Displaying 1 - 10 out of 59 Books


Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Updates in Neurotechnology and Neuromodulation, Volume IV

Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Michael S. Okun, Joshua K. Wong, James J. Giordano, Marta San Luciano, Svjetlana Miocinovic
Frontiers Media SA

In recent years, numerous developments have taken place in the field of neuromodulation. The introduction of newer technologies, software and increasing understanding of brain physiology in...


Meditative practice and behavioral neuroscience

Junling Gao, Chunqi Chang, Liye Zou, Lobsang Tenzin Negi, Eric W. Tsang

Frontiers Media SA


Neural basis of reading acquisition and reading disability

Li-Hai Tan, Charles A. Perfetti, Johannes Ziegler, Bruce D. McCandliss

Frontiers Media SA



Specific Macroscopic Brain Changes in Psychotic Disorders

Felix Brandl, Franziska Knolle, Stefan Borgwardt, Chun Meng

Frontiers Media SA


The neuroscience of advancing age

George M Opie, Mitchell Ryan Goldsworthy, John Semmler, Rachael D Seidler, Ann-Maree Vallence

Frontiers Media SA



Neural bases of neurological and psychiatric disorders and their neuromodulation treatments

Kai Wang, Jiaojian Wang, Yanghua Tian, Bochao Cheng, Hongming Li

Frontiers Media SA


Translational brain-computer interfaces: From research labs to the market and back

Davide Valeriani, Hubert Cecotti, Antonia Thelen, Christian Herff

Frontiers Media SA



Displaying 1 - 10 out of 59 Books


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