Displaying 1 - 7 out of 7 Books


In Vitro Diagnosis of Allergic and Mast Cell-Related Disorders

Joana Vitte, Alexandra F. Santos
Frontiers Media SA

Allergic diseases, affecting one in four people, are diagnosed through the demonstration of an abnormal immune response (sensitization) to a trigger (allergen) inducing a clinical hypersensitivity...


Assessment and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions in Oncology

Kevin Sheng-Kai Ma, Chun-Bing Chen

Frontiers Media SA


Highlights in rhinology

Sven F. Seys, Giancarlo Ottaviano, Pongsakorn Tantilipikorn

Frontiers Media SA


The complexity of urticaria

Michael Makris, Emek Kocatürk, Luis Felipe Ensina, Michael Rudenko, Sabine Altrichter

Frontiers Media SA


C1 Inhibitor Deficiency and Angioedema

Henriette Farkas, Anastasios E. Germenis, Hilary J. Longhurst

Frontiers Media SA


Allergens and Allergic Sensitization in Asia and the Tropics

Alain Jacquet, Luis Caraballo, Andreas L. Lopata, Fook Tim Chew, Enrique Fernandez-Caldas, Ting Fan Leung, Anna Pomés, Musa R. Khaitov

Frontiers Media SA


The 12th C1 Inhibitor Deficiency & Angioedema Workshop (to be held on-line between 3 and 6 June...


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