Displaying 1 - 10 out of 24 Books


The Role of Physical and Biological Gut Barriers in Modulating Crosstalk between the Microbiota and the Immune System

Marika Falcone, Federica Facciotti, Julien Diana
Frontiers Media SA

The intestine has several means for maintaining immune homeostasis and for avoiding inflammation despite massive antigenic stimulation by food components and by commensal bacteria residing in the gut...


Interplay Between Diets, Microbiota, Bacterial Metabolites and Host for Intestinal Health and Disease

Silvia Melgar, Robert-J. Brummer, Maria José Rodriguez Lagunas

Frontiers Media SA

An interplay between the diet and the microbiota appears to regulate the host responses. It is now...


Community series in hepatic immune response underlying liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension, volume II

Enis Kostallari, Jinhang Gao, Yongzhan Nie, Xiong Ma

Frontiers Media SA


Oral Mucosal Immunity: Homeostasis and Inflammation

Dunfang Zhang, Junji Xu, Hiroko Nakatsukasa, Zhi Wang

Frontiers Media SA


The human lung immunoinflammatory network: Development, acute and chronic disease, and aging

Rabindra Tirouvanziam, Wendy W. J. Unger, Scott James Tebbutt

Frontiers Media SA


Role of Gut Microbiota in Diabetes Mellitus and Tumor Immunity

Zhe-Sheng Chen, Akhtar Rasul, Barkat A. Khan

Frontiers Media SA



The Immunology of the Male Genital Tract

Yong-Gang Duan, Daishu Han, Kenneth Tung

Frontiers Media SA

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or...


Immunoregulation at Mucosal Surfaces

Javier Leceta, Rosa Del Campo, Stefan Jordan, Christoph Siegfried Niki Klose

Frontiers Media SA


Immunology of the Oral Mucosa

Lesley Ann Bergmeier, Nicolas Dutzan, Patricio C. Smith, Heleen Kraan

Frontiers Media SA


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Mucosal Immunity


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