Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Books


Endocrine and Metabolic Effects on Maternal-fetal and Neonatal Outcomes

Huixia Yang, Moshe Hod, Jie Yan, Cuilin Zhang
Frontiers Media SA


Developmental Biology and Endocrine Research for a Successful Pregnancy

Jayonta Bhattacharjee, Alessandro Rolfo, Bellisa Freitas Barbosa, Kazuhiko Imakawa, Leonardo Ermini

Frontiers Media SA

Pregnancy is central to mammals’ life, growth and development. A successful pregnancy is a...


Maternal-fetal interface: New insight in placenta research

Cilia Abad, Mariana Farina, Alicia E Damiano, Reinaldo MarĂ­n

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Books


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