Displaying 1 - 10 out of 37 Books


The Marine Iodine Cycle, Past, Present and Future

Rosie Chance, Dalton Hardisty, Anoop Sharad Mahajan, Maeve Carroll Lohan, Gregory A. Cutter
Frontiers Media SA

The marine iodine cycle has remained enigmatic despite decades of research. As a redox active element that is accumulated by many marine organisms, it exists in multiple oxidation states and phases...


Biogeochemical processes of micro/trace elements and their impacts on marine ecosystems

Wen Zhuang, Jinming Song, Hermano Melo Queiroz

Frontiers Media SA


Recent Developments in Oxygen Minimum Zones Biogeochemistry

Sudheesh Valliyodan, Syed WajihAhmad Naqvi, Gireesh Kumar T. R., Annie Bourbonnais, Mark A. Altabet, Amal Jayakumar

Frontiers Media SA


Seafloor processes: Geomorphology, sediment-ocean interaction and natural resources

Jiangxin Chen, Leonardo Azevedo, Wei Li, Min Luo

Frontiers Media SA


Biogeochemical, ecological and biophysical dynamics in the kuroshio, oyashio and their extension regions

Guangchao Zhuang, Makio Honda, Jing Zhang, Meixun Zhao, Fei Chai

Frontiers Media SA


The Physiology, Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Marine Zooplankton in a Changing Arctic Ocean

Daniel J. Mayor, Geraint A. Tarling, Kim Last, Malin Daase

Frontiers Media SA



Natural and artificial radionuclides as tracers of ocean processes

Jixin Qiao, NĂºria Casacuberta, Paul Mcginnity

Frontiers Media SA


Changing biogeochemical and ecological dynamics in the south china sea in times of global change

Shuwen Zhang, Fajin Chen, Tim Jennerjahn, Guangzhe Jin

Frontiers Media SA


Advances in estuarine and coastal nitrogen cycle

Xianbiao Lin, Xiyang Dong, Shuting Liu, Jing Wei

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 37 Books


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