Frontiers in Neuroscience

Monday, 16 July 2012

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Frontiers Article Alert
Frontiers in Neuroscience is pleased to announce a number of exciting new articles:
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Published on 31 May 2012
Effects of Aging and Anatomic Location on Gene Expression in Human Retina
Hui Cai, Mark A. Fields, Risa Hoshino, and Lucian V. Del Priore
Published on 1 June 2012
Wading pools, fading memories—place navigation in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease
Heikki Tanila
Published on 6 June 2012
Coping with brief periods of food restriction: mindfulness matters
Brielle Paolini, Jonathan H. Burdette, Paul J. Laurienti, Ashley R. Morgan, Donald A. Williamson, and W. Jack Rejeski
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Published on 8 June 2012
Low-level contrast statistics are diagnostic of invariance of natural textures
Iris I. A. Groen, Sennay Ghebreab, Victor A. F. Lamme, and H. Steven Scholte
Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience
Published on 4 June 2012
Decreasing Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Activity During Sequential Risk-Taking: An fMRI Investigation of the Balloon Analog Risk Task
Tom Schonberg, Craig R. Fox, Jeanette A. Mumford, Eliza Congdon, Christopher Trepel, and Russell A. Poldrack
Published on 8 June 2012
Different Varieties of Uncertainty in Human Decision-Making
Amy R. Bland and Alexandre Schaefer
Published on 5 June 2012
Making Decisions with Unknown Sensory Reliability
Sophie Deneve
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Published on 31 May 2012
Patients with Schizophrenia Fail to Up-Regulate Task-Positive and Down-Regulate Task-Negative Brain Networks: An fMRI Study Using an ICA Analysis Approach
Merethe Nygård, Tom Eichele, Else-Marie Løberg, Hugo A. Jørgensen, Erik Johnsen, Rune A. Kroken, Jan Øystein Berle, and Kenneth Hugdahl
Published on 1 June 2012
On Variability and Genes: Inter-individual Differences in Auditory Brain Function
Peter Sörös and Susan G. Stanton
Published on 1 June 2012
Oscillatory Brain Correlates of Live Joint Attention: A Dual-EEG Study
Fanny Lachat, Laurent Hugueville, Jean-Didier Lemaréchal, Laurence Conty, and Nathalie George
Published on 1 June 2012
Games people play—toward an enactive view of cooperation in social neuroscience
Denis A. Engemann, Danilo Bzdok, Simon B. Eickhoff, Kai Vogeley, and Leonhard Schilbach
Published on 1 June 2012
Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Neuroscience Paradigm of Social Interaction? A Matter of Perspective
Jérémie Mattout
Published on 1 June 2012
New frontiers in the neuroscience of the sense of agency
Nicole David
Published on 4 June 2012
What representations and computations underpin the contribution of the hippocampus to generalization and inference?
Dharshan Kumaran
Published on 4 June 2012
High frequency deep brain stimulation attenuates subthalamic and cortical rhythms in Parkinson's disease
Diane Whitmer, Camille de Solages, Bruce Hill, Hong Yu, Jaimie M. Henderson, and Helen Bronte-Stewart
Published on 4 June 2012
High Classification Accuracy for Schizophrenia with Rest and Task fMRI Data
Wei Du, Vince D. Calhoun, Hualiang Li, Sai Ma, Tom Eichele, Kent A. Kiehl, Godfrey D. Pearlson, and Tülay Adali
Published on 4 June 2012
Social top-down response modulation (STORM): a model of the control of mimicry in social interaction
Yin Wang and Antonia F. de C. Hamilton
Published on 6 June 2012
On the impacts of working memory training on executive functioning
Tiina Salminen, Tilo Strobach, and Torsten Schubert
Published on 6 June 2012
Reconceptualizing second-person interaction
Leon de Bruin, Michiel van Elk, and Albert Newen
Published on 8 June 2012
Neural responses to advantageous and disadvantageous inequity
Klaus Fliessbach, Courtney B. Phillipps, Peter Trautner, Marieke Schnabel, Christian E. Elger, Armin Falk, and Bernd Weber
Published on 8 June 2012
Auditory grouping mechanisms reflect a sound's relative position in a sequence
Kevin T. Hill, Christopher W. Bishop, and Lee M. Miller
