Displaying 1 - 10 out of 12590 Books


3rd International Meeting of the Portuguese Physiological Society

Sociedade Portuguesa de Fisiologia (SPF) - Portuguese Physiological Society
Frontiers Media SA

As a cornerstone of the life sciences, Physiology bridges various disciplines, underpinning education and practice in areas such as human and animal health, physical activity and sports, biology and...


Transcriptional and Epigenetic Landscapes of Abiotic Stress Response in Plants

Aamir W. Khan, Yezhang Ding, Mehanathan Muthamilarasan

Frontiers Media SA

The scientific community is currently focusing on climate resilience to ensure food and nutritional...


Insights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2023

Matteo Anselmino

Frontiers Media SA

We are now entering the third decade of the 21st Century, and, especially in the last years, the...


Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders: Care, communication and biomedical challenges

University of Ljubljana, Spominčica - Alzheimer Slovenia, nEUROcare and in collaboration to Alzheimer, Europe and Alzheimer Disease International

Frontiers Media SA

The conference Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders - Care, Communication and Biomedical...


Hold the Salt: Dietary Sodium's Effect on Cardiovascular and Kidney Diseases

Ashley Pitzer Mutchler, Marcelo Perim Baldo, Youngseung Lee, Maria Do Carmo Serrano

Frontiers Media SA

Sodium plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular and kidney health and disease, with its balance being...


Promoting Health and Addressing Disparities Amongst Indigenous Populations

Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Jorge Vasconez-Gonzalez, Rene L. Begay, Juan Sebastian Izquierdo-Condoy

Frontiers Media SA

Indigenous populations have experienced centuries of oppression, marginalization, and...


This Research Topic is the second volume. Please see the first volume at: Health Public Health Health Economics


Pain Assessment and Management in Veterinary Medicine

Caterina Di Bella, Petra Dmitrović, Alessandro Mirra, Luca Pennasilico

Frontiers Media SA

Pain is a complex experience with sensory and affective elements, whether associated with tissue...


Metabolomics and Transcriptomics in Biomarker Discovery: Mass Spectrometric Techniques in Volatilome Research

Andras Szeitz, Konstantinos Andreas Kouremenos, Steven Hallam, Jens Herbig, Shane Peter Fitzgerald

Frontiers Media SA

Metabolites are generated in part during catabolism when the consumed sources of energy undergo...


In the last years, advances in omic technologies, such as 16S rDNA gene sequencing, metabolomics,...


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