Displaying 1 - 10 out of 11 Books


Insights in Red Blood Cell Physiology: 2023

Lars Kaestner, Anna Bogdanova
Frontiers Media SA

Given the success of Insights in Red Blood Cell Physiology: 2021 and the continuing...


Time domains of hypoxia adaptation: Evolutionary insights and applications, volume II

Tatum S. Simonson, Francisco C. Villafuerte

Frontiers Media SA


Images from Red Cells

Giampaolo Minetti, Paola Bianchi, Lars Kaestner, Anna Bogdanova

Frontiers Media SA


Human Molecular and Physiological Responses to Hypoxia

Sandro Malacrida, Annalisa Cogo, Simona Mrakic-Sposta, Matiram Pun, Giacomo Strapazzon

Frontiers Media SA


Time Domains of Hypoxia Adaptation: Evolutionary Insights and Applications

Tatum S. Simonson, Francisco C. Villafuerte

Frontiers Media SA


New Methods for Red Blood Cell Research and Diagnosis

Richard Van Wijk, Paola Bianchi

Frontiers Media SA

Topic Editors Dr. Paola Bianchi and Dr. Richard Van Wijk provide consultancy to Agios...


The Tribute of Physiology for the Understanding of COVID-19 Disease

Georges Leftheriotis, Denis Noble, Susan Wray, Emmanuelle Vidal-Petiot, Adriana Castello Costa Girardi, Matthew A. Bailey, Deborah Schechtman, Ravi Nistala

Frontiers Media SA


Membrane Processes in Erythroid Development and Red Cell Life Time

Giampaolo Minetti, Eitan Fibach, Anna Rita Migliaccio

Frontiers Media SA



Pathophysiology of Rare Hemolytic Anemias

Richard Van Wijk, Paola Bianchi

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 11 Books


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