Displaying 1 - 6 out of 6 Books


Disorder and Superconductivity: a 21st-century update

Ruslan Prozorov, James Avery Sauls, Nigel Hussey, Peter Hirschfeld, Maria Iavarone
Frontiers Media SA

Studying defects and imperfections in unconventional superconductors is paramount for fundamental and applied research. Defects play a multifaceted role, from decreasing quality and performance in...


Nematicity in iron-based superconductors

Qisi Wang, Anna Böhmer, Laura Fanfarillo

Frontiers Media SA


Advances in Superconducting Infinite-Layer and Related Nickelates

Matthias Hepting, Danfeng Li, Antia Botana, George Sawatzky, Junjie Zhang

Frontiers Media SA


Generation, Detection and Manipulation of Skyrmions in Magnetic Nanostructures

Huaiyang Yuan, Xichao Zhang, Cynthia Reichhardt

Frontiers Media SA


Frontiers in Physics - Rising Stars Asia

Wenxiang Xu, Jinjin Li, Gang Zhang, Xinming Li, Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Kimiko Sekiguchi, Liang Hong

Frontiers Media SA


2021 Frontiers in Physics Editor's pick

Alex Hansen

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 6 out of 6 Books


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