Displaying 1 - 10 out of 95 Books


Towards a Psychophysiological Approach in Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sports, volume II

Pedro Forte, Daniel Leite Portella, Diogo Monteiro, José Eduardo Teixeira
Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is the second volume of the article collection: "Towards a Psychophysiological Approach in Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sports". Please see the first volume


The Physiology of the Female Athlete – Performance, Health, and Recovery

Boye Welde, Rebecca Danti Larson, Jeremy Mikhail Kellawan, Øyvind Sandbakk, Bente Morseth, John Owen Osborne

Frontiers Media SA

Current understanding of physiological characteristics of different populations and responses to...


Metabolic Responses and Adaptations to Exercise

Simone Luti, Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis, Tania Gamberi, Cristina Vassalle, Alessio Pellegrino

Frontiers Media SA

Worldwide, individuals are living longer. As such, the number of older adults in society is...


Injuries, Injury Prevention and Training in Climbing

Gudmund Grønhaug, Atle Hole Saeterbakken, Volker Rainer Schöffl, Andreas Schweizer

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is the second volume of the Research Topic "Injuries, Injury Prevention and...


Current Advances in Exercise Immunology

Richad J. Simpson, Shlomit Radom-Aizik, Forrest Lee Baker, Guillaume Spielmann, Ana Maria Teixeira, Erik D. Hanson, Brandt D. Pence

Frontiers Media SA

Maintaining optimal immune function is at the cornerstone of disease prevention and management. The...


Walking, Cycling and Active Travel As Part of Physical Activity and Public Health Systems

Paul Kelly, Jason M. R. Gill, Jessica Bourne, Justin Richards, Deborah Salvo

Frontiers Media SA

Increasing active travel (walking, cycling, wheeling, etc.) is seen as a key public policy priority...


The youth elite football players

Thomas Rostgaard Andersen, Morten B. Randers, James Malone

Frontiers Media SA


Research in social psychology, prevention activities and mental health promotion

Sergio López García, José Enrique Moral-García, Manuel Joaquim Loureiro, Alba González-Palomares, Brais Ruibal-Lista

Frontiers Media SA


Performance optimization in football: Advances in theories and practices

Qing Yi, Miguel-Angel Gomez-Ruano, Hongyou Liu

Frontiers Media SA


Learning and Skill Acquisition in Sports: Theoretical Perspectives

Christian Thue Bjørndal, Rob Gray, Thomas Schack

Frontiers Media SA

Humans depend on learning and skill improvement, which is perhaps most evident in the field of...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 95 Books


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