Displaying 1 - 10 out of 55 Books


Insights in Aquatic Microbiology: 2023

Michael Rappe, Jin Zhou
Frontiers Media SA

To shed light on the latest breakthroughs and cutting-edge research, Frontiers in Microbiology presents this compelling series of Research Topics. Spearheaded by esteemed experts, Prof. Michael Rappé...


Cyanobacterial Diversity: Environmental Effect and Ecosystem Functioning

Da Huo, Hua Li, Beatriz Roncero Ramos, Yueming Qu, Man Xiao

Frontiers Media SA

Cyanobacteria, represent an incredibly diverse group of photosynthetic microorganisms that can be...


Microbial Diversity and Resources in Tidal Flats

Xue-Wei Xu, Feng-Yan Bai, Gaëtan Burgaud

Frontiers Media SA

Tidal flats are widely distributed worldwide, occupying at least 127,921 km2, of which 70% are...



Ecology and molecular biology of bloom-forming cyanobacteria

Petra M. Visser, Robert Michael McKay, George S. Bullerjahn

Frontiers Media SA


Microbes from Marine Distinctive Environments

Shan He, Ming Ma, Slava Epstein

Frontiers Media SA


Marine Microbiomes: Towards Standard Methods and Best Practices

Stéphane Pesant, Kelly D. Goodwin, Catarina Magalhães, Anaïs Lacoursière-Roussel

Frontiers Media SA

A decade of technological advances and research on the human microbiome has re-defined our...


Methods in Aquatic Microbiology

Tony Gutierrez, Frederic Coulon, Terry John McGenity, Kai Ziervogel

Frontiers Media SA


Microbial Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Fragmented Rivers Worldwide

Lunhui Lu, Dayong Zhao, Leonardo D. Fernández, Zhe Li

Frontiers Media SA

Dams or barriers are among the most significant anthropogenic threats to global freshwater...


Rising Stars in Aquatic Microbiology: 2022

Hongbin Liu, Tony Gutierrez

Frontiers Media SA

Recognizing the future leaders of Aquatic Microbiology is fundamental to safeguarding tomorrow's...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 55 Books


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