Displaying 1 - 10 out of 10 Books


Frontiers in Marine Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering Research Related to Marine (Renewable) Energy Development

Zhen Guo, Zhenkui Wang, Shengjie Rui, Zefeng Zhou, Guanqiong Ye, Dongfang Ma
Frontiers Media SA

To coordinate the contradiction between economic development and climate change, countries all over the world are vigorously developing renewable energy. Among all renewable energy sources, onshore...


Nature-Based Solutions for Natural Hazards and Climate Change

Borja Gonzalez Reguero, Fabrice Renaud, Silvana Di Sabatino, Brenden Jongman, Boris van Zanten, Michael W. Beck, Emmanuelle Cohen-Shacham

Frontiers Media SA


Ocean Sciences and Ethics

Michele Barbier, Angel Borja, Johannes Karstensen, Michelle Scobie

Frontiers Media SA

Dr. Michèle Barbier is the founder of the private Institute for Science and Ethics. The other...


Solving Complex Ocean Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Research: Advances from Early Career Marine Scientists

Stephanie Brodie, Christopher Cvitanovic, Maria Grazia Pennino, Jon Lopez, André Frainer, Kelly Ortega-Cisneros, Natasa Maria Vaidianu, Samiya Ahmed Selim, Sabine Mathesius

Frontiers Media SA

The Topic Editors Stephanie Brodie, Christopher Cvitanovic, Maria Grazia Pennino, Jon Lopez and...


Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Life Below Water: Towards a Sustainable Ocean

Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Christian Lønborg, Jesper H. Andersen, Elva G. Escobar-Briones, Michelle Jillian Devlin, Angel Borja, Marius Nils Müller, Carol Robinson, Alex Ford, Anna Milena Zivian, Ana M. M. Sequeira, Sebastian Villasante, Brett W. Molony, Tomaso Fortibuoni, Simone Libralato, Pierre Failler

Frontiers Media SA


Marine Conservation: Knowledge, Experience and Tools for Change

Shaili Johri, Holly J. Niner, Sophia N. Wassermann, Judith Meyer

Frontiers Media SA


Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)

Frank Edgar Muller-Karger, Enrique Montes, Dominique Pelletier, Juan Carlos Azofeifa-Solano, James Hendee

Frontiers Media SA


Advances in 3D Habitat Mapping of Marine Ecosystem Ecology and Conservation

Renata Ferrari, Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero, Javier Xavier Leon, John H. R. Burns, Will F. Figueira, Stuart A. Sandin, Andrew J. Davies

Frontiers Media SA


Successes at the Interface of Ocean, Climate and Humans

Nancy Knowlton, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Fiorenza Micheli, Christopher B. Field

Frontiers Media SA


Noise and vibrations generated by ships affect a wide range of receivers: crew and passengers...


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Ocean Solutions


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