Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Books


Multi-Sensor Imaging and Fusion: Methods, Evaluations, and Applications, volume II

Zhiqin Zhu, Yu Liu, Huafeng Li, Guanqiu Qi, Bo Xiao, Jinxing Li
Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is Volume II of a series. The previous volume can be found here:


Multi-Sensor Imaging and Fusion: Methods, Evaluations, and Applications

Zhiqin Zhu, Yu Liu, Huafeng Li, Guanqiu Qi, Bo Xiao

Frontiers Media SA

Yu Liu


Novel ideas for accelerators, particle detection and data challenges at future colliders

Alessandro Tricoli, Patrizia Azzi, Petra Merkel, Vladimir Shiltsev

Frontiers Media SA


Electronics and Signal Processing

Gang Zhang, Guoan Wang, Jiquan Yang, He Zhu, Lei Guo

Frontiers Media SA


Challenges for Radiation Transport Modelling: Monte Carlo and Beyond

Miguel Antonio Cortés-Giraldo, Francis A. Cucinotta, Susanna Guatelli, Vasilis Vlachoudis

Frontiers Media SA


Frontiers in Physics - Rising Stars Asia

Wenxiang Xu, Jinjin Li, Gang Zhang, Xinming Li, Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Kimiko Sekiguchi, Liang Hong

Frontiers Media SA


Modern Tools for Time-Resolved Luminescence Biosensing and Imaging

Yiqing Lu, Gerard Marriott, Klaus Suhling

Frontiers Media SA


2021 Frontiers in Physics Editor's pick

Alex Hansen

Frontiers Media SA


Applied Nuclear Physics at Accelerators

Marco Durante, Vincenzo Patera, Yolanda Prezado

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Books


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