

Third Conference on Current Veterinary Practices

Edited by: Eickemeyer BV, BJ Culemborg, GST-Anacura,

Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

ISBN: 978-2-88919-992-1

Product Name: Frontiers Abstract Book

The Conference on Current Veterinary Practices aims at bringing equine veterinarians together to discuss the latest insights in veterinary surgery, medical imaging, drug treatment and horse care. In the present conference we highlight treatment of diseased cheek teeth and radiography of neck and back in a practical morning session. In the afternoon we have a theoretical conference that covers equine incisor diseases, cartilage repair in the veterinary field, radiography of tarsal lameness and bone lesions in the equine tarsus. The conference is registered with the Royal Dutch Veterinary Society (KNMvD), and therefore, study points will be acquired. Registration for the oral presentations (afternoon session) is free. Supported by an educational grant from GST-Anacura, Eickemeyer and

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