau, and Cristina Coelho
Increases in Soil Aggregation Following Phosphorus Additions in a Tropical Premontane Forest are Not Driven by Root and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Abundances
Tessa Camenzind, Helena J. Papathanasiou, Antje Förster, Karla Dietrich, Dietrich Hertel, Jürgen Homeier, Yvonne Oelmann, Pål A. Olsson, Juan P. Suárez, and Matthias C. Rillig
Nutrient Addition Modifies Phosphatase Activities along an Altitudinal Gradient in a Tropical Montane Forest in Southern Ecuador
Karla Dietrich, Elena Spoeri, and Yvonne Oelmann
Amazon Forest Ecosystem Responses to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Alterations in Nutrient Availability: Filling the Gaps with Model-Experiment Integration
Florian Hofhansl, Kelly M. Andersen, Katrin Fleischer, Lucia Fuchslueger, Anja Rammig, Karst J. Schaap, Oscar J. Valverde-Barrantes, and David M. Lapola

    Section “Cryospheric Sciences”

A new model for global glacier change and sea-level rise
Matthias Huss and Regine Hock
Snow in a Very Steep Rock Face: Accumulation and Redistribution During and After a Snowfall Event
Christian G. Sommer, Michael Lehning, and Rebecca Mott
Biocryomorphology: Integrating Microbial Processes with Ice Surface Hydrology, Topography, and Roughness
Joseph Cook, Arwyn Edwards, and Alun Hubbard
Analysis of Dynamic Recrystallization of Ice from EBSD Orientation Mapping
Maurine Montagnat, Thomas Chauve, Fabrice Barou, Andrea Tommasi, Benoît Beausir, and Claude Fressengeas
The Effect of Impurities on the Surface Melt of a Glacier in the Suntar-Khayata Mountain Range, Russian Siberia
Nozomu Takeuchi, Yuta Fujisawa, Tsutomu Kadota, Sota Tanaka, Masaya Miyairi, Tatsuo Shirakawa, Ryo Kusaka, Alexander N. Fedorov, Pavel Konstantinov, and Tetsuo Ohata
Soil Moisture Data for the Validation of Permafrost Models Using Direct and Indirect Measurement Approaches at Three Alpine Sites
Cécile Pellet, Christin Hilbich, Antoine Marmy, and Christian Hauck
A Viscoelastic Model of Ice Stream Flow with Application to Stick-Slip Motion
Ryan T. Walker, Byron R. Parizek, Richard B. Alley, and Sophie M. J. Nowicki
Geometric Effects of an Inhomogeneous Sea Ice Cover on the under Ice Light Field
Christian Katlein, Donald K. Perovich, and Marcel Nicolaus
Estimating Permafrost Distribution in the Maritime Southern Alps, New Zealand, Based on Climatic Conditions at Rock Glacier Sites
Katrin Sattler, Brian Anderson, Andrew Mackintosh, Kevin Norton, and Mairéad de Róiste
Bayesian Inference of Subglacial Topography Using Mass Conservation
Douglas J. Brinkerhoff, Andy Aschwanden, and Martin Truffer
A Characterization of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt and Runoff in Contemporary Reanalyses and a Regional Climate Model
Richard I. Cullather, Sophie M. J. Nowicki, Bin Zhao, and Lora S. Koenig

    Section “Cryospheric Sciences” (Continued)

Mass Balance Re-analysis of Findelengletscher, Switzerland; Benefits of Extensive Snow Accumulation Measurements
Leo Sold, Matthias Huss, Horst Machguth, Philip C. Joerg, Gwendolyn Leysinger Vieli, Andreas Linsbauer, Nadine Salzmann, Michael Zemp, and Martin Hoelzle

    Section “Geochemistry”

Grand challenge for low temperature and pressure geochemistry—sparks in the dark, on Earth, Mars, and throughout the Galaxy
Martyn Tranter

    Section “Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism”

Is the Neoproterozoic oxygen burst a supercontinent legacy?
Melina Macouin, Damien Roques, Sonia Rousse, Jérôme Ganne, Yoann Denèle, and Ricardo I. F. Trindade
Insights into pre-reversal paleosecular variation from stochastic models
Klaudio Peqini, Bejo Duka, and Angelo De Santis
An impending geomagnetic transition? Hints from the past
Carlo Laj and Catherine Kissel
Commentary: Is the Neoproterozoic oxygen burst a supercontinent legacy?
Anne Nédélec and Anastassia Y. Borisova
MSP-Tool: A VBA-Based Software Tool for the Analysis of Multispecimen Paleointensity Data
Marilyn W. L. Monster, Lennart V. de Groot, and Mark J. Dekkers
Thermomagnetic Behavior of Magnetic Susceptibility—Heating Rate and Sample Size Effects
Diana Jordanova and Neli Jordanova
Detecting and Correcting for Paleomagnetic Inclination Shallowing of Sedimentary Rocks: A Review
Yong-Xiang Li and Kenneth P. Kodama

