Displaying 1 - 10 out of 12787 Books


Preventing and Treating Liver Diseases: Medicinal and Food Plants, their metabolites as potential options

Qinge Ma, Rongrui Wei, Zhipei Sang, Chunsu Yuan, Chunlei Zhang
Frontiers Media SA

Liver diseases are seriously endangering human health in the world. In recent years, the incidence rate of liver disease is increasing year by year, and the age of patients tends to be younger....


Approximation Methods and Analytical Modeling Using Partial Differential Equations

Tamara Fastovska, Yurii Kolomoitsev, Kateryna Buryachenko, Marina Chugunova

Frontiers Media SA

Adequate mathematical modeling is the key to success for many real-world projects in engineering,...


Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant in Hematological Malignancies: Controversies and Perspective

Salvatore Leotta, Jacopo Mariotti, Sabrina Giammarco

Frontiers Media SA

The Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), since the experiments in rodents in...


Physiological Adaptations of Insects Exposed to Different Stress Conditions, volume II

Bin Tang, Bimalendu B. Nath, Lisheng Zhang, Can Li

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is part of a successful Community Series following


Insights in Terrestrial Microbiology: 2023/2024

Jeanette M. Norton, Paola Grenni, Ruibo Sun

Frontiers Media SA

To shed light on the latest breakthroughs and cutting-edge research, Frontiers in Microbiology...


Visualization Techniques in Tribology

Taisuke Maruyama, Satoru Maegawa, Hikaru Okubo, Thomas Reddyhoff, Sorin-Cristian Vladescu, Florian Michael Becker-Dombrowsky

Frontiers Media SA

"Seeing is believing" is a phrase that conveys the idea that people tend to believe something more...


Innovation in Developmental Psychology, Education, Sports, and Arts: Advances in Research on Individuals and Groups, volume II

Radu Predoiu, Alexandra Predoiu, Andrzej Piotrowski, Georgeta Panisoara

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic is the second volume of the Research Topic "Innovation in Developmental...


Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment in Diabetic Nephropathy, volume III

Federico Biscetti, Maria Margherita Rando, Md Abdul Hye Khan

Frontiers Media SA

Given the success of the previous collection Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment in Diabetic...


With the changes in the living patterns and dietary patterns of modern people, the incidence of...


This Research Topic is part of a series with:


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