Displaying 1 - 10 out of 16 Books


Wave-Induced Particle Motions in the Ocean

Henrik Kalisch, Ton Van Den Bremer, John Carter, Nick Pizzo, Yan Li
Frontiers Media SA

Surface gravity waves at the surface of a fluid induce mass transport at the surface and in the fluid column below. Possibly the earliest result was given by Stokes who showed that periodic surface...


Air-Sea Interaction and Oceanic Extremes

Lichuan Wu, Jinbao Song, Victor Alari, Leonie Esters

Frontiers Media SA

Air-sea interactions control the exchange of mass, momentum and heat between the atmosphere and the...


Understanding and Predicting the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Dynamics

Julio Sheinbaum, Eric Chassignet, Steven L. Morey, Ruoying He

Frontiers Media SA

For the past several years, a number of research programs have funded significant efforts to...


Multi-Scale Ocean Dynamical Processes and Their Climatic, Ecological and Sedimentological Effects in the Eastern Indian Ocean

Zexun Wei, Raden Dwi Susanto, Swadhin Kumar Behera, DX Wang, Tengfei XU, Zhourong Cai

Frontiers Media SA

In the East Indian Ocean, there is a triangle region enclosed by the Ninety-east Ridge (NER), West...


Multi-scale fluid physics in oceanic flows: New insights from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations

Shi-Di Huang, Houshuo Jiang, Shengqi Zhou, Yeping Yuan, Claudia Cenedese

Frontiers Media SA


Physical Oceanography Processes at Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems

Francisco Machin, Jose Gomez-Valdes

Frontiers Media SA

Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS) have historically received attention from the scientific...


North pacific climate and ecosystem predictability on seasonal to decadal timescales

Shoshiro Minobe, Antonietta Capotondi, Fei Chai, Michael Jacox, Masami Nonaka, Ryan Ross Rykaczewski

Frontiers Media SA


Advances in sea state modeling and climate change impacts

Adem Akpinar, Giovanni Besio, Bahareh Kamranzad

Frontiers Media SA


The Role of the South Atlantic on the Interbasin and Pole-to-Pole Connections

Ronald Buss de Souza, Leticia Cotrim Da Cunha, Fabrice Hernandez, Regina R. Rodrigues

Frontiers Media SA


Physical Drivers of Biogeographical Shifts in the Northeastern Atlantic – and Adjacent Shelves

Hjálmar Hátún, Oeystein Skagseth, Teresa Sofia Giesta da Silva

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 16 Books


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