Displaying 1 - 10 out of 784 Books


Microorganisms in Polar Regions: Understanding Their Survival Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Prashant Kumar Singh, Shiv Mohan Singh, Trista J. Vick-Majors
Frontiers Media SA

Scientific research on cold-adapted microorganisms (specifically polar microbes) is of great interest, since Arctic and Antarctic regions harbor diverse and active populations of microorganisms....


Women in Microbial Physiology and Metabolism: 2023

Jie Xiao, Ilana Kolodkin-Gal, Maria Filippa Addis

Frontiers Media SA

Please note that to be considered for this collection, the first author or at least one...


Women in Infectious Agents and Disease: 2023

Svetlana Khaiboullina, Nayeli Alva-Murillo, Alina Maria Holban, Ze Chen

Frontiers Media SA

Please note that to be considered for this collection, the first author or at least one...


The Gut-Skin Axis: Interaction of Gut Microbiome and Skin Diseases

Jianmin Chai, Xiaoyuan Wei, Jiangchao Zhao

Frontiers Media SA

More and more evidence has demonstrated that gut microbiome plays critical roles in modulating the...


Bacteriophage and Host Interactions

Alicja Wegrzyn, Sylwia Bloch

Frontiers Media SA

Bacteriophages, the viruses which infect bacterial cells, were discovered over one hundred years...


Antimicrobial peptides and their druggability, bio-safety, stability, and resistance

Jianhua Wang, Octavio Luiz Franco, Rustam Aminov, Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez, Guangshun Wang

Frontiers Media SA


Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation: Microbes, Mechanisms and Modeling

Baoli Zhu, Yong Li, Zengming Chen, Hangwei Hu, Adrian-Stefan Andrei

Frontiers Media SA

Currently, the global average temperature is projected to increase by 0.2 °C per decade due to past...


Microbiome Associated With Plant Pathogens, Pathogenesis, and Their Applications in Developing Sustainable Agriculture

Baoyu Tian, Jia-Wei Guo, Xiao Lin Wang, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad

Frontiers Media SA

Plant pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, insect pests, etc., can pose a great...


Extremophiles have been studied for many decades - these microorganisms can thrive under a vast...



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