Displaying 1 - 10 out of 1237 Books


Innovation in Developmental Psychology, Education, Sports, and Arts: Advances in Research on Individuals and Groups, volume II

Radu Predoiu, Alexandra Predoiu, Andrzej Piotrowski, Georgeta Panisoara
Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is the second volume of the Research Topic "Innovation in Developmental Psychology, Education, Sports, and Arts: Advances in Research on Individuals and Groups" Please see the...


The Metaverse, Immersive Virtual Reality and its Implications on Human Behavior

Bernady O. Apduhan, Osvaldo Gervasi, JungYoon Kim, Damiano Perri, Sabina Curti

Frontiers Media SA

The metaverse is a synthetic environment in which users interact in various ways. The key feature...


Cognitive and Mental Health Improvement Under- and Post-COVID-19

Chong Chen, Gabriele Nibbio, Yuka Kotozaki

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is a part of a collection on the topic of Cognitive and Mental Health...


Optimizing Player Health, Recovery, and Performance in Basketball, volume II

Davide Ferioli, Aaron T. Scanlan, Daniele Conte

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is the second volume of the article collection: "Optimizing Player Health,...


Research on Teaching Strategies and Skills in Different Educational Stages

Pedro Gil-Madrona, Linda Saraiva, Luisa Losada-Puente

Frontiers Media SA

The teaching practice becomes a reciprocal activity in the classroom when teachers apply their...


Psychological Implications of Preterm Birth

Livio Provenzi, Evalotte Mörelius, Mia McLean, Minesh Khashu

Frontiers Media SA

Preterm birth which comprises about 10% of births globally has significant short and long term...


This issue aims to portray, justify, advance, contrast, and illustrate research programs in the...


Cognitive Benefits of Technologies Applied to Learning in Education

Beatriz Peña-Acuña, Yolanda Navarro Abal, Pedro Román-Graván, Pedro Tadeu, Manuel León-Urrutia, Javier Ávila-López, Rafael Crismán Crismán Pérez, Carmen M. Toscano-Fuentes, Carmen María Martín Del Pino

Frontiers Media SA

In general, scientific inquiry about the benefits of digital gadgets focused on learning at all...


Motivations for Physical Activity

Pedro Morouço, Aleksandra Maria Rogowska

Frontiers Media SA

This is the third volume of the Research Topic: Motivation for Physical Activity. Please see the...


New Trends in Typical and Atypical Language Acquisition

Eliseo Diez-Itza, Alejandra Auza B., Victoria Marrero-Aguiar, Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is associated to the AEAL International Congress for the Study of Language...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 1237 Books

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