    Section “Hydrosphere”

An urgent case for higher resolution digital elevation models in the world's poorest and most vulnerable countries
Alanna L. Simpson, Simone Balog, Delwyn K. Moller, Benjamin H. Strauss, and Keiko Saito
Improving efficacy of landscape interventions in the (sub) humid Ethiopian highlands by improved understanding of runoff processes
Tigist Y. Tebebu, Tammo S. Steenhuis, Dessalegn C. Dagnew, Christian D. Guzman, Haimanote K. Bayabil, Assefa D. Zegeye, Amy S. Collick, Simon Langan, Charlotte MacAlister, Eddy J. Langendoen, Birru Yitaferu, and Seifu A. Tilahun
CUES—a study site for measuring snowpack energy balance in the Sierra Nevada
Edward H. Bair, Jeff Dozier, Robert E. Davis, Michael T. Colee, and Keran J. Claffey
Predicting the ungauged basin: model validation and realism assessment
Tim van Emmerik, Gert Mulder, Dirk Eilander, Marijn Piet, and Hubert Savenije
Improving Low-Relief Coastal LiDAR DEMs with Hydro-Conditioning of Fine-Scale and Artificial Drainages
Thomas R. Allen and Robert Howard
Metric-Resolution 2D River Modeling at the Macroscale: Computational Methods and Applications in a Braided River
Jochen E. Schubert, Wade W. Monsen, and Brett F. Sanders
Perspectives on Open Access High Resolution Digital Elevation Models to Produce Global Flood Hazard Layers
Christopher C. Sampson, Andrew M. Smith, Paul D. Bates, Jeffrey C. Neal, and Mark A. Trigg
High-Accuracy Elevation Data at Large Scales from Airborne Single-Pass SAR Interferometry
Guy J.-P. Schumann, Delwyn K. Moller, and Felix Mentgen

    Section “Marine Biogeochemistry”

Utilizing colored dissolved organic matter to derive dissolved black carbon export by arctic rivers
Aron Stubbins, Robert G. M. Spencer, Paul J. Mann, R. Max Holmes, James W. McClelland, Jutta Niggemann, and Thorsten Dittmar
Seasonal Changes in Fe along a Glaciated Greenlandic Fjord
Mark J. Hopwood, Douglas P. Connelly, Kristine E. Arendt, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Mark C. Stinchcombe, Lorenz Meire, Mario Esposito, and Ram Krishna

    Section “Microbiological Chemistry and Geomicrobiology”

Preservation in microbial mats: mineralization by a talc-like phase of a fish embedded in a microbial sarcophagus
Miguel Iniesto, Nina Zeyen, Ana I. López-Archilla, Sylvain Bernard, Ángela D. Buscalioni, M. Carmen Guerrero, and Karim Benzerara

    Section “Paleontology”

New fossils from the Paleogene of central Libya illuminate the evolutionary history of endemic African anomaluroid rodents
Pauline M. C. Coster, K. Christopher Beard, Mustafa J. Salem, Yaowalak Chaimanee, and Jean-Jacques Jaeger

    Section “Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment”

Commentary: The impact of climate change on landslides in southeastern of high-latitude permafrost regions of China
Drandreb Earl O. Juanico
Commentary: The impact of climate change on landslides in southeastern of high-latitude permafrost regions of China
Fabio Matano
Driving Factors for Torrential Mass-Movements Occurrence in the Western Alps
Davide Tiranti, Roberto Cremonini, Irene Asprea, and Federica Marco

    Section “Structural Geology and Tectonics”

The 2015 Gorkha earthquake investigated from radar satellites: slip and stress modeling along the MHT
Faqi Diao, Thomas R. Walter, Mahdi Motagh, Pau Prats-Iraola, Rongjiang Wang, and Sergey V. Samsonov
Syn-thrusting polygonal normal faults exposed in the hinge of the Cingoli anticline, northern Apennines, Italy
Lorenzo Petracchini, Marco Antonellini, Andrea Billi, and Davide Scrocca

    Section “Volcanology”

The Viscous to Brittle Transition in Crystal- and Bubble-Bearing Magmas
Mattia Pistone, Benoît Cordonnier, Luca Caricchi, Peter Ulmer, and Federica Marone
Tephra without Borders: Far-Reaching Clues into Past Explosive Eruptions
Vera Ponomareva, Maxim Portnyagin, and Siwan M. Davies

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