Displaying 1 - 10 out of 11896 Books


Personalized Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease

Lara Caldiroli, Alice Sabatino, Andreana De Mauri
Frontiers Media, SA

Nutritional status is a crucial prognostic factor in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. The nutritional approach depends on the stage of renal disease, patients’ comorbidities, proteins...


Recent advances in the treatment of epilepsy

Khojasteh Malekmohammad, Mahmoud Rafieian-Kopaei, Antonella Riva

Frontiers Media SA

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological chronic disorders characterized by unpredictable...


Every organism must recognize damage-associated and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs...


Enabling People-Centered Risk Communication for Geohazards

Alessandro Amato, Sally H. Potter, Anna Scolobig, Eric M. Thompson

Frontiers Media SA

In the field of natural hazards, communicating science with the public and stakeholders involves...


Micro/Nanorobots in Nanobiotechnology

Fengtong Ji, Yue Dong, Tianlong Li, Katherine Villa

Frontiers Media SA

Micro/nanorobots have emerged as functional agents and versatile tools for investigating the...


Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

Zhendong Liu, Changwei Li, Jichun Chen

Frontiers Media SA

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, which brings about...


Insights in Infectious Agents and Disease: 2022

Axel Cloeckaert

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is part of the Insights in Frontiers in Microbiology series.

We are...


Microbial Roles in Caves

Valme Jurado, Diana Eleanor Northup, Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic will focus on cave microorganisms and their interaction with the environment....


Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Endocrine Dysfunction

Hong Zhang, Hongbin Chi, Federico Jensen, Lianghui Diao, Zitao Liu

Frontiers Media SA

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), defined by WHO as three or more consecutive pregnancy losses,...


Insights in Healthcare Professions Education: 2023

Lynn Valerie Monrouxe, Jacqueline G. Bloomfield

Frontiers Media SA

This is the third instalment of the 'Insights in' series, following-on from


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 11896 Books


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