Published on 8 June 2012
The Amazing Capacity to Read Intentions from Movement Kinematics
Sukhvinder S. Obhi
Published on 5 June 2012
Bisecting Real and Fake Body Parts: Effects of Prism Adaptation After Right Brain Damage
Nadia Bolognini, Debora Casanova, Angelo Maravita, and Giuseppe Vallar
Published on 5 June 2012
A simple hypothesis of executive function
Bruno Kopp
Published on 7 June 2012
Dynamic Functional Reorganizations and Relationship with Working Memory Performance in Healthy Aging
Roser Sala-Llonch, Eider M. Arenaza-Urquijo, Cinta Valls-Pedret, Dídac Vidal-Piñeiro, Nuria Bargalló, Carme Junqué, and David Bartrés-Faz
Published on 7 June 2012
The interactive brain hypothesis
Ezequiel Di Paolo and Hanne De Jaegher
Published on 7 June 2012
Coordination dynamics in a socially situated nervous system
Charles A. Coey, Manuel Varlet, and Michael J. Richardson
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
Published on 31 May 2012
Representation of numerosity in posterior parietal cortex
Jamie D. Roitman, Elizabeth M. Brannon, and Michael L. Platt
Published on 31 May 2012
Not so fast: taste stimulus coding time in the rat revisited
Michael S. Weiss and Patricia M. Di Lorenzo
Published on 31 May 2012
Electrophysiological correlates of predictive coding of auditory location in the perception of natural audiovisual events
Jeroen J. Stekelenburg and Jean Vroomen
Published on 11 June 2012
Insights from neuropsychology: pinpointing the role of the posterior parietal cortex in episodic and working memory
Marian E. Berryhill
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
Published on 31 May 2012
Synaptic clustering during development and learning: the why, when, and how
Johan Winnubst and Christian Lohmann
Published on 31 May 2012
Genetically encoded proton sensors reveal activity-dependent pH changes in neurons
Joseph V. Raimondo, Agnese Irkle, Winnie Wefelmeyer, Sarah E. Newey, and Colin J. Akerman
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience (Continued)
Published on 6 June 2012
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an important link in the apoptotic pathway induced by hyperglycemia in Y79 retinoblastoma cell line
R. Shehadeh Masha'our, R. Heinrich, H. J. Garzozi, and I. Perlman
Published on 6 June 2012
Semaphorin Signaling in Vertebrate Neural Circuit Assembly
Yutaka Yoshida
Frontiers in Neural Circuits
Published on 31 May 2012
Center-surround vs. distance-independent lateral connectivity in the olfactory bulb
David H. Kim, Andrew Y. Chang, Thomas S. McTavish, Hetal K. Patel, and David C. Willhite
Published on 31 May 2012
Postnatal maturation of somatostatin-expressing inhibitory cells in the somatosensory cortex of GIN mice
Amanda K. Kinnischtzke, Anna M. Sewall, Jon M. Berkepile, and Erika E. Fanselow
Published on 31 May 2012
Functional expression of the GABAA receptor α2 and α3 subunits at synapses between intercalated medial paracapsular neurons of mouse amygdala
Raffaella Geracitano, David Fischer, Yu Kasugai, Francesco Ferraguti, and Marco Capogna
Published on 31 May 2012
Molecular analysis of ivy cells of the hippocampal CA1 stratum radiatum using spectral identification of immunofluorophores
Jozsef Somogyi, Andras Szabo, Peter Somogyi, and Karri Lamsa
Published on 5 June 2012
Cortical nNOS neurons co-express the NK1 receptor and are depolarized by Substance P in multiple mammalian species
Lars Dittrich, Jaime E. Heiss, Deepti R. Warrier, Xiomara A. Perez, Maryka Quik, and Thomas S. Kilduff
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Published on 31 May 2012
Cortical GABAergic Neurons: Stretching It
Kathleen S. Rockland and Javier DeFelipe
Published on 5 June 2012
Contribution of pheromones processed by the main olfactory system to mate recognition in female mammals
Michael J. Baum
Published on 11 June 2012
The Claustrum and Insula in Microcebus murinus: A High Resolution Diffusion Imaging Study
Soyoung Park, J. Michael Tyszka, and John M. Allman
Frontiers in Neuroendocrine Science
Published on 30 May 2012
Who Plays the Strings in Newborn Analgesia at Birth, Vasopressin or Oxytocin?
Sven Wellmann and Christoph Bührer
Frontiers in Neuroenergetics
Published on 30 May 2012
Food Addiction and Obesity: Do Macronutrients Matter?
Tanya Zilberter
Frontiers in Neuroengineering
Published on 11 June 2012
Adaptive Proactive Inhibitory Control for Embedded Real-Time Applications
Shufan Yang, T. Martin McGinnity, and KongFatt Wong-Lin
Frontiers in Neurogenesis
Published on 30 May 2012
Inflammasome-IL-1β Signaling Mediates Ethanol Inhibition of Hippocampal Neurogenesis
Jian Zou and Fulton T. Crews
Published on 4 June 2012
All in the Family: How the APPs Regulate Neurogenesis
Orly Lazarov and Michael P. Demars
Frontiers in Neurogenomics
Published on 31 May 2012
Genetic, Morphometric, and Behavioral Factors Linked to the Midsagittal Area of the Corpus Callosum
Alex J. Newbury and Glenn D. Rosen
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Published on 1 June 2012
A Mutual Information Approach to Automate Identification of Neuronal Clusters in Drosophila Brain Images
Nicolas Y. Masse, Sebastian Cachero, Aaron D. Ostrovsky, and Gregory S. X. E. Jefferis
Published on 6 June 2012
Neuronvisio: A Graphical User Interface with 3D Capabilities for NEURON
Michele Mattioni, Uri Cohen, and Nicolas Le Novère
Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering
Published on 6 June 2012
Implementation of Olfactory Bulb Glomerular-Layer Computations in a Digital Neurosynaptic Core
Nabil Imam, Thomas A. Cleland, Rajit Manohar, Paul A. Merolla, John V. Arthur, Filipp Akopyan, and Dharmendra S. Modha
Frontiers in Neuropharmacology
Published on 29 May 2012
Imaging of microglia in patients with neurodegenerative disorders
Marios Politis, Paul Su, and Paola Piccini
Published on 8 June 2012
Long-Lasting Alterations in Membrane Properties, K+ Currents, and Glutamatergic Synaptic Currents of Nucleus Accumbens Medium Spiny Neurons in a Rat Model of Alcohol Dependence
Vincent N. Marty and Igor Spigelman
Published on 11 June 2012
On the Role of Cannabinoid CB1- and μ-Opioid Receptors in Motor Impulsivity
Joost Wiskerke, Yvar van Mourik, Dustin Schetters, Anton N. M. Schoffelmeer, and Tommy Pattij
Published on 11 June 2012
KCa2 and KCa3 Channels in Learning and Memory Processes, and Neurodegeneration
Els F. E. Kuiper, Ad Nelemans, Paul Luiten, Ingrid Nijholt, Amalia Dolga, and Uli Eisel
Frontiers in Systems Biology
Published on 11 June 2012
Mosquitoes as Potential Bridge Vectors of Malaria Parasites from Non-Human Primates to Humans
Niels O. Verhulst, Renate C. Smallegange, and Willem Takken
Published on 11 June 2012
Finding Self-organization from the Dynamic Gene Expressions of Innate Immune Responses
Kumar Selvarajoo and Alessandro Giuliani
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Published on 31 May 2012
Gap prepulse inhibition and auditory brainstem-evoked potentials as objective measures for tinnitus in guinea pigs
Susanne Dehmel, Daniel Eisinger, and Susan E. Shore
Published on 11 June 2012
[11C]Doxepin binding to histamine H1 receptors in living human brain: reproducibility during attentive waking and circadian rhythm
Katsuhiko Shibuya, Yoshihito Funaki, Kotaro Hiraoka, Takeo Yoshikawa, Fumito Naganuma, Masayasu Miyake, Shoichi Watanuki, Hirotoshi Sato, Manabu Tashiro, and Kazuhiko Yanai
Published on 11 June 2012
Stress and tinnitus—from bedside to bench and back
Birgit Mazurek, Heidemarie Haupt, Heidi Olze, and Agnieszka J. Szczepek